__1443 events since 2007, back to schedule
8pm 8.-12.2.2024 9.2.2024,
10am 9.2.2024,
1pm 9.2.2024,
15.2.2024 16.2.2024 17.2.2024 1. Schweizer Chorleiterpreis SWISS MADE Basel, Hochschule für Musik sonett CXXXI, sonett XVIII & sonett II by JIP Masterclasses with Basler Madrigalisten 17.2.2024 Wettbewerbskonzert 1. Schweizer Chorleiterpreis SWISS MADE Basel, Hochschule für Musik, Grosser Saal sonett CXXXI, sonett XVIII & sonett II by JIP Basler Madrigalisten, Raphael Immoos (dir) concert recorded by Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur 1.3.2024, 9pm Schloss Leuk Forum Wallis neophyten by UMS'nJIP & Luis Tabuenca, WP https://forumwallis.ch 2.3.2024, 5pm Schloss Leuk Forum Wallis Form & Farben educational project in collaboration with Musikschulen Chur und Basel, MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich, Schulen Goms and Ensemble ö! works by UMS'nJIP (WP), Svetlichny, Moser, Imai https://forumwallis.ch 3.3.2024, 8pm Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm neophyten WP by UMS'nJIP & Luis Tabuenca 4.3.2024, 8pm Basel, Freibad neophyten WP by UMS'nJIP & Luis Tabuenca 5.3.2024, 8pm Biel/Bienne, Voirie neophyten WP by UMS'nJIP & Luis Tabuenca 8.3.2024, 8pm MEbU, Münster Earport Ars Electronica Forum Wallis Selection Part 1 https://forumwallis.ch 9.3.2024, 8pm MEbU, Münster Earport Ars Electronica Forum Wallis Selection Part 2 https://forumwallis.ch 10.3.2024, 6pm MEbU, Münster Earport Ars Electronica Forum Wallis Selection Part 3 https://forumwallis.ch 15.3.2024, 8pm, Kippel i.L. 16.3.2024, 8pm, Eischoll 17.3.2024, 5pm, Reckingen Walliser Volkslieder revisited JIP conducting the Oberwalliser Volksliederchor WPs by Geschwister Burgener (arr. JIP) https://forumwallis.ch 15.3.2024, 7.30pm Chur, Theater Chur Form & Farben educational project in collaboration with Musikschulen Chur und Basel, MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich, Schulen Goms and Ensemble ö! works by UMS (2WP) and Albaladejo Díaz (WP) 16.3.2024, 7.30pm Zürich, City Kirche Offener Jakob Form & Farben educational project in collaboration with Musikschulen Chur und Basel, MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich, Schulen Goms and Ensemble ö! works by UMS (2WP) and Albaladejo Díaz (WP) 17.3.2024, 5pm Basel, Ackermannshof Form & Farben educational project in collaboration with Musikschulen Chur und Basel, MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich, Schulen Goms and Ensemble ö! works by UMS (2WP) and Albaladejo Díaz (WP) 11.4.2024, 7.30pm Vancouver
CA, St. Andrew's-Wesley United
Harmonia: The Leonids & Chor Leoni a.o. Ad mortem festinamus by JIP https://chorleoni.org/event/harmonia/ 11.4.2024, 7.30pm
Münster/Goms, MEbU,
Münster Earport
Turkey Project works by Deniz Hatipoğlu, Tokzhan Karatai, Yunus Eren Kirmizigül, Şahin Kureta, Ata Gökalp Öz, Gökçe Türkoğlu (all Swiss Premieres), Onur Dülger, Reuben de Lautour Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Manolis Ekmektsoglou (all WP) http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey 12.4.2024, 8pm Zürich, Kunstraum
Turkey Project works by Deniz Hatipoğlu, Tokzhan Karatai, Yunus Eren Kirmizigül, Şahin Kureta, Ata Gökalp Öz, Gökçe Türkoğlu (all Swiss Premieres), Onur Dülger, Reuben de Lautour, Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Manolis Ekmektsoglou (all WP) http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey 13.4.2024,
Turkey Project works by Deniz Hatipoğlu, Tokzhan Karatai, Yunus Eren Kirmizigül, Şahin Kureta, Ata Gökalp Öz, Gökçe Türkoğlu (all Swiss Premieres), Onur Dülger, Reuben de Lautour, Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Manolis Ekmektsoglou (all WP) http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey 14.4.2024, 6pm
Basel, Freibad
Turkey Project works by Deniz Hatipoğlu, Tokzhan Karatai, Yunus Eren Kirmizigül, Şahin Kureta, Ata Gökalp Öz, Gökçe Türkoğlu (all Swiss Premieres), Onur Dülger, Reuben de Lautour, Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Manolis Ekmektsoglou (all WP) http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey 19.4.2024, 3.40pm
Ankara, Bilkent University Lecture/Workshop with
works by Kawashima 20.4.2024, 8pm
Ankara, Saygun Uygulama Salonu, Bilkent University works by Kawashima, Karatai, Gysin, Aperghis, Berio, Codera Puzo,
Hatipoğlu, UMS, JIP
http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey 24.4.2024, 10am
Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi masterclass for singers with UMS’nJIP http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey http://anadolu.edu.tr 24.4.2024, 8pm
Eskişehir, Eskişehir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Sanat ve Kültür Sarayı (Opera) works by Dülger (World Premiere), Uzunselvi (Turkish Premiere), Kırmızıgül, Hatipoğlu, Kureta, Öz,
Karatai, Türkoğlu
http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey #eskişehirsenfoniorkestrasi
25.4.2024, 3pm
Eskişehir, Türk Dünyası Bilim Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi / Amfi Anadolu Üniversitesi
neophyten, concert with
UMS’nJIP & Anadolu Makam
works by JIP,
UMS’nJIP/Anadolu Makam
26.4.2024, 6pm
Istanbul, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University) Dolmabahçe Yerkeleskesi B1-206 Lecture/Workshop with UMS’nJIP works by Codera Puzo
reading session with Okan Toprak 27.4.2024, 6pm
Istanbul, IRHM, İstanbul Resim ve Heykel Müzesi (Istanbul State Art and Sculpture Museum) works by Kawashima, Kırmızıgül, Gysin, Dülger, Uzunselvi, Codera Puzo, Hatipoğlu, UMS, JIP http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey https://irhm.msgsu.edu.tr/ 30.4.2024, 1.30-8pm
Izmir, Yaşar Üniversitesi Lecture/Workshop with UMS’nJIP works by Codera Puzo reading session with Toygar Babacan, Kaan Selçuk http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey 2.5.2024, 8pm
Izmir, İzmir Kültür Sanat ve Eğitim Vakfı (IKSEV) works by Kawashima, Kırmızıgül, Gysin, Aperghis, Dülger, Uzunselvi, Codera Puzo, Hatipoğlu, UMS, JIP http://umsnjip.ch/projects/turkey 25.5.2024 Abbaye
La Maigrauge (FR) 26.5.2024 6.6.2024 SRF, SF2 Kultur, Neue Musik im Konzert Abschlusskonzert des 1. Schweizer Chorleitungswettbewerbs Basler Madrigalisten, Raphael Immoos (dir) works by JIP (from: Sonette), Linde, Bräm, Martin, Holliger, Courvoisier https://www.srf.ch/audio/neue-musik-im-konzert/abschlusskonzert-des-1-schweizer-chorleitungswettbewerbs?id=12595790
8pm KunstPlanet Opening Night 17-18h & 21-0h - Acousmatic Acts Alfredo Ardia - Due JIP - Interludes from
Kotoka Suzuki - Reservoir
Bihe Wen - In Limbo
Bernard Parmegiani -
Conjugaison du timbre
18-21h - Acoustic Acts Motoharu Kawashima - Das Lachenmann IV (2x) Luis Codera Puzo - oscillation ou interstice (2x) UMS - JvE-In D & Georges Aperghis - Récitation No.11 (2x) http://kunstplanet.ch
20.7.2024 21.7.2024
Bellinzona, San Biagio 28.9.2024 29.9.2024 3.-7.10.2024 4.10.2024,
9pm 5.10.2024 5.10.2024 19.10.2024 19.10.2024 20.10.2024,
5pm 20.10.2024,
7.30pm 25.10.2024,
8pm 28.10.2024,
10am 31.10. 1.11.2024,
8pm 13.11.2024,
6pm 14.-17.11.2024 15.11.2024,
8.45pm 15.11.2024,
12am 16.11.2024,
12.45am 16.11.2024,
10pm 19.11.2024,
7.30pm 23.11.2024,
6pm 24.11.2024,
11am 25.11.2024,
7.30pm !!!
CANCELED - 28.11.2024, 7.30pm !!!
CANCELED - 30.11.2024, 7.30pm !!!
PARTIALLY CANCELED - 1.12.2024, 11am !!!
CANCELED - 4.-7.12.2024 Binn, BinnKultur im störgarten by UMS'nJIP
16.-21.2.2023 Schloss Leuk Forum Wallis im störgarten, WP by UMS ´n JIP https://forumwallis.ch 4.3.2023 Schloss Leuk Forum Wallis Adventurous Sounds educational project in collaboration with MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich and dissonArt ensemble https://forumwallis.ch 4.3.2023 Schloss Leuk Forum Wallis Integrations WPs by UMS and JIP in collaboration with dissonArt ensemble https://forumwallis.ch 10.3.2023 11.3.2023 12.3.2023 MEbU, Münster Earport Ars Electronica Forum Wallis Selection works by Simone Conforti (WPs) John Chowning, Bihe Wen, Felipe Otondo Robert McClure, Bernard Parmegiani Alessio Rossato, Dominic Thibault Mattia Parisse, Zach Thomas, Thiago Salas Renan Gama, Karl F. Gerber, Luigi Ceccarelli Daniel Mayer, Nolan Hildebrand, Jonty Harrison https://forumwallis.ch 18.3.2023 19.3.2023 Ernen, Simplon-Dorf Walliser Volkslieder revisited JIP conducting the Oberwalliser Volksliederchor WPs by Adolf Imhof (arr. JIP) https://forumwallis.ch 3.5.2023, 7pm Istanbul Bilgi University Concert Hall im störgarten by UMS 'n JIP 4.5.2023, 6pm ITÜ MIAM Usmanbaş Hall Einfalt by Mathias Steinauer further works by Gervasoni, Oña, Svetlichny/UMS'nJIP 5.5.2023, 2.30pm Sesin Yolculuğu 14. Young Composers Contemporary Music Festival Istanbul Istanbul Cemal Reşit Rey (CRR) Foyer round table with Stefano Gervasoni, Onur Dülger, Tolga Tüzün, UMS'nJIP Şahin Kureta (mod) 6.5.2023, 2.30pm Sesin Yolculuğu 14. Young Composers Contemporary Music Festival Istanbul Istanbul Cemal Reşit Rey (CRR) Foyer round table with Elisa Azzara, Mirko Jevtovic, Cem Önertürk, Frantisek Vyrotsko, UMS'nJIP Şahin Kureta (mod) 6.5.2023, 5pm Sesin Yolculuğu 14. Young Composers Contemporary Music Festival Istanbul ITÜ MIAM Usmanbaş Hall masterclass for composers 6.5.2023 7.5.2023 8.5.2023 Sesin Yolculuğu 14. Young Composers Contemporary Music Festival Istanbul ITÜ MIAM Usmanbaş Hall Istanbul Cemal Reşit Rey (CRR) Concert Hall open rehearsals
8.5.2023, 8pm
Sesin Yolculuğu 14. Young Composers Contemporary Music Festival Istanbul Istanbul Cemal Reşit Rey (CRR) Concert Hall world premieres by Turkish composers Deniz Hatipoğlu Tokzhan Karatai Yunus Eren Kirmizigül Şahin Kureta Egemen Kurt Ata Gökalp Öz Gökçe Türkoğlu in collaboration with the
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality &
Akdeniz University State Conservatory Bilkent University Faculty of Music and Performing Arts Dokuz Eylül University State Conservatory University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (Kunstuniversität Graz [KUG]) Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Istanbul Bilgi University Music Department Istanbul Technical University – MIAM Istanbul Topkapı University Istanbul University State Conservatory Kocaeli University State Conservatory Maltepe University Conservatory Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Istanbul State Conservatory Uludağ University State Conservatory Yaşar University Faculty of Art and Design, Department of Music Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Art and Design guest composer: Stefano Gervasoni guest ensembles: Schallfeld Ensemble Graz, UMS'nJIP
6pm 3.6.2023 10.6.2023 19.6.2023 8.7.2023 12.-14.7.2023 18.-21.7.2023 1.9.23 26.9.2023 28.9.2023 29.9.2023
Lausanne Cathedral 9.10.2023,
10.45am 13.-17.10.2023 18.10.2023 10.11.2023,
7.30pm 23.-26.11.2023 30.11.-2.12.2023 2.12.2023,
26.12.2023 Binn, Binner Kulturtage Einfalt by Mathias Steinauer
LOCKDOWN 1.3.2022, 6pm, 8pm (6x) 2.3.2022, 5pm, 8pm (6x) Scuol, Fundaziun Nairs Lit Marveil HAUS - ein musikalisch-architektonisches Projekt von studio klangraum works by Beat Gysin http://studio-klangraum.ch 3.3.2022, 10am Sent, Primarschule Lit Marveil HAUS - ein musikalisch-architektonisches Projekt von studio klangraum works by Beat Gysin http://studio-klangraum.ch 22.3.2022, 8.30pm Zürich, Misterioso Jazz Club @ The Institute Mengis-Hagen-Pfammatter-Papaux CD release concert Live Capitol Brig Wide Ear Records WER062 http://wideearrecords.ch http://theinstitute.ch 27.3.2022, 12am, 3pm, 5.30pm (9x) Baden, Kurtheater Lit Marveil HAUS - ein musikalisch-architektonisches Projekt von studio klangraum works by Beat Gysin http://studio-klangraum.ch Brig, Kellertheater Ensemble Via Nova & UMS 'n JIP Wege, die sich kreuzen Max E. Keller zum 75. Geburtstag works by Keller, Zapf, Hoyer Hildebrandt, Frischknecht, JIP http://kellertheater.ch http://umsnjip.ch 30.4.2022, 11am, 3pm, 7pm (9x) Bern, PROGR Lit Marveil HAUS - ein musikalisch-architektonisches Projekt von studio klangraum works by Beat Gysin http://studio-klangraum.ch 14.5.2022, 11am, 2pm (6x) Bern, PROGR Lit Marveil HAUS - ein musikalisch-architektonisches Projekt von studio klangraum works by Beat Gysin http://studio-klangraum.ch 15.9.2022, 6pm Fondation Chateau Mercier Sierre Concert/Conférence with Chong Kee Yong and UMS ´n JIP works by Chong Kee Yong (WP) Codera Puzo, Kawashima 16.9.22 Starkland Records USA CD Release Shimmer, Tree... by Kotoka Suzuki featuring UMS ´n JIP performing Reservoir by Kotoka Suzuki Best Contemporary Classical September 2022 Gold Medal Winner Global Music Awards 2022 https://starkland.org/catalog/kotoka-suzuki-shimmer-tree/ 27.10.2022 Lugano, LAC Festival Oggi Musica UMS ´n JIP works by Steinauer & UMS 'n JIP WP JIP/eeiiuü-bccghhkknrrtz (ich bin zurückgekehrt) 2020/22, version for voice, recorder and electronics http://oggimusica.ch http://luganolac.ch 28.10.2022 Kino Capitol Brig ECHO - Eine Kulturreihe Im Kampf mit dem Berge (101 Jahre im Sturm und Eis) Mengis-Hagen-Pfammatter-Papaux https://agenda.culturevalais.ch/de/event/show/26629 5.11.2022 MKZ Konservatorium Zürich Adventurous Sounds works by Cage, Kawashima and UMS ´n JIP 18.11.2022 Kino Capitol Brig ECHO - Eine Kulturreihe RottenNacht Re_Play_Rhone, eine Filmcollage von Christoph Heinen live begleitet von UMS 'n JIP (WP) works by UMS ´n JIP https://agenda.culturevalais.ch/de/event/show/26630 1.12.2022 Alter Werkhof Brig Musikalischer Adventskalender Einfalt works by Steinauer https://x-advent.ch 17.12.2022, 5pm MEBU (Münster Earport) Opening Concert Einfalt op.33 by Mathias Steinauer/UMS 'n JIP https://mebu.umsnjip.ch http://mebu.umsnjip.ch/PDF/mebu_openingconcerts_flyer.pdf 17.12.2022, 8pm MEBU (Münster Earport) Opening Concert Three Voices (Playing with Morton) by Morton Feldman/UMS 'n JIP https://mebu.umsnjip.ch http://mebu.umsnjip.ch/PDF/mebu_openingconcerts_flyer.pdf 18.12.2022, 5pm MEBU (Münster Earport) Opening Concert Einfalt op.33 by Mathias Steinauer/UMS 'n JIP https://mebu.umsnjip.ch http://mebu.umsnjip.ch/PDF/mebu_openingconcerts_flyer.pdf 18.12.2022, 8pm MEBU (Münster Earport) Opening Concert Three Voices (Playing with Morton) by Morton Feldman/UMS 'n JIP https://mebu.umsnjip.ch http://mebu.umsnjip.ch/PDF/mebu_openingconcerts_flyer.pdf
LOCKDOWN 20.7.2021 Festival ArteScienza Italy Roma, St. Ignazio di Loyola works by Imai, Gysin, Uzunselvi Aperghis, Berio, UMS, JIP http://artescienza.info 21.7.2021 Festival ArteScienza Italy Isola del Liri, Giardini Fluviali works by de Lautour, Suzuki, Gysin Svetlichny, Wen, JIP http://artescienza.info LOCKDOWN Festival Forum Wallis Schloss Leuk world premiere by Mathias Steinauer http://forumwallis.ch 12.8.2021 Festival Forum Wallis Schloss Leuk world premiere Playing with Morton http://forumwallis.ch LOCKDOWN Musikreihe FUSiON Erfurt, Kunsthalle Erfurt Via Nova Ensemble & UMS ´n JIP works by Keller, Svetlichny, UMS, JIP http://ensemblevianova.de/termine/ 15.10.2021, 12am Nemonon Pontevedra UMS ´n JIP @ Festival Vertixe 9 Festival Presentation (conference) with Ramon Souto, JIP 16.10.2021, 12am Nemonon Pontevedra UMS ´n JIP @ Festival Vertixe 9 The History of the International Society for Contemporary Music ISCM (conference) with Xacobe Gaspar, David Duran, Ramon Souto and JIP http://vertixesonora.net/evento/iscm-sociedade-internacional-de-musica-contemporanea/ 16.10.2021, 5pm Igrexa Monacal de San Francisco de Pontevedra UMS ´n JIP @ Festival Vertixe 9 Playing with Morton http://vertixesonora.net/evento/tres-voces/ 28.10.2021, 7.30pm (world premiere, 3x) 29.10.2021, 10am-5pm (only Lit Marveil), 6.30pm, 8.30pm (6x) 30.10.2021, 11am, 6.30pm, 8.30pm (6x) 31.10.2021, 11am, 5.30pm (3x) HAUS - ein musikalisch-architektonisches Projekt von studio klangraum Basel, Ackermannshof, St. Johann-Vorstadt works by Beat Gysin, world premiere http://studio-klangraum.ch http://druckereihalle.ch 3.11.21, 8pm Music Olomouc Festival
Na Cucky Theatre
Olomouc (Czech Republic)
fCuV by UMS
UmeDuo (Sweden)
4.11.21, 5.30pm
Setkavany Novy Hudby Plus
Klenbovy Sal, JAMU Brno
Brno (Czech Republic)
fCuV by UMS
UmeDuo (Sweden)
5.11.2021 Musimatrix Muziekcentrum Track, Kortrijk, Belgium Musica Impulse Centre for Music UMS ´n JIP, Jasper & Jasper, Duobaan works by UMS, Kawashima & collective creations, 3 performances https://www.musica.be/en/formats/eersteklasconcerten 9.11.2021 10.11.2021 Musimatrix Landcommanderij Alden Biesen, Bilzen, Belgium Musica Impulse Centre for Music UMS ´n JIP, Jasper & Jasper, Duobaan works by UMS, Kawashima & collective creations, totally 15 performances https://www.musica.be/en/formats/eersteklasconcerten 11.11.21, 8pm
Theater am Gleis Winterthur
fLP by UMS (world premiere)
Ensemble Le Pli -
Perspektiven: Pfade, die sich verzweigen
12.11.21, 8pm
Atelier du Monde Basel
fLP by UMS (world premiere)
Ensemble Le Pli -
Perspektiven: Pfade, die sich verzweigen
27.11.21 ISCM Virtual Collaborative Series featured work: fKFW by UMS with Klangforum Wien & UMS ´n JIP https://iscm.org/iscm-activities/collaborative-events/iscm-virtual-collaborative-series-2020/ https://iscm.org/collaborative-events/virtual-collaborative-series/ulrike-mayer-spohn-fkfw/ http://iscm.org 17.12.2021 Adventskalender Münster, Goms http://umsnjip.ch/mebu.htm LOCKDOWN
*** 23.9.2020, ONO Bern
On Cage (Lecture on Nothing & Variations II) 8.00pm - Konzert 24.9.2020, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich On Cage (Lecture on Nothing & Variations II) 6.30pm - 4 Kids 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 25.9.2020, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe On Cage (Lecture on Nothing & Variations II) 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 27.9.2020, Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis On Cage (Lecture on Nothing & Variations II) 6.30pm - Einführung 7.00pm - Konzert http://umsnjip.ch/program-2020-oncage.htm http://mitte.ch http://onobern.ch
http://zeughauskultur.ch http://walcheturm.ch 9.10.2020 Echo - Eine Kulturreihe Kino Capitol Brig Fritz Lang - Frau im Mond (1929, 161m) live with JIP-Mengis-Pfammatter-Papaux http://www.up-side.ch/echo.html 18.10.2020 Theatre Dunois, Paris Cercle Etonnez vos oreilles - sons nouveaux, langages nouveaux Faux amis (world premiere) Theatre Musical Mise en scène: Pablo Maritano (Teatro Colon BsAs) https://www.theatredunois.org/la-saison http://umsnjip.ch/program-2020-fauxamis.htm 12.11.2020,
12.11.2020, 6.30pm 12.11.2020, 7.00pm Brig, Sebastianskapelle Hier & Jetzt, Corona-Kurzkonzerte Rhonefestival für Liedkunst works by Codera Puzo & Valais folk song arrangements by UMS 'n JIP http://rhonefestival.ch 3.12.2020, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe, Premiere 4.12.2020, Unternehmen Mitte
Basel, Safe
5.12.2020, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe 6.12.2020, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe A Christmas Carol, electropop opera 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Vorstellung 09.12.2020, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich 10.12.2020, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich A Christmas Carol, electropop opera 6.30pm - 4 Kids (nur 9.12.) 7.30pm - Einführung
8.00pm - Vorstellung
http://umsnjip.ch/program-achristmascarol.htm http://mitte.ch http://walcheturm.ch 11.12.2020, 6.00pm 11.12.2020, 6.30pm 11.12.2020, 7.00pm 11.12.2020, 7.30pm Schloss Leuk Hier & Jetzt, Corona-Kurzkonzerte Rhonefestival für Liedkunst works by Codera Puzo, Erik Oña & Christmas Carols http://rhonefestival.ch LOCKDOWN
15.1.2019, 7pm 17.1.2019, 11am 17.1.2019,
4.30pm 19.1.2019,
8.30pm 6.2.2019 11.2.2019, 3pm 11.2.2019, 6pm 12.2.2019, 9am 12.2.2019, 3pm 12.2.2019, 7.30pm 17.2.2019, 11am 18.2.2019, 9am 19.2.2019, 9am 19.2.2019, 5.30pm, live on TV
20.2.2019, 9am 20.2.2019, 6pm 21.2.2019, 9am 21.2.2019, 5pm, live on TV
9h00-14h00 22.2.2019,
6pm Latinoamerica Project 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 1.3.2019, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe Latinoamerica Project 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 3.3.2019, Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis Latinoamerica Project 6.30pm - Einführung 7.00pm - Konzert 4.3.2019, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich Latinoamerica Project 6.30pm - 4 Kids 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert
im Anschluss an die Aufführungen: BTS - behind the scenes WP works by Gonzalez,
Pellini, Delgado, Rubio, Idrobo, Cury,
Guadarrama, Gutierrez, Villanueva, Soto, Lemus, a.o. http://umsnjip.ch/program-latinoamerica2019.htm http://mitte.ch http://onobern.ch http://zeughauskultur.ch http://walcheturm.ch 1.3.2019, 8pm Le Cap, Französische Kirche, Bern 1968 - heute Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg i.Br.) fEA by UMS, further works
by Keller,
Idrobo, Frischknecht
Bürger, Jaggi
http://www.artpourlaar.ch/ 15.3.2019, 6pm Palacio de Bellas Artes Mexico City Ciclo Conciertos Internacionales del INBA works by Keller**, Porten*, Oña, Cotti**, Dougherty**, UMS***, JIP** Mexico Premiere*, America Premiere**, World Premiere*** https://issuu.com/cnmo.inba/docs/marzo 16.3.2019, 11am Centro de Investigación y Estudios de la Música CIEM Mexico City workshop for composers http://ciem.edu.mx
23.3.2019 28.3.2019,
1.30pm (workshop) 1.4.2019, 2pm
(workshop) 2.-10.5.2019
18.5.2019, 4pm 19.5.2019,
5pm 22.-31.5.2019 6.6.2019,
9.30pm 8.6.2019,
8pm 8.6.2019,
10pm 9.6.2019,
7pm 9.6.2019,
8pm 9.6.2019,
9pm 10.6.2019,
2pm 10.6.2019,
3pm 13.6.2019, Zeughaus Kultur
80 Jahre Maria Porten 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 14.6.2019, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe 80 Jahre Maria Porten 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 16.6.2019, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich 80 Jahre Maria Porten 6.30pm - 4 Kids 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 17.6.2019, ONO Bern 80 Jahre Maria Porten 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert works by Maria Porten (only 16.6.) guest musicians: Eva Nievergelt, Walter Prossnitz works by Porten, Kittos, Kawashima, Keller, JIP (13./14./17.6.) http://umsnjip.ch/program-mariaporten2019.htm http://mitte.ch http://onobern.ch http://zeughauskultur.ch http://walcheturm.ch 4.9.2019, Zeughaus Kultur
Ein Liederabend, world premieres 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 5.9.2019, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe Ein Liederabend, world premieres 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 8.9.2019, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich Ein Liederabend, world premieres 6.30pm - 4 Kids 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Konzert 9.9.2019, ONO Bern Ein Liederabend, world premieres 8.00pm - Konzert works by Bejo, Thomas, Clift, Gervasoni, Schiess, UMS, JIP http://umsnjip.ch/program-liederabend2019.htm http://mitte.ch
http://onobern.ch http://zeughauskultur.ch http://walcheturm.ch 14.9.2019 Hannover Congress Center HCC chor.com-Forum Schweizer Chormusik der Gegenwart Gebet XXI by JIP presented by Johannes Meister http://chor.com 1.10.2019 Mexico City Foro Internacional de Musica Nueva Manuel Enriquez FIMNME 2019 Ex Teresa Arte Actual works by Bihe Wen, Thorsten Töpp, Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Anton Svetlichny, UMS, JIP, Schwitters https://forodemusicanueva.inba.gob.mx 5.10.2019 Mexico City Foro Internacional de Musica Nueva Manuel Enriquez FIMNME 2019 Auditorio MUAC UNAM Integrations Ensemble CeproMusica MX & UMS ´n JIP, Jose Luis Castillo (dir) works by UMS and JIP https://forodemusicanueva.inba.gob.mx 9.10.2019, 10am Denton, TX University of North Texas UNT lecture https://music.unt.edu/ 10.10.2019, 9am Denton, TX University of North Texas UNT MEIT lecture featuring works by Motoharu Kawashima, Luis Codera Puzo Ermir Bejo and Zach Thomas https://music.unt.edu/ 10.10.2019, 8pm Denton, TX University of North Texas UNT MEIT concert featuring works by Ermir Bejo, Zach Thomas, Sungji Hong, Erik Oña, Stefano Gervasoni, UMS US premieres https://music.unt.edu/ 11.10.2019, 9am Denton, TX University of North Texas UNT coaching Nova Ensemble works by Crumb https://music.unt.edu/ 12.10.2019 13.10.2019 Denton, TX University of North Texas UNT recording sessions works by Thomas, Hong, Bejo https://music.unt.edu/ 16.11.2019 Venezia, Biennale Musica 2019 63rd International Contemporary Music Festival composition workshop https://www.labiennale.org/en/music/2019 17.11.2019 Venezia, Biennale Musica 2019 63rd International Contemporary Music Festival works by Simone Conforti and Ivan Fedele https://www.labiennale.org/en/music/2019 5.12.2019, Unternehmen Mitte
Basel, Safe, Premiere
6.12.2019, Unternehmen Mitte
Basel, Safe
7.12.2019, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe 8.12.2019, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Safe Sancho, electropop opera 7.30pm - Einführung 8.00pm - Vorstellung 11.12.2019, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich 12.12.2019, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich Sancho, electropop opera 6.30pm - 4 Kids (nur 11.12.) 7.30pm - Einführung
8.00pm - Vorstellung
13.12.2019, 8pm, Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis 14.12.2019, 9pm, Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis Sancho, electropop opera Werkeinführung eine halbe Stunde vor Aufführungsbeginnn http://umsnjip.ch/program-sanchopanza.htm http://mitte.ch
http://onobern.ch http://zeughauskultur.ch http://walcheturm.ch 23.12.2019, 5pm Binner Kulturabende 2019 Binn VS Italy Project works by Conforti, Gervasoni, Cotti http://italia.umsnjip.ch
17.1.2018 – 8pm, Ferme-Asile Sion 4.2.2018 - 5pm (presentation),
Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis 15.2.2018 - 8.15am, Rondo Fiesch 15.2.2018 - 7pm, Rondo Fiesch 22.-25.2.2018 - Sevilla 24.2.2018 - 7pm, Sevilla 4.3. - 10-12pm 14.3.2018 – 8pm, Unternehmen Mitte
Basel, Safe 21.3. 22.3.2018, 6pm 23.3.2018, 9.30pm 25.3.2018, 12.30am 5.4.2018, 5pm 6.4.2018, 9am 6.4.2018, 7.30pm 12.-16.4.2018 15.4.2018 16.4.2018, 7pm 20.-24.4. - Villa 20, Buenos Aires 25.4.-2.5. - Cordoba, Argentina 8.5. - Basel, Museum Jean Tinguely 17.5. - Leuk, Burgerspittel 17.5.2018 – 8pm, Leuk, Burgerspittel 19.5. - 20h, Kirche St. Stephan Leuk 20.5. - 17h, Schloss Leuk 23.-27.5. - Beijing 1.-4.6. - Palma de Mallorca 12.7.-8.8. 5.-15.8. 09.9.2018 – 8pm, Zeughaus Kultur
Brig-Glis 20.9., 6pm 5.10., 10am
7.10., 1pm 11.10. 12.10., 8pm 19.10., 4pm
26.10.2018 – 8pm, Freiburg i. Br. 4.11.2018 – 8pm, Zeughaus Kultur
Brig-Glis 29.11.2018 – 8pm, Gare du Nord Basel 5.12.2018 – 6pm, Alter Werkhof Brig
20/21/22/23 Jan. 9pm Basel, Safe im Unternehmen Mitte John Cage Trilogy - Part I Lecture on Nothing http://mitte.ch, http://umsnjip.ch/silence.htm 21.1. 8pm, Basel, Ackermannshof 3.2. 09h00, 10h30, 13h30, 15h00 3/4/5/6 Feb. 9pm Basel, Safe im Unternehmen Mitte John Cage Trilogy - Part II 45' for a Speaker http://mitte.ch, http://umsnjip.ch/55minuten.htm 13. February Bern, Dampfzentrale Protonwerk Nr.5 World Premiere new work by UMS Ensemble Proton Bern 14. February Basel, Gare du Nord Protonwerk Nr.5 World Premiere new work by UMS Ensemble Proton Bern 16. February Barcelona, Gran Teatre del Liceu works by Joan Bages (meta-morphé) http://www.liceubarcelona.cat/ 18. February Bern, Le Cap, Französische Kirche Galgenlieder World Premiere new work by UMS Ensemble Infinity à 5 21. February Zürich, Helferei Galgenlieder World Premiere new work by UMS Ensemble Infinity à 5 22. February Basel, Gare du Nord Konzertreihe "Route de Voix" Galgenlieder World Premiere new work by UMS Ensemble Infinity à 5 23. & 24 2. 9pm Basel, Safe im Unternehmen Mitte John Cage Trilogy - Part III Variations II http://mitte.ch, http://umsnjip.ch/variations2.htm 27.2. Société de Musique Contemporaine Lausanne Der Ruf des Windes JIP performing works by Tedde (WP), Lee (WP), Boismortier, Furrer, Scelsi with Paolo Vignaroli (fl), Tamar Eskenian (fl), Yoo Hong (fl) concert recorded by Swiss Radio Radio Suisse Romande Espace 2 1. March Fundacio ACA, Buger, Mallorca works by Gysin, Codera Puzo, Porten, Hofer, UMS, JIP 5.3. 22h Radio Suisse Romande RTS Espace 2, Musique d'Avenir Der Ruf des Windes, JIP performing works by Tedde (WP), Lee (WP), Boismortier, Furrer, Scelsi with Paolo Vignaroli (fl), Tamar Eskenian (fl), Yoo Hong (fl) concert recorded by Swiss Radio RTS Espace 2 7.3. Tokyo, Sonorium 13.-19.3. Centro de las Artes UNSAM,
Buenos Aires Artists in Residence, project: INTRA
CETVM in collaboration with Centro de
Experimentacion del Teatro Colon CETC &
Universidad Nacional de San Martin UNSAM 23.3.2017 – 8pm, Villa Sträuli Winterthur CD release 'wider-wege' streiffzug records Switzerland works by Max E. Keller 23.3.2017 – 8pm, Villa Sträuli
Winterthur, Musica Aperta 25. March Geneve, Festival Archipel World Premiere new work by Simone Conforti http://archipel.org 23.4. Weimar, Weimarer Frühlingstage für zeitgenössische Musik world premiere fWSF by UMS Finalist & 1st Prize Weimarer Frühlingstage für zeitgenössische Musik Composition Contest Ensemble Via Nova 27.4. 6.30pm Palma de Mallorca, Auditori COAIB Col.legi Oficial dels Arquitectes Illes Balears Pb BITS, conference, Discovering Soundscapes works by Beat Gysin 27.4. 7.30pm Palma de Mallorca, Auditori COAIB Col.legi Oficial dels Arquitectes Illes Balears Pb BITS 55minuten by JIP, world premiere Spanish version Das Lachenmann IV by Motoharu Kawashima, European premiere 29.4. 9.30pm Palma de Mallorca, Placa Base Collectiu Musical, CAC Ses Voltes Espai by Mateu Malondra with Belen Iniesta, Beatriz Tirado, Mateu Malondra, Pedro Trotz, Takao Hyakutome, UMS 'n JIP world premiere Sicut & Aedificationem by Mateu Malondra 30.4. 6pm Paris, Auditorium du Collège Franco-Britannique Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris, 17 Boulevard Jourdan | 75014 Paris UmeDuo performing fCuV by UMS further works by Rykova, Aperghis, Steen-Andersen a.o. 3. & 4.5. Teheran, 2nd Teheran Contemporary Music Festival UmeDuo performing fCuV by UMS further works by Rykova, Aperghis, Steen-Andersen a.o. http://tehrancmf.com/ 13.5.2017 –
8pm, Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis 26. May Zürich, Musikpodium der Stadt Zürich Haschen nach Wind - Gerhard Meier zum 100. Geburtstag World Premieres by both UMS (GM-Is) and JIP (m for string quartet and electronics) Amneris Quartet (David Sonton Caflisch), ensemble larynx (Jakob Pilgram) concert recorded by Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur 2.6. Schloss Leuk 3.6. Schloss Leuk Leuk, Festival Forum Wallis, Schloss Leuk 55minuten, works by JIP, Kawashima 14.6.2017 – 6pm, Kunstraum
Walcheturm Zürich, 4 Kids 18.6.2017 – 6pm, Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis Music for Water World Premieres by Maria Porten with Walter Giger, Maria Porten, Laura Hagen and JIP http://zeughauskultur.ch http://sanakvo.org 24.6. International Music Festival Primavera Sacra Savona, Italy 1st Prize Walter Ferrato Composition Contest World Premiere fWFC for mixed ensemble by UMS Ensemble Nuove Musiche http://www.ensemblenuovemusiche.eu/en/category/2017winners/ 25.6. New York, Jack (Brooklyn) Placa Base Collectiu Musical in collaboration with Ramon Llull Institute and Abrons Center New York City works by Bages (America Premiere), Rumbau (AP), Malondra (AP), Codera Puzo, JIP (AP) http://www.jackny.org/ 07/10/12/14/17/19/21/24/26/28 Jul
9.30pm Avignon, Festival d'Avignon, Theatre des
Vents John Cage (1912-1992) Trilogy 07/14/21/28 Jul 11pm Avignon, Festival d'Avignon, Theatre des Vents Discovering Contemporary Music Concert-Conférence featuring works by Luis Codera Puzo, Maria Porten, Georges Aperghis, Luciano Berio and Motoharu Kawashima http://avignonleoff.com http://theatredesvents.com http://avignon.umsnjip.ch 08/13/15/20/22/27/29 Jul 9.30pm Avignon, Festival d'Avignon, Theatre des Vents John Cage (1912-1992) Trilogy Variations II, http://umsnjip.ch/variations2.htm http://avignonleoff.com http://theatredesvents.com http://avignon.umsnjip.ch 09/11/16/18/23/25/30 Jul 9.30pm Avignon, Festival d'Avignon, Theatre des Vents John Cage (1912-1992) Trilogy 55 minuten (45' for a Speaker) featuring works by JIP and Motoharu Kawashima http://umsnjip.ch/55minuten.htm http://avignonleoff.com http://theatredesvents.com http://avignon.umsnjip.ch 26.7. 9pm Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur Neue Musik im Konzert Gerhard Meier zum 100. Geburtstag featuring works by UMS (GM-Is), JIP (m) a.o. live recording Musikpodium der Stadt Zürich, 26.5.17, Amneris Quartet http://www.srf.ch/sendungen/neue-musik-im-konzert/gerhard-meier-zum-100-geburtstag 1.-10.8. Buenos Aires Escuela de
Invierno, Seminario Intensivo de Opera
Contemporanea initiated by Centro de
Experimentación del Teatro Colón and Fundación
Williams, in collaboration with Goethe-Institut
(Ger), CalArts (EEUU), Potenciar Comunidades,
Universidad Nacional de San Martín y Americas
Society/Council of the Americas (EEUU). Prof.es:
Heiner Goebbels, David Rosenboom, Marc Lowenstein,
Pablo Maritano, UMS 'n JIP, Pablo Ortíz, Fernando
Fiszbein a.o. Academic Board: Miguel Galperín,
Pablo Ortíz, Sebastián Zubieta, Javier Hagen,
Pablo Maritano. https://www.goethe.de
http://www.fundacionwilliams.org.ar 7.-9.8. Centro de las Artes UNSAM, Buenos Aires Artists in Residence, project: INTRA CETVM, http://umsnjip.ch/unsam2017.htm / EINER EN LAS VILLAS in collaboration with Centro de Experimentacion del Teatro Colon CETC & Universidad Nacional de San Martin UNSAM 9.8. 9pm Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur Neue Musik im Konzert Protonwerk Nr.6 featuring works by UMS (fPW), Azzan, Bird, Clift, Frank live recording Gare du Nord Basel, 13.2.2017, Ensemble Proton Bern, Mathias Kuhn (dir) https://m.srf.ch/sendungen/neue-musik-im-konzert/protonwerk-no-6 23.-27.8. Schloss Leuk XX. R.A.M.E. Rencontres Architecture Musique Ecologie Jury Prix Englert 29.8.-3.9. Binntal/Heiligkreuz 10 years UMS 'n JIP 2007-2017 Denkfabrik 3.9. 6pm Brig, Zeughaus Kultur 10 years UMS 'n JIP 2007-2017 Jubiläumskonzert works by Porten, Codera Puzo, Kawashima de Lautour, Uzunselvi, Suzuki, Imai, Gysin Steinauer, UMS 'n JIP, with Manuel Mengis, Teresa Floriach, Pablo Maritano and Chao Ming Tung as guests http://zeughauskultur.ch 6.9. Luzern, Neubad Ensemble für Neue Musik Zürich & UMS 'n JIP works by Mathias Steinauer 09.9., 10.9., 11.9. Basel, Unternehmen Mitte, Safe 10 years UMS 'n JIP 2007-2017 Jubiläumskonzerte works by Porten, Codera Puzo, Kawashima de Lautour, Uzunselvi, Suzuki, Imai, Gysin Steinauer, UMS 'n JIP http://mitte.ch 12.9. & 13.9. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm Ensemble für Neue Musik Zürich & UMS 'n JIP works by Mathias Steinauer http://walcheturm.ch 18.9. & 19.9. BOZAR, Brussels European Festivals Association EFFE Award Ceremony EFFE Hubs & CAMM Meeting 2017 JIP as Swissfestivals delegate 24.9. 6pm Brig, Zeughaus Kultur Ensemble Good Mori (Korea) & UMS 'n JIP Traditional & Contemporary Korean Music works by Sungji Hong, Isang Yun a.o. http://zeughauskultur.ch 18.10. 21h Schweizer Radio SF2 Kultur, Neue Musik im Konzert Der Ruf des Windes, JIP performing works by Tedde (WP), Lee (WP), further works by Boismortier, Furrer, Scelsi with Paolo Vignaroli (fl), Tamar Eskenian (fl), Yoo Hong (fl) concert recorded by Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/neue-musik-im-konzert/der-ruf-des-windes 18.10.-8.11. Buenos Aires EINER EN
Maritano (stage director) and Teresa Floriach in
collaboration with Centro de Experimentacion del
Teatro Colon de Buenos Aires CETC Instituto de la
Vivienda de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires IVC Arte en
Barrios Buenos Aires Departamento de Cultura del
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires 20. October, 7 p.m. Shrader and Oak Streets 405 Shrader, San Francisco, CA world premiere 'au-dnstz' by JIP for violin, piano and tape Jan Dobrzelewski, violin Lino Rivera, piano 21. October, 8 p.m. Saint Mary’s College Chapel 1928 St. Mary’s Road, Moraga, CA 'au-dnstz' by JIP for violin, piano and tape Jan Dobrzelewski, violin Lino Rivera, piano 22. October 22, 5 p.m. Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, CA 'au-dnstz' by JIP for violin, piano and tape Jan Dobrzelewski, violin Lino Rivera, piano 30.10.-5.11. Buenos Aires Centro de
Experimentacion del Teatro Colon de Buenos Aires
CETC BARSTOW by Harry Partch with Lolo y Lauti,
Sebastian Zubieta and UMS 'n JIP as audio design
consultants http://teatrocolon.org.ar 1.11. 8pm, SF2 Kultur, Musik unserer Zeit, 70 Jahre Max E. Keller, a portrait about 'wider-wege', a newly released 2CD-Box featuring different musicians performing Keller's works, among them UMS 'n JIP ('Ruh' & 'mobile') 2.-8. November Vancouver, ISCM World Music Days ISCM General Assembly http://iscm2017.ca, http://iscm.org 3. November Basel, H95 Galgenlieder by UMS Ensemble Infinity à 5 4. November, 9pm Thessaloniki,
Museum of Byzantine Culture, Leof. Stratou 2 world
premiere fEdA_2017 by UMS 12.11. - 11am Buenos Aires, Radio Nacional Clasica O.M.N.I. (Objetos Musicales No Identificados), Marcelo Delgado (dir) featuring 'Das Lachenmann IV' by Motoharu Kawashima performed by UMS 'n JIP http://www.radionacional.com.ar/omni/ 19.11.2017 – 8pm, Zeughaus Kultur
Brig-Glis 25.11.2017 FAT Festival Audio Tangente Burgos International Contemporary and Experimental Music Festival Espacio Tangente Burgos works by Kawashima, Codera Puzo, de Lautour, Uzunselvi Cage, Kagel, Berio, Schnebel, Aperghis 27.11.2017 Zeitgenössische KomponistInnen in Basel Basel, Vortragssaal Musikwissenschaft Talk about the compositions of UMS (Ulrike Mayer-Spohn) invited composers: Paul Clift, Lukas Huber, Thomas Kessler, Ulrike Mayer-Spohn, Michel Roth, Marianne Schuppe, Jakob Ullmann, Helena Winkelman 18.12.2017 Zeitgenössische KomponistInnen in Basel Basel, Vortragssaal Musikwissenschaft Ensemble Zone Expérimentale world premiere fZE by UMS
13.1. Leukerbad, Kirche Prokofiev, Peter und der Wolf Orchestre de l'HEMU, Jan Dobrzelewski (dir)JIP (speaker) 14.-19.1. Thessaloniki, Aristotle
University, recording studio of the Dpt. of
Electrical and Computer Engineering 16.1., 8pm, Basel, Münster 22.-25.1. Sevilla, Conservatorio
Superior de Sevilla 27.1. Vienna, Noble cost, concert
with works by Codera Puzo, Porten, Hofer, Töpp,
UMS, Aperghis, Uzunselvi and Dufek (WP) 1.2.-7.2. Russia tour Integrations,
works by Fueter (WP), Schuler (WP), Rykova (WP),
Steinauer (RP), Vassena, Gorlinsky, Sisoev Moscow
Contemporary Music Ensemble MCME & UMS 'n JIP
2.-4.2. Moscow, Meyerhold Center 2.-4.4. Georgia, Atlanta, USA 2nd
Web Audio Conference WAC 2016
http://webaudio.gatech.edu 16.4. 20.30 Druckereihalle im
Ackermannshof Basel contemporaryologies II 17.4. 11.00 ONO Bern
contemporaryologies II 17.4. 20.30 Druckereihalle im
Ackermannshof Basel contemporaryologies II 18.4. 20.30 Kunstraum Walcheturm
Zürich contemporaryologies II 19.4. 20.30 Kunstraum Walcheturm
Zürich contemporaryologies II 24.4. 20.30 Zeughaus Kultur
Brig-Glis contemporaryologies II 27.4. 19.30 HSM Basel Grosser Saal
AKUT Recorderology, WP 'Miniature' by Eleni Ralli 26.5. Recording session UMS 'n JIP/Jürg Henneberger, Basel, recording 'mobile' by Max E. Keller 1.6., 20h30 Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis, klonkk, works by JIP, http://www.zeughauskultur.ch 6.6., 20h ONO Bern, klonkk, works by JIP, http://www.onobern.ch 7. & 8.6., 20h30 Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich, klonkk, works by JIP, http://www.walcheturm.ch 10.-14.6. China-ASEAN Music Week,
Nanning China, Guanxi Arts University 10./11./12./13./14./15./16./17./18./19./20./21./22./23./24./25./26./27./28./29./30.7. 1.-15.8. Festival Nueva Opera de
Buenos Aires CETC/Teatro Colon, 4-14 Aug 2016 24.8. Schloss Leuk, Valais, Switzerland Jury 6. Prix Giuseppe Englert 2016 (JIP) 27.8. Schloss Leuk, Valais, Switzerland 19. Rencontres Architecture Musique Ecologie R.A.M.E. 2016, works by Porten, Codera Puzo, UMS 28. & 29.9., 20h30 Druckereihalle im Ackermannshof Basel, klonkk, works by JIP, http://www.druckereihalle.ch 1.10. 19h30, Schloss Rapperswil 19.10. 20h00, ONO Bern, http://www.onobern.ch 25.10. Basel, CD release concert & party 'pilagrimr' by Männerstimmen Basel featuring 'Ad mortem festinamus' by JIP 07.11. 20h00,
ONO Bern, http://www.onobern.ch 21.11. La Voirie, Biel/Bienne Ensemble Inverspace works by UMS (fFuS) a.o. 29.11. Gare du Nord Basel, concert
recorded by Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur 1.-3.12. HEMU Site de Sion workshop
Swiss contemporary music with UMS 'n JIP 2.12. L'Abri, Geneva Ensemble
Inverspace works by UMS (fFuS) a.o. 5.12.
Bundeshaus Wiedikon, Zürich Kompakt am Montag
UmeDuo (Karolina & Erika Öhman) works by UMS
(fCuV) a.o.
8.1. / 9.1. Basel, Ackermannshof contemporaryologies I works by Kokoras, Miyama, Takahashi, Gysin, JIP http://ackermannshof.ch 10.1. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm contemporaryologies I works by Kokoras, Miyama, Takahashi, Gysin, JIP http://walcheturm.ch 11.1. Brig, Zeughaus Kultur contemporaryologies I works by Kokoras, Miyama, Takahashi, Gysin, JIP http://zeughauskultur.ch 21.1. Athens, IEMA Greek Music Information Center works by Papageorgiou, Rouvelas, Kokoras, Miyama, Codera Puzo, JIP 22.1. Athens, Swiss Embassy works by Porten, Codera Puzo, Aperghis, Hofer, UMS 23.1. Athens, Onassis Cultural Center works by Kokoras, Miyama, Codera Puzo http://www.sgt.gr/en/programme/event/1760 24.1. Leuk, Schloss Leuk, Oh! Festival works by Kokoras, Miyama, Takahashi, Gysin, JIP http://www.ohfestival.ch/ 25.1. Leuk, St. Stefanskirche, Oh! Festival constellationen II by JIP Orchestre de l'HEMU Site de Sion, Jan Dobrzelewski (dir) http://www.ohfestival.ch/ 31.1. Sweden, Malmö Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) new work by UMS 1.2., 16.00 Sweden, Landskrona, Församlingshemmet Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) new work by UMS 2.-8.2. Latvia Tour, UMS 'n JIP @
Contemporary Music Festival 'deciBels' 4.2., 18.00 Sweden, Varberg, Rosenfredsskolans aula Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) new work by UMS 6.2., 19.00 Sweden, Umeå Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) new work by UMS 8.2. Sweden, Hagfors Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) new work by UMS 10.2. Sweden, Skellefteå Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) new work by UMS 12.2., 19.00 Sweden, Oskarshamn, Ceciliakapellet, Folkhögskolan Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) new work by UMS 9.-20.3. Seoul/Korea CREAMA, Center
for Research of Electro-Acoustic Music & Audio
Hanyang University 7.4. Wädenswil, 20h 'Seide changierend' works by Maria Porten with Kaspar Schnetzler, Isha Trio, UMS 'n JIP 9.4. Brig, Stockalperschloss, 19h
'gewirkt und gewoben' works by Maria Porten with
Kaspar Schnetzler, Isha Trio, UMS 'n JIP 18.4. Brig, Zeughaus Kultur The Turkey Project works by de Lautour, Uzunselvi, Özer, Yakin, Gedizlioglu world premieres by Erçetin, Kaya, Roberts, Ataç 19.4./ 20.4. Basel, Ackermannshof The Turkey Project works by de Lautour, Uzunselvi, Özer, Yakin, Gedizlioglu world premieres by Erçetin, Kaya, Roberts, Ataç 21.4. Basel, Kirche San Pio X world premiere 'Ad mortem festinamus' by JIP commissioned by Männerstimmen Basel, Oliver Rudin (dir) 22.4. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm The Turkey Project works by de Lautour, Uzunselvi, Özer, Yakin, Gedizlioglu world premieres by Erçetin, Kaya, Roberts, Ataç 26.4.-5.5. Männerstimmen Basel, Great Britain Tour performing 'Ad mortem festinamus' by JIP http://maennerstimmen.ch/ http://www.cimvcf.org.uk/ (Cornwall Int. Male Choir Festival) 26.4. Cambridge, St. Botolph's Church 26.4. Cambridge, Evensong Queen's College 28.4. London, Swiss Church 29.4. Oxford, Merton College 30.4. Cornwall, Truro Cathedral 01.5. Cornwall, St Michaels Church, Newquay 02.5. Cornwall, Hall for Cornwall, Truro (Wettbewerbsauftritt) 03.5. Cornwall, Minack Theatre, Porthcurno 04.5. Cornwall, Eden Project 27.4.-1.5.
Cairo Contemporary Music Days, startup The Egypt
Project in collaboration with European-Egyptian
Society for Contemporary Music 21.-25.5. Leuk, Schloss Leuk
Festival Forum Wallis 4.-8.6. Ostrava, Czech Republic European Festivals Association (EFA) General Assembly JIP Swiss deputee as board member of Swissfestivals 15.-20.6. Bohol, Philippines Bohol
Festival, Jury 2nd Int Bohol Choir Festival and
Competition 20.6. Meiringen, Schweizer Gesangsfest, Festkonzert Gebet XXI (Du bist Anfang und Ende) by JIP Jugendchor Zürich, Michael Gohl (dir) Molto Cantabile, Andreas Felber (dir) world premiere 'Der römische Brunnen' for mixed choir 5.7. Praha CZ, Sv. Martin ve Sdi 7.7. Ostrava CZ, Stara Bela 8.7. Cieszyn PL, Stadttheater, Festival 'Circles of Art' 9.7. Ostrava CZ, Zabreh 11.7. Budapest HU, Jozsefvarosi Plebania 30.8.-6.9. Moutier, Pantographe UMS 'n JIP, ensemble in residence 4.9. Moutier, Pantographe Silence 16.9. Heimathafen Neukölln (Kontraklang) fFuS (2013) for fl/sax by UMS Zafraan Ensemble Berlin 19.9. St. Imier, Collegiale Männerstimmen Basel Ad mortem festinamus by JIP 21.9. Brig, Zeughaus Kultur Morton Feldman 'Three Voices' 23.9./ 24.9. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm Morton Feldman 'Three Voices' 25.9./ 26.9. Basel, Ackermannshof Morton Feldman 'Three Voices' 27.9.-2.10. ISCM World Music Days 2015 Slovenia 4.-9.10. Tokyo, The Japan Project in collaboration with Kunitachi College for Music working with composers Imai, Kawashima, Rai and composition students several masterclasses & workshops 5.10. 'silence' (Cage/Berio/Kagel/Aperghis) 16.10. (2x) / 17.10. (2x) Jaunas Muzikas Festivals Arena, Riga, Latvia Beat Gysin, Marienglas (K) 24.10. Appenzell / 25.10. Andelfingen Männerstimmen Basel Ad mortem festinamus by JIP 28.-31.10. Tbilisi Contemporary
Music Evenings 2015 5.11.-24.11. Buenos Aires/Argentina, Teatro Colon CETC Centro de Experimentacion del Teatro Colon EINER by UMS 'n JIP with additional works by Maria Porten and Georges Aperghis Pablo Maritano (stage director), Eugenio Szwarcer (stage design) Betina Robles (light design), Maria Emilia Tambutti (costume design) and Teresa Floriach as 'She' 19.11. premiere 20.11. 21.11. 24.11. http://www.teatrocolon.org.ar/ 4.12., 18h Brig, Alter Werkhof 5. Kultureller Adventskalender works by Codera Puzo, Uzunselvi, Lee, Porten 5.12., 20h30 Brig, Zeughaus Kultur John Cage 'Variations II' 11.12., 20h30 12.12., 20h30 Basel, Ackermannshof John Cage 'Variations II' 13.12., 21h 14.12., 20h30 Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm John Cage 'Variations II' 13.12. Lörrach, Ev. Stadtkirche Männerstimmen Basel Ad mortem festinamus by JIP 22.12., 17h Binn, Binn Kultur Tour de la Mediterranee works by Codera Puzo, Uzunselvi, de Lautour, Kokoras, Porten
7.1. Basel, Musikakademie, Musikforschung Basel presentation concert 'The Recorder Map' works by Gysin, Codera Puzo, Seglias, UMS, Berio http://research-recordermap.umsnjip.ch http://www.fhnw.ch/the-recorder-map 17.1. Basel, Studio für Elektronische Musik, recording session, Ensemble InverSpace recording 'DUO' by UMS 17.1. Basel, Musik Akademie, Grosser Saal VOICE CONTROL (1993/94) für 3 Stimmen und Live-Elektronik , Porträtkonzert Thomas Kessler, Kooperationsprojekt HSM/IGNM Basel, Abendkasse, concert recorded by Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur 18.1. Sion, HEMU, Gravelone, grande salle, 5pm symposion about the influence of Contemporary European Music in the composition of Contemporary Music in Actual China - Prof. Wen Deqing (China), Art. Dir. of New Music Week, Representative for Shanghai Spring Int. Music Festival Dir. of Documentation Center for Contemporary Music, Deputy Dean of Composition Dpt. of Shanghai Conservatory of Music - UMS 'n JIP performing 'A New legend of Yang Zongbao and Mu Guiying' (2008/9) commissioned by UMS 'n JIP 25.1. Moutier, Pantographe, 8h15pm works by Porten, Keller, de Lautour, Uzunselvi 1.2. Riga, Latvia Latvijas Radio 3 Klasika presenting UMS 'n JIP 3.2. Riga, Latvia Jazeps Vitols Music Academy, 3pm lecture 'The Recorder Map' works by Codera Puzo, Bages, Gysin 4.2. Riga, Latvia Jazeps Vitols Music Academy, 6pm concert - works by Keller, Wen, Guo, de Lautour, Rise, Klingenberga, Kadisa, Miyama 6.2. Riga, Latvia Latvijas Radio 3 Klasika interview I with UMS 'n JIP 7.2. Riga, Latvia Jazeps Vitols Music Academy workshop (non public) 7.2. Riga, Latvia Gertrudes Ielas Teatris, 8.30pm concert - works by Khrust, Fuchsmann, Svetlichny, JIP, Özer, Du Yun 8.2. Riga, Latvia Latvijas Radio 3 Klasika interview II with UMS 'n JIP 14.2. Riga, Latvia Latvian Railway Museum world premiere 'Lysistrata' 2 chamber operas by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis 15.2. Riga, Latvia Latvian Railway Museum world premiere 'Lysistrata' 2 chamber operas by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis 16.2. Liepaja, Latvia Theatre world premiere 'Lysistrata' 2 chamber operas by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis 15.3. Fresno, California, USA world premiere 'Nothing and more' chamber opera by Jack Fortner Cimarron Ensemble, J. Fortner (dir) 23.3. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm world premieres by Mathias Steinauer and Leo Dick works by Beat Gysin, Codera Puzo, UMS 'n JIP 24.3. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm world premieres by Mathias Steinauer and Leo Dick works by Beat Gysin, Codera Puzo, UMS 'n JIP 28.3. Mulhouse, France, La Fonderie Kessler (*1937) - Utopia II (2010-2011), SP Varèse (1883-1965) - Déserts (1954) Live-Improvisation - Conversation with Curiosity für Orchester und Marssonde Basel Sinfonietta, Leitung: Jonathan Stockhammer 30.3. Basel, Stadtcasino Kessler (*1937) - Utopia II (2010-2011), SP Varèse (1883-1965) - Déserts (1954) Live-Improvisation - Conversation with Curiosity für Orchester und Marssonde Basel Sinfonietta, Leitung: Jonathan Stockhammer concert recorded by Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur 31.3. Basel, Gare du Nord UMS (*1980) - FV-TZG (2014) for ensemble, WP Ensemble Phoenix Basel, Jürg Henneberger (dir) 31.3. Bern, Dampfzentrale Kessler (*1937) - Utopia II (2010-2011), SP Varèse (1883-1965) - Déserts (1954) Live-Improvisation - Conversation with Curiosity für Orchester und Marssonde Basel Sinfonietta, Leitung: Jonathan Stockhammer 2.4. Norrköping, Sweden (Annan Musik) concert tour in collaboration with ISCM Sweden world premieres by Max E. Keller and Christophe Schiess, further works by Gysin, UMS, JIP http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 3.4. Gotheburg, Sweden (Levande Musik / Cinnober Teater) concert tour in collaboration with ISCM Sweden world premieres by Max E. Keller and Christophe Schiess, further works by Gysin, UMS, JIP http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 4.4. Härnösand, Sweden (Nymus Live! Festival) concert tour in collaboration with ISCM Sweden world premieres by Max E. Keller and Christophe Schiess, further works by Gysin, UMS, JIP http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 7.4. TaG, Theater am Gleis Winterthur world premieres by Max E. Keller and Christophe Schiess, further works by Mathias Steinauer 9.4. Brig, Zeughaus world premieres by Mathias Steinauer and Leo Dick works by Beat Gysin, Codera Puzo, UMS 'n JIP 11. & 12.4. Basel, Ackermannshof world premieres by Mathias Steinauer and Leo Dick works by Beat Gysin, Codera Puzo, UMS 'n JIP 10.5. Leuk KulTour, works by Guo, Uzunselvi, Hofer, Codera Puzo, Phoebus Lee 12.-20.5. Tokyo, Japan - concert tour in collaboration with Kunitachi College of Music Tokyo - world premieres by Suzuki, Onishi, Japan premieres by Takahashi, Miyama a.o. - further works by Bages, Codera Puzo, de Lautour, Uzunselvi, Gysin, Hofer, Kokoras 28.5.-1.6. Basel, Stadtcasino EJCF Europäisches Jugendchorfestival 2014 folksong arrangements by JIP 22.5. Palma de Mallorca, Casal Sol.leric ME_MMIX Festival Presentation concert works by Steinauer, Gorlinsky, Svetlichny, Uzunselvi, Codera Puzo, UMS 'n JIP 6.6. Festival Forum Wallis, Schloss Leuk Electronic Avantgarde works by Fuchsmann, Gorlinsky, Svetlichny, de Lautour, Uzunselvi 8.6. Festival Forum Wallis, Schloss Leuk works by Schiess, Keller, Steinauer, Porten (WP), UMS 'n JIP (WP) 8.6. Schloss Leuk ISCM Switzerland meeting Swissfestivals assembly 12.6. JIP live at Radio Mallorca 19.-21.6. EFM European Forum on Music Bern 2014 ISCM Switzerland deputee 23.-29.6. Festival ME_MMIX Palma de Mallorca - Mallorca Summer Academy - UMS 'n JIP ensemble in residence - 25.6. round table - 25.6. concert I - works by Stockhausen, Steinauer, Bages, de Lautour - 28.6. concert II - WP works by composition students - 28.6. concert III - silence, works by Cage, Kagel, Berio, Aperghis - 26.-28,6, workshop with composition students http://www.memmix.es/ http://mallorcasummeracademy.weebly.com/palma-bull-composicioacuten.html 04./05./06./07./08./09./10./11./12./13./14./15./16./17./18./19./21./22./23./24./25./26./27.7.
Festival d'Avignon, Theatre Notre Dame silence
(Cage/Kagel/Aperghis/Berio) - Three Voices/Solo
(Feldman/Stockhausen) - Actual Avantgarde #2014
'n JIP) 19.7. SIRGA, Flix Festival, Spain, works by de Lautour, Özer, Du Yun, Svetlichny, JIP 20.7. SIRGA, Flix Festival, Spain, works by Miyama, Codera Puzo, Bages 18.-24.8. Music Village Mount Pelion Greece - 5-day workshop (contemporary music performance/interactive chamber opera FIVE) - 3 concerts - works by Cage, Aperghis, Keller, Schiess, Codera Puzo, Lapidakis, Du Yun, Gysin, Bages, Miyama, Suzuki, Svetlichny, Khrust, Fuchsmann, UMS 'n JIP 29.8.-12.9. Leuk, Schloss Leuk strand-gut memento mori exhibition by rolf schroeter including 'kreise' by JIP (4 graphic scores in collaboration with schroeter) 14./15.9. Athens, ICMC-SMC 2014 works by Maronidis and Takahashi 17.9. - 18.9. - 19.9. 21.9. Ritterhaus Bubikon, Switzerland works by Porten, Uzunselvi, Codera Puzo 22.-28.9. Paris, Radio France recording 'Ushba et Tetnuld' by Nicolas Vérin 3.-12.10. Wroclaw, Poland World New Music Days ISCM general assemblies JIP ISCM Young Composers Award Jury and Swiss delegate 23.10. Basel, Gare du Nord Swiss premiere 'Lysistrata' 2 chamber operas by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis 24.10. Basel, Gare du Nord Swiss premiere 'Lysistrata' 2 chamber operas by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis 26.10. Basel, Gare du Nord Swiss premiere 'Lysistrata' 2 chamber operas by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis 27.10. Basel, Gare du Nord Swiss premiere 'Lysistrata' 2 chamber operas by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis 27.10. 11h55, 15h55, 23h55 - 28.10. 11h55, 15h55, 23h55 - 31.10. 11h55, 15h55, 23h55 - 02.11. 23h30 Radio France excerpts of 'Ushba et Tetnuld' by Nicolas Vérin together with Roula Safar, Nicholas Isherwood 29.10. Arena Contemporary Music Festival Anglican Church Riga, interview for Latvian TV 29.10. 6pm Arena Contemporary Music Festival JVLMA Jazeps Vitols Music Academy Riga round table with Gundega Smite (pres. ISCM Latvia) works by Porten, Uzunselvi, Codera Puzo, Lee, JIP 30.10. Zürich, Rigiblick Swiss premiere 'Lysistrata' 2 chamber operas by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis 31.10. 7.00pm, Anglican Church Riga
- 31.10. 9.30pm, Anglican Church Riga Arena
Contemporary Music Festival 1.11. 11.00am, JVLMA Riga recording session / rehearsals with Latvian composers and compositions students 8.11. Sweden, Sounds of Stockholm Festival Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS, world premiere 14.-16.11. Projecte Rafel Festival, Rafelbunyol/Valencia, Spain 14.11. round table 14.11. works by Steinauer, Gysin, Suzuki, Svetlichny, Miyama, de Lautour 16.11. 'einer' electropop opera by UMS 'n JIP 15.11., 16.00 Sweden, Tingsryd, Söderportkyrkan Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 16.11., 17.00 Sweden, Karlshamn, Lokstallarna Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 17.11., 19.00 Sweden, Lund, Magle konserthus Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 17.-22.11. Festival Encuentros Sonoros 2014, LEMAts, Espacio Santa Clara Sevilla, Spain 19.11. open rehearsal with proyectoeLe (Stimmung by Stockhausen) 20.11. workshops presenting the Recorder Map 21.11. works by de Lautour, Suzuki, Gysin, Svetlichny, Codera Puzo, Uzunselvi, Steinauer, JIP 18.11., 19.00 Sweden, Ängelholm, Hörsalen, Stadsbiblioteket Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 19.11., 19.00 Sweden, Höör, Kulturhuset Anders Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 20.11., 19.00 Sweden, Olofström, Folkets hus Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 22.11. Sweden, Avesta Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 23.11., 16.30 Sweden, Linköping, Wallenbergsalen, Östergötlands museum Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 25.11. Sweden, Västerås Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 26.11. Sweden, Skinnskatteberg Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc) fCuV by UMS 26.11. Bern Dampfzentrale world premiere 'Naurutopia' by Leo Dick/Cyrill Lim/Tassilo Tesche 27.11., 18.00 Sweden, Torsby, Biblioteket Karolina and Erika Öhmann (Vc & perc), fCuV by UMS 29.11. Basel Gare du Nord, world premiere 'Naurutopia' by Leo Dick/Cyrill Lim/Tassilo Tesche 6.12. Reims, France Comédie de Reims world premiere 'Ushba et Tetnuld', opera by Nicolas Vérin
15.1. 20h30 Bern, ONO FIVE by UMS 'n JIP, electropop chamber opera (Sterntaler), http://five.umsnjip.ch/, http://www.onobern.ch/ 16./17./18./19./20.1. Basel, Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), FIVE by UMS 'n JIP, electropop chamber opera (Sterntaler), http://five.umsnjip.ch/ , http://www.imprimerie-basel.ch/ 24./25.1. 20h30, Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, FIVE by UMS 'n JIP, electropop chamber opera (Sterntaler), http://five.umsnjip.ch/ , http://www.walcheturm.ch/ 7.2. Basel, Hans Huber
Saal (Casino), 20h00, Basler Madrigalisten,
Raphael Immoos (dir), Filipa Nunes (cl), world
premiere 'sonette' by JIP commissioned by Basler
Madrigalisten/Capella Nova, 15.-25.2. Greece tour in collaboration with:, Department of Musical Studies, Contemporary Music Lab, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Avgo Music Village Thessaloniki, 17.2. 21h Thessaloniki,
Avgo Music Village, part I: The China project,
works by Huang Ruo, Wen Deqing, Guo Wenjing, Tam
Chin Fai, Lee Kar Tai, part II: works by Porten,
Töpp, Riehm, Khrust, Pohlit, JIP 18.2. 18-23h, 20.2. 18-23h, 22.2. 16-20h, Thessaloniki, Solon Michalidis Hall of the State Orchestra of Thessaloniki. Nikis st. 73, open rehearsals. The Greece Project, works by Michalis Lapidakis, Zesses Seglias, Antonis Rouvelas, Dimitris Maronidis, Haris Kittos, Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris Papageorgiou, Leontios Hadjileontiadis. 21.2. 2-3pm, Thessaloniki, live at Greek National Radio, UMS 'n JIP & Prof. Michalis Lapidakis about The Greece Project 23.2. 21h, Thessaloniki, Solon Michalidis Hall of the State Orchestra of Thessaloniki, Nikis st. 73, The Greece Project (world premiere): new commissions by contemporary Greek, composers Michalis Lapidakis, Zesses Seglias, Antonis Rouvelas, Dimitris Maronidis, Haris Kittos, Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris Papageorgiou, Leontios Hadjileontiadis. http://greece.umsnjip.ch/ 24.2. 16-17h30, Thessaloniki, Solon Michalidis Hall of the State Orchestra of Thessaloniki, Nikis st. 73, open rehearsal 'Common Brain' by Leontios Hadjileontiadis. http://greece.umsnjip.ch/ 1.3. 21h, Paris, Theatre de la Reine Blanche, 'Der Heimatlose' & TWO (electropop opera), world premiere by Florian J. Schwamborn, combined with UMS 'n JIP's electropop chamber opera TWO based on '20 minuten', http://two.umsnjip.ch/, http://www.reineblanche.com/ 14.3. Winterthur-Veltheim, CD release 'chiaroscuro' (cd zyt 4331), Singfrauen Winterthur, Franziska Welti (dir), with 'Gebet XXII' by Javier Hagen (JIP), (1st prize Int. Composition Contest SCV 2004), http://www.zytglogge.ch/ 14.3. 21h Basel, Gare du Nord, Nachtstrom 63, 'Common Brain' by Leontios Hadjileontiadis (world premiere), 'Paranoia' by Anastasija Kadisa (revised version), http://www.garedunord.ch/ 20.3. 20h30 Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis, The Greece Project (Swiss premiere), new commissions by contemporary Greek composers Michalis Lapidakis, Zesses Seglias, Antonis Rouvelas, Dimitris Maronidis, Haris Kittos, Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris Papageorgiou, Leontios Hadjileontiadis. http://greece.umsnjip.ch/ 22.3. 13h ESB Studio für Elektronische Musik Basel, guest lecture, presenting 'Common Brain' by Leontios Hadjileontiadis and 'Ganesh Paran' by Dimitris Maronidis, http://greece.umsnjip.ch/ 23.3. 20h30, 24.3. 20h30, Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, The Greece Project (Swiss premiere), new commissions by contemporary Greek composers Michalis Lapidakis, Zesses Seglias, Antonis Rouvelas, Dimitris Maronidis, Haris Kittos, Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris Papageorgiou, Leontios Hadjileontiadis. http://greece.umsnjip.ch/ 11.-15.4. Istanbul, Turkey, The Turkey Project, in collaboration with MIAM Istanbul/Stefan Pohlit, ITÜ MIAM Centre of Advanced Studies in Music 13.4. 12h Istanbul Technical University, ITÜ MIAM Centre of Advanced Studies in Music, MIAMsunar, Ilhan Usmanbas Hall, silence (works by Cage/Kagel/Aperghis/Berio/Schnebel), http://silence.umsnjip.ch/ 13.4. 14h Istanbul Technical University, ITÜ MIAM Centre of Advanced Studies in Music , MIAMsunar, Ilhan Usmanbas Hall, silence (works by Cage/Kagel/Aperghis/Berio/Schnebel), reading session and workshop with composers and composition students, presenting works by Max E. Keller (CH), Dimitri Papageorgiou (GR), with the participation of Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi (TR) and Nazli Ufuk Sakioglu (TR) 13.4. 20h Istanbul Technical University, ITÜ MIAM Centre of Advanced Studies in Music, MIAMsunar, Mustafa Kemal Concert Hall, works by Hofer (CH), Gysin (CH), Porten (CH/D), Gorlinsky (RUS), Kokoras (GR), Wen Deqing (China), Pohlit (TR/D), Berio (I), UMS 'n JIP 14.4. Istanbul Composer's Festival, Kadiköy Opera House, official meetings, http://turkey.umsnjip.ch/ 18.4. Uster, Stadthofsaal, 20h00, Paul Taylor Orchestra, Alphorn & Nordic Winds, 'enigma' by Javier Hagen (JIP), Paul Taylor (dir), Eliana Burki (alphorn), Sanna Kurki-Suonio (voc), http://www.paultaylororchestra.ch/ 16.-29.4. Spain Tour in collaboration with: Contemporary Music Festival Mixtur Barcelona, Barcelona Conservatory of Music, http://spain.umsnjip.ch/ 22.4. Barcelona, Conservatory of Music, introducing contemporary Spanish composers Joan Bages i Rubi, Luis Codera Puzo, Daniel Figols Cuevas, German Alonso, Octavi Rumbau Masgrau, http://spain.umsnjip.ch/, http://mixturbcn.com/ 26.4. 18h30 Barcelona, Fabra i Coats, Festival Mixtur, The Spain Project, TAULA RODONA amb els compositors i UMS 'n JIP, http://spain.umsnjip.ch/, http://mixturbcn.com/ 26.4. 19h Barcelona,
Fabra i Coats, Festival Mixtur, The Spain Project,
CONCERT 1, world premieres by contemporary Spanish
composers, Joan Bages i Rubi, Luis Codera Puzo,
Daniel Figols Cuevas, 26.4. 21h30 Barcelona, Fabra i Coats, Festival Mixtur, The Spain Project, CONCERT 2, world premieres by contemporary Spanish, French and Estonian composers, German Alonso, Octavi Rumbau Masgrau, Mirjam Tally, Nicolas Vérin, http://spain.umsnjip.ch/, http://mixturbcn.com/ 28.4. Tortosa, Taller d'Art Cinta Dalmau, silence (works by Cage/Kagel/Aperghis/Berio/Schnebel), http://silence.umsnjip.ch/ 3.5. Sion, St.
Théodule, 20h 12.5. Zürich,
Predigerkirche 17.5. Leuk, Schloss,
Swiss contemporary music festival forum wallis VII
2013, world premiere by Pierre-Henri Wicomb (RSA),
world premieres by Chikashi Miyama and Keitaro
Takahashi (JP) 18.5. Leuk, Schloss, Swiss contemporary music festival forum wallis VII 2013, first Swiss performances of Greek and Spanish composers Antonis Rouvelas, Zesses Seglias, Leontios Hadjileontiadis, Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris Maronidis, Haris Kittos, Michalis Lapidakis, Dimitris Papageorgiou, Joan Bages i Rubi, Luis Codera Puzo, Daniel Figols Cuevas, German Alonso, Octavi Rumbau Masgrau, composer's talks. http://www.forumwallis.ch/ 25.5. Leuk, Kirche St. Stephan, Swiss contemporary music festival forum wallis VII 2013, Basler Madrigalisten, Raphael Immoos (dir), Filipa Nunes (cl), world premiere 'sonette' by JIP commissioned by Basler Madrigalisten/Capella Nova, http://www.basler-madrigalisten.ch/ 01.6. Hergiswald, world premiere 'Mondnacht' for choir by UMS, performed by Basler Madrigalisten / Cappella Nova, Raphael Immoos (dir), http://www.basler-madrigalisten.ch/ 3.6. 20h30 5.6. 20h30 Brig, Zeughaus, The Spain Project, works by contemporary Spanish composers, Joan Bages i Rubi, Luis Codera Puzo, Daniel Figols Cuevas, German Alonso, Octavi Rumbau Masgrau, http://spain.umsnjip.ch/ 6.6. 20h30 15.6. 18h00 Basel, Musikakademie, Grosser Saal, works by Keitaro Takahashi, http://japan.umsnjip.ch/ 22.6. 19h30 Basel, Musikakademie, Grosser Saal, world premiere 'feP II' by UMS for large ensemble, Ensemble Phoenix, Jürg Henneberger (dir) 28.6. 20h00, Baden,
Sebastianskapelle 4.-6.7. Berlin, Randspiele, Contemporary Music Festival, soundtour 8 #2013, UMS 'n JIP performing works by Swiss composers, Porten, Gysin, Dahinden, Hofer, Keller, UMS, JIP, world premieres by Helmut Zapf, Wolfgang Heiniger, Stefan Streich, UMS, http://randspiele.de/ 7./8./9./10./11./12./13./14./15./16,/17./18./19./20./21./22./23./24./25./26./27./28./29./30./31.7. France, Avignon Festival, Theatre Notre Dame, daily 12h45, 3 alternating programs, 25 concerts, Thu/Sun 'silence' (Cage, Kagel, Berio, Aperghis), Mo/Fri 'einer' (Porten, UMS 'n JIP) ,Tu/We/Sat 'electronic avantgarde', http://avignon.umsnjip.ch/ 9.-11.8. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Fondacio Pilar i Joan Miro, ME_MMIX2013 Contemporary and Electronic Music Festival, concert I: 'einer' by UMS 'n JIP, corcert II: works by Miyama, Bages, Rumbau, Codera Puzo, Papageorgiou, Kokoras, http://memmix.es/ 16.8. Chateau de
Grésillon, France (Teatra Aktora Semajno) 25.8. 17h00 Stuttgart, Schloss Solitude, UMS 'n JIP performing works by Porten, Gysin, Wen, UMS, JIP 18.9. 20h30 22.9. 20h30 24.9. 20h30 28.9. Thessaloniki, Avgo Music Village, works by Mikhail Fuksman (Fuchsmann) GP, Joan Bagés Rubí GP, Luis Codera Puzo GP, Du Yun GP, UMS 'n JIP GP, Dimitri Papageorgiou and Michalis Lapidakis, http://avgo.music-village.gr/ 08.10. 14h00 Brig, Zeughaus, FIVE RELOADED (Open Form), interactive electropop chamber opera based on Grimm's fairy tales, children's version (world premiere), http://five.umsnjip.ch/, http://www.zeughauskultur.ch/ 09.10. 20h30 14.10. Thessaloniki, Dimitria Festival, world premiere 'M' and 'collapse' by UMS and JIP, Ensemble dissonArt 17.10. Sion, Aula du
Collège des Creusets, 13h & 15h (scolaires) 19.10. Basel, Haus der Elektronischen Künste, world premiere 'surge III' by Keitaro Takahashi, http://japan.umsnjip.ch/ 30.10. Digital Heritage 2013, Marseille (France), iTreasures , 'Common Brain' by Leontios Hadjileontiadis , http://research-itreasures.umsnjip.ch/ , http://www.i-treasures.eu/ 4.11. 19-20h RadioBern
(RaBe) / Hellas Radio, about The Greece Project,
interview with Dimitri Papageorgiou, Michalis
Lapidakis and UMS 'n JIP, Caterina Latsi Nazzaro
(journalist) 6.11. / 7.11. / 8.11. ICT Vilnius 2013, iTreasures, 'Common Brain' by Leontios Hadjileontiadis , http://research-itreasures.umsnjip.ch/, http://www.i-treasures.eu/ 11.-14.11. Vienna, World New Music Days, General Assembly of ISCM international, J. Hagen & N. Farine Swiss ISCM delegates (IGNM Schweiz) , http://www.iscmwnmd2013.org/ 11.11. Basel, Gare du Nord / Nachtstrom, 'surge III' by Keitaro Takahashi (UMS), http://japan.umsnjip.ch/ 18.11. The Turkey Project, ITÜ MIAM, open rehearsals, 10-13h, 15-19h30 19.11. The Turkey Project, ITÜ MIAM, open rehearsals, 15-18h 20.11. The Turkey Project, ITÜ MIAM, open rehearsals, 11-12h30, 16-19h 21.11. 8pm, The Turkey Project, ITÜ MIAM, world premieres by Yakin, Uzunselvi, Can Özer, Pohlit, de Lautour 22.11. 10.30am, The Turkey Project, Istanbul Conservatoire, workshop based on contemporary Turkish music with Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Murat Yakin, Stefan Pohlit and UMS 'n JIP 23.11. 3pm, Büyükada (Istanbul), concert with works by Hofer, Codera Puzo, Mayer-Spohn, Guo Wenjing, Pohlit, Streich, Zapf 25.11. 9pm, Babylon Lounge (Istanbul), concert with works by Du Yun, Miyama, Svetlichny, UMS 'n JIP, Bages, de Lautour, Maronidis 28.11. Stage Digital II 2013 Zürich, ZHdK, Lecture Performance 'How to do Things with Words', world premiere JIP/Dick/Tesche/Pedemonte/Lim 28.11. Russian Composer's Union, Moscow, new work by UMS, world premiere, Ensemble Inverspace 30.11. Zürich, world premiere 'Höllenhemd' by Maria Porten 5.12. Brig, Zeughaus, Prix Culturel de l'Etat du Valais 2013 awarded to JIP 7.12. laborARTorium, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Lecture Performance 'How to do Things with Words' 2013, JIP/Dick/Tesche/Pedemonte/Lim
10.1. Bern, ONO, 20h30, The China project II, Europe premiere, http://china.umsnjip.ch/, http://onobern.ch/ 11.1. Brig-Glis, Zeughaus Kultur, 20h30, The China project II, Europe premiere, http://china.umsnjip.ch/, http://zeughauskultur.ch/ 12./13. 1. Basel, Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 20h30, The China project II, Europe premiere, http://china.umsnjip.ch/, http://imprimerie-basel.ch/ 14./15.1. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, 20h30, The China project II, Europe premiere, http://china.umsnjip.ch/, http://walcheturm.ch/ 18.1. Sion, Théâtre de Valère, 22h00, The Swiss Project, contemporary music by Swiss composers Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey, Max E. Keller, Beat Gysin, Maria Porten and UMS 'n JIP, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 20.1. Bern, Dampfzentrale, Festival Shit & Schein, TWO, electropop opera by UMS 'n JIP, http://dampfzentrale.ch/, http://two.umsnjip.ch/ 3.2. Visp, Theater La Poste, 22h00, FOUR (The Creation), electropop opera by UMS 'n JIP, http://four.umsnjip.ch/ 4.2. Visp, Theater La Poste, 19h30, world premiere 'IvS-E-12,7,22' for ensemble by UMS, world premiere '3xPG' for ensemble by JIP, Ensemble Phoenix Basel, Jürg Henneberger (dir), recorded by Swiss Radio RSR Espace 2, http://forumwallis.ch/ 10.2. Feschel, Gemeindesaal, 19h30, world premiere 'The Religion of Love' by Stefan Pohlit together with Oberwalliser Volksliederchor, ds Personal, http://forumwallis.ch/ 11.2. Staldenried, Gemeindesaal, 19h30, 'The Religion of Love' by Stefan Pohlit, together with Oberwalliser Volksliederchor, ds Personal, http://forumwallis.ch/ 12.2. Grengiols, Gemeindesaal, 17h00, 'The Religion of Love' by Stefan Pohlit, together with Oberwalliser Volksliederchor, ds Personal, http://forumwallis.ch/ 22.2.-6.5. Zürich, Haus Konstruktiv, 'kreise' by Javier Hagen (JIP) as a part of Rolf Schroeter's retro-spective solo exhibition entitled 'Contact', http://www.hauskonstruktiv.ch/, http://javierhagen.ch/kreise.htm 2./3./4.3. Adelaide (Australia), Garage International, 20h30/19h30/16h00, Adelaide Fringe Festival, The China project, http://china.umsnjip.ch/, http://www.adelaidefringe.com.au/ 7.3. Adelaide (Australia), The University of Adelaide, Sonic Arts, Elder Conservatorium of Music, UMS 'n JIP presenting concert & workshop, works by Swiss composers Gysin, Porten, UMS 'n JIP 11.3. Zürich, Theater Rigiblick, Musikpodium der Stadt Zürich, works by Michel Roth, Mauricio Kagel, John Cage, with Jürg Henneberger, Robert Koller, UMS 'n JIP 15.3. Riga, Jazeps Vitols Latvian Music Academy, Masterclass I , www.jvlma.lv/, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 16.3. Riga, Jazeps Vitols Latvian Music Academy , Masterclass II, www.jvlma.lv/, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 17.3. Riga, Latvian Composer's Union, Chamber Music Hall, 5pm, presenting concert UMS 'n JIP & masterclass students, www.jvlma.lv/, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 17.3. Riga, Totaldobze Contemporary Art Centre, 8pm, 'silence' (Cage, Kagel, Berio, Aperghis), http://www.totaldobze.com/ArtCenter/, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 18.3. Latvian New Music Days 2012, Riga, Spikeri Concert Hall, world premieres by Abols, Herlins, Rise, Gribinchika, Klingenberga, Gustovska, concert recorded by Latvian Radio, http://www.lks.org.lv/ljmd , http://spikeri.lv/iemiitnieks/spikeru-koncertzale, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 19.3. Riga, Jazeps Vitols Latvian Music Academy , Masterclass III , www.jvlma.lv/, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 20.3. Latvian New Music Days 2012, Kekava, Doles Tautas Nams, contemporary Latvian and Swiss music, works by Abols, Herlins, Rise, Gribinchika, Klingenberga, Gustovska Gysin, UMS 'n JIP , http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 21.3. Latvian New Music Days 2012, Ventspils, Cultural Centre, concert Hall, Masterclass IV, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 21.3. Latvian New Music Days 2012, Ventspils, Cultural Centre, concert Hall, contemporary Latvian and Swiss music, works by Abols, Herlins, Rise, Gribinchika, Klingenberga, Gustovska, Gysin, UMS 'n JIP, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 23.3. Riga, Latvian Society, Chamber Music Hall, choral works by JIP, open rehearsal with Vocal Ensemble Putni, Antra Drege (dir), http://putni.deem.lv/en/569 http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 1.4. Zug, Theater Casino, 1. Zuger Kompositionspreis, 'Förderpreis' for fk-SZ by Ulrike Mayer-Spohn (UMS), world premiere, additional world premieres by Stephanie Haensler and Anita Mieze, Kammersolisten Zug, http://www.kammersolisten.ch/, http://www.kammersolisten.ch/Zuger-Kompositionspreis 1.4.-1.7. Avignon (France), MRAC, Musée Rigolo d'Art Contemporain, Opening Exhibition, Sound Collage by UMS 'n JIP 11.4. Bern, ONO, 20h30, Silence, works by Cage (lecture on nothing), Aperghis, Kagel, Schnebel, Berio, http://riviu.umsnjip.ch/, http://onobern.ch/ 12./13.4. Basel,
Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6),
20h30, Silence, works by Cage (lecture on
nothing), Aperghis, Kagel, Schnebel, Berio 14./15.4. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, 20h30, Silence, works by Cage (lecture on nothing), Aperghis, Kagel, Schnebel, Berio, http://riviu.umsnjip.ch/, http://walcheturm.ch/ 16.4. Brig-Glis, Zeughaus Kultur, 20h30, Silence, works by Cage (lecture on nothing), Aperghis, Kagel, Schnebel, Berio, http://riviu.umsnjip.ch/, http://zeughauskultur.ch/ 24.4. 16h00, Rostov-on-Don (RUS), City House of Arts, contemporary Russian and Swiss music, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/, http://www.rostcons.ru/festivals_r/conf_2012_01.doc 25.4. 16h00 Rostov-on-Don (RUS), Contemporary painting museum on Dimitrovskaya, silence (Cage, Kagel, Aperghis, Berio), interview & recording by South Russian Radio Rostov, http://silence.umsnjip.ch/ 26.4. 16h00 Rostov-on-Don (RUS), Rostov State Rakhmaninov Conservatoire, masterclass focussed on electronic music and sound spatialisation, http://www.rostcons.ru/festivals_r/conf_2012_01.doc 27.4. 12h00, Bataysk (RUS), Music School Nr. 1, contemporary Russian and Swiss music , http://swiss.umsnjip.ch/, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/ 28.4. 13h00 Taganrog (RUS), Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, Concert Hall, contemporary Russian and Swiss music , http://swiss.umsnjip.ch/, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/ 3.5. Olten, Pauluskirche, Beat Gysin, Der Spanier 2007, Maria Porten, sang et lueurs 2011, Lee Kar Tai, I am a Goldfish in a Globe 2010, http://umsnjip.ch/ 18.5. Stadtkirche Aarau, 18h00, 'Blickpunkt Bach', world premiere 'baxacpekte à 12 voci' by Javier Hagen (JIP), Basler Vokalsolisten, Sebastian Goll (dir), http://basler-vokalsolisten.ch/ 16.-20.5. Basel, Martinskirche, Europäisches Jugendchorfestival 2012, Swiss Composers meet Europe, works by Javier Hagen, Ivo Antognini, Valentin Villard, Kammerchor Wintherthur (Christoph Baumann, dir) , live recording by Swiss Radio SR DRS2, http://ejcf.ch/ 30.5. Basel, Elisabethenkirche, mimiko, 12h15, Svetlichny, Gorlinsky, Klingenberga, http://umsnjip.ch/ 30.5. Zürich, Theater STOK, sang et lueurs Inszenierte Konzerte mit Gian Manuel Rau, Werke von Maria Porten, UMS (UA) und JIP (UA) 31.5. Brig-Glis, Zeughaus Kultur, 20h, The Russia Project, Swiss premiere, works by Bochikhina, Khrust, Svetlichny, Gorlinsky, Nadzharov, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/, http://zeughauskultur.ch/ 1./3.6. Zürich, Theater STOK, sang et lueurs Inszenierte Konzerte mit Gian Manuel Rau, Werke von Maria Porten, UMS (UA) und JIP (UA) 2.6. Bern, ONO, 20h30, The Russia Project, Swiss premiere, works by Bochikhina, Khrust, Svetlichny, Gorlinsky, Nadzharov, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/, http://onobern.ch/ 3./4.6. Basel, Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 20h30, The Russia Project, Swiss premiere, works by Bochikhina, Khrust, Svetlichny, Gorlinsky, Nadzharov, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/, http://imprimerie-basel.ch/ 6./7.6. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, 20h30, The Russia Project, Swiss premiere, works by Bochikhina, Khrust, Svetlichny, Gorlinsky, Nadzharov, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/, http://walcheturm.ch/ 8.6. Basel, Musikakademie, Grosser Saal, 20h15, Paranoia for voice, recorder and live-tape by Anastasija Kadisa, world premiere, http://latvia.umsnjip.ch/ 18.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves”, Ulaanbaatar Drama Theatre, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 19.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” Sainshand, Dornogov province, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 20.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” Hamriin Hiid Monastery, Dornogov province, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 21.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” Hamriin Hiid Monastery, Dornogov province, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 22.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” Zuun Bayan, Dornogov province, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 22.6. 19h Ref. Kirche,
Effretikon 24.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” , Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 25.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” , Elsentasarkhai, Mongolia, concert & workshop, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 26.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” , Gobi Summer Academy, Naadam Festival, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 27.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” , Kharkhorin, Erdene Zuu Monastery, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 28.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” Erdene Khamba Monastery, Khugnkhan mountains, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ 30.6. 2012 Int. New Music Festival “Roaring Hooves” Ulaanbaatar Philharmonic Hall, Mongolia, concert, http://www.roaringhooves.com/ daily 6.-28.7. Avignon,
France, Theatre Notre Dame 30.8. Aarau, KUK,
Kleiner Saal, 19h30 30./31.8. Basel, Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 20h30, EINER, Inszenierte Konzerte mit Gian Manuel Rau, Werke von Maria Porten, UMS (UA) und JIP (UA), http://einer.umsnjip.ch/ 1.9. Solothurn,
Konzertsaal, 20h00 1./2.9. Basel, Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 20h30, sang et lueurs, Werke von Maria Porten, UMS (UA) und JIP (UA) 4.9. Bern, ONO, 20h30, sang et lueurs, Werke von Maria Porten, UMS (UA) und JIP (UA) 5./6.9. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, sang et lueurs, Werke von Maria Porten, UMS (UA) und JIP (UA) 12.9. Brig, Zeughaus Kultur, 20h30, sang et lueurs, Werke von Maria Porten, UMS (UA) und JIP (UA) 10./12./14./15./17.10. Brig, Zeughaus Kultur, 20h30, FIVE by UMS 'n JIP, electropop chamber opera, world premiere, http://five.umsnjip.ch/ 20.10. Sion, Eglise des Jesuites, world premiere 'YWC (affirmation)' for live tape and string orchestra by Javier Hagen (JIP), Orchestre HEMU, Philip Bride (dir), http://forumwallis.ch/ 20.10. Zürich, St. Peter, 20h00, 'Blickpunkt Bach', world premiere 'baxacpekte à 12 voci' by Javier Hagen (JIP), Basler Vokalsolisten, Sebastian Goll (dir), http://basler-vokalsolisten.ch/ 21.10. Brig, Zeughaus Kultur, world premiere 'YWC (affirmation)' for live tape and string orchestra by Javier Hagen (JIP), Orchestre HEMU, Philip Bride (dir), http://forumwallis.ch/ 21.10. Basel, Predigerkirche, 18h00, 'Blickpunkt Bach', world premiere 'baxacpekte à 12 voci' by Javier Hagen (JIP), Basler Vokalsolisten, Sebastian Goll (dir), http://basler-vokalsolisten.ch/ 6./7.11. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, 20h30, Neue Schweizer Musik, world premieres by Mathias Steinauer, Xavier Dayer, Roland Dahinden and Beat Gysin, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 9./10.11. Basel, Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 20h30, Neue Schweizer Musik, world premieres by Mathias Steinauer, Xavier Dayer, Roland Dahinden and Beat Gysin, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 11.11. Bern, ONO, 14h00, Neue Schweizer Musik, world premieres by Mathias Steinauer, Xavier Dayer, Roland Dahinden and Beat Gysin, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 14.11. Brig, Zeughaus Kultur, 20h30, Neue Schweizer Musik, world premieres by Mathias Steinauer, Xavier Dayer, Roland Dahinden and Beat Gysin, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 23.11. Basel,
Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 5
years UMS 'n JIP 24.11. Basel,
Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 5
years UMS 'n JIP 25.11. Basel,
Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 5
years UMS 'n JIP 28.11. Basel,
Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 5
years UMS 'n JIP 29.11. Basel,
Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 5
years UMS 'n JIP 30.11. Basel,
Imprimerie (Schleifferei, Solothurnerstrasse 6), 5
years UMS 'n JIP 01.12. Brig-Glis,
Zeughaus, 5 years UMS 'n JIP 02.12. Brig-Glis,
Zeughaus, 5 years UMS 'n JIP 13.12. Thessaloniki (GR), Aristotle University, presenting concert, lecture and workshop concerning contemporary Greek music, http://greece.umsnjip.ch/ 14.12. Thessaloniki (GR), Avgo Music Village, 21h, works by Cage (lecture on nothing), Aperghis, Berio, Kagel, Gysin, Gorlinsky and UMS 'n JIP, http://avgo.music-village.gr/
20.1. Basel, Gare du Nord, Nachtstrom 21.1. Theater La Poste Visp, works by Lee Kar-Tai, Tam Chin-Fai, Wu Guanqing, Li Kar-Yee, Guo Wenjing, http://china.umsnjip.ch 22.1. Visp, Theater La Poste, THREE, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://three.umsnjip.ch 11.2. Eischoll, forum : : wallis, China-VS-exchange program, http://forumwallis.ch/ 12.2. Feschel, forum : : wallis, China-VS-exchange program, http://forumwallis.ch/ 13.2. Simplon-Dorf, forum : : wallis, China-VS-exchange program, http://forumwallis.ch/ 15.2. Luzern, Forum Neue Musik, ONE, contemporary opera by UMS 'n JIP, http://one.umsnjip.ch 16./17.2. Basel, Imprimerie THREE, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://three.umsnjip.ch 18./20.2. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, THREE, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://three.umsnjip.ch 24.3. Zürich, Theater Rigiblick, world premieres by Maria Porten, with Carmina Quartett, Gian Manuel Rau (stage director) 27.3. Basel, Gare du Nord, TWO (electropop opera), double concert with Ensemble Phoenix Basel 28.3. Basel, Gare du Nord, THREE (esperanto electropop opera), double concert with Ensemble Phoenix Basel 2.4. Biel, Farelsaal, Festival L'art pour l'Aar, contemporary Swiss music, world premieres by Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey, Max E. Keller and UMS 'n JIP, http://www.artpourlaar.ch/ 3.4. Bern (Le Cap), Festival L'art pour l'Aar, contemporary Swiss music, world premieres by Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey, Max E. Keller and UMS 'n JIP, http://www.artpourlaar.ch/ 27.4. Basel, Elisabethenkirche, Mimiko, works by Ulrich Krieger & Agostino di Scipio for contrabass recorder and live electronics 10.5. Basel, Musikakademie, world premiere SIGNature by Olga Bochikhina 28.5. Basel, Musikakademie, works by R. Riehm, L. Berio, K. van Steenhoven, UMS 8./9./10./11./12./13./14./15./16./17./18./19./20./21./22./23./24./25./26./27./28./29./30./31.7.
23.8. Agios Lavrendios, Mount Pelion, Greece, Music Village, world premiere fEdA by UMS, Ensemble dissonArt, Beat Furrer (dir), UMS is awarded the Music Village scholarship award 2.9. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, contemporary Swiss music, world premieres by Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey, Max E. Keller and UMS 'n JIP 3.9. Basel, Imprimerie (Schleifferei), contemporary Swiss music, world premieres by Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey, Max E. Keller and UMS 'n JIP 4.9. Perrefitte, L'art pour l'Aar, contemporary Swiss music, world premieres by Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey, Max E. Keller and UMS 'n JIP 8.9. Winterthur, Theater am Gleis, musica aperta, contemporary Swiss music, world premieres by Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey, Max E. Keller and UMS 'n JIP 11.9. Bern, Musikfestival Bern, world premiere 'Art.20-FW' by UMS, Ensemble Vertigo, Mark Foster (dir) http://www.musikfestivalbern.ch/ 'Art.20-FW' is awarded 3rd prize ex aequo 28./30.9. & 1./2.10. Brig, Zeughaus, FOUR, chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, world premiere, http://four.umsnjip.ch/ 6.10. Cabasse (France) CeCCN Centre d'Exploration Choréographique de la Colle de Nouvé, FOUR, chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://four.umsnjip.ch/ 7./8.10. Basel, Imprimerie, FOUR, chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://four.umsnjip.ch/ 9./10.10. Zürich, Walcheturm, FOUR, chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://four.umsnjip.ch/ 11./12.10. Bern, ONO, FOUR, chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://four.umsnjip.ch/ 13.10. Lugano, Festival Oggi Musica, TWO, electropop opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://two.umsnjip.ch/, http://www.oggimusica.ch/ 14.10. Berlin, Berliner Dom, 50 Jahre Berliner Domkantorei, Lange Nacht der Chormusik, Swiss Folk Song Arrangements by JIP, Nicolas Plain (dir)http://www.berliner-domkantorei.de/ 21.10. Brig, Zeughaus, 'cdnnns-aioo' by JIP for string orchestra, 2011, world premiere, Orchestre HEMU, Titus Engel (dir), http://forumwallis.ch/ 22.10. Sion, Eglise des Jesuites, 'cdnnns-aioo' by JIP for string orchestra, 2011, Orchestre HEMU, Titus Engel (dir), http://forumwallis.ch/ 23.10. Ernen, Kirche, 'cdnnns-aioo' by JIP for string orchestra, 2011, Orchestre HEMU, Titus Engel (dir), http://forumwallis.ch/ 5.11. Leuk, Schloss Leuk. world premiere 123.08/epilog (concert version) by JIP, http://two.umsnjip.ch/ 8.-18.11. Sierre, Villa Ruffieux, The Africa Project, works by Pierre-Henri Wicomb, http://africa.umsnjip.ch/ 9.-11.11.
Treviso/Italy, Museo St. Caterina, Nuova Musica a
Treviso NMaT, world premiere fL'a&NVs by UMS,
prize winner Call for Scores L'arsenale 2011 12.11. Leuk, Schloss Leuk, 1st Global Forum Wallis , en-enem by JIP 17.11. Swiss Radio DRS 2, CH-Musik, 22h35, The Swiss Project, contemporary music by Swiss composers Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey, Max E. Keller, Beat Gysin, Maria Porten and UMS 'n JIP, concert recorded 8 SEP 2011 in Theater am Gleis, Winterthur, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 8.12. St. Petersburg, Fishfabrique Club, 20h00, TWO, electropop opera by UMS 'n JIP, http://www.fishfabrique.ru/, http://two.umsnjip.ch/ 9.12. St. Petersburg, Erarta Arts Gallery, 19h00, world premieres by Bochikhina, Khrust, Rannev, Gorlinsky, Svetlichny, Nadharov, works by contemporary Swiss composers Beat Gysin, Maria Porten, UMS 'n JIP, http;//www.erarta.com/ , http://russia.umsnjip.ch/ , http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ 12.12. Rostov na Donu, Rostov Rachmaninov Conservatoire, Conference Hall, 10h00, Masterclass I– voice, recorder & electronics in contemporary music , http://www.rostcons.ru/main_e/main.htm 12.12. Rostov na Donu, Rostov Rachmaninov Conservatoire, Concert Hall, 18h00, Contemporary Russian, Chinese and Swiss Music, http://www.rostcons.ru/main_e/main.htm, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/ , http://china.umsnjip.ch/ 15.12. Moscow, P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, Conference Hall, 12h00, Masterclass II – recorder & electronics in contemporary music , http://mosconsv.ru/ 15.12. Moscow, Skrjabin
Museum, Concert Hall, 19h00, Contemporary Russian,
Chinese and Swiss Music,
http://www.scriabinefoundation.org/museum.html 16.12. Moscow, P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, Conference Hall, 12h00, Masterclass III – voice & electronics in contemporary music , http://mosconsv.ru/ 16.12. Moscow, All-Union House of Composers, Concert Hall, 19h00, Contemporary Russian and Swiss Music, Briusov side-street, 8/10 , http://www.house-composers.ru/, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/ 17.12. Moscow, Lomonosow Moscow State University Cultural Centre, 18h00, Contemporary Russian and Swiss Music, http://www.msu.ru/, http://russia.umsnjip.ch/ 26.12. Binn, Kulturtage, The China project, works by Phoebus Lee, Desmond Ping, Samuel Tam, Karry Li, Chris Wu, Guo Wenjing, http://china.umsnjip.ch/
1.1. Binn, Kulturwoche,
The China Project, works by Huang Ruo, Wen Deqing,
Du Yun, UMS 'n JIP, http://china.umsnjip.ch 17.9. Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis, THREE, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://three.umsnjip.ch 18.9. Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis, THREE, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://three.umsnjip.ch 19.9. Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis, THREE, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://three.umsnjip.ch 3.10. Brig, Schlosskonzerte, Porten (lebelight), Schumann (Eichendorffliederkreis op.39), Mahler (Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen) with Walter Prossnitz (piano) 22.10. Theatre Les Halles Sierre, THREE, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://three.umsnjip.ch 23.10. Theatre Les Halles Sierre, THREE, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://three.umsnjip.ch 28.10. Basel, Imprimerie, The China & Swiss Project Part I, contemporary Chinese & Swiss music, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch, http://china.umsnjip.ch 29.10. Basel, Imprimerie, The China & Swiss Project Part II, contemporary Chinese & Swiss music, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch, http://china.umsnjip.ch 5.11. The Tank, New York City, The China Project, contemporary Chinese music, http://china.umsnjip.ch, http://www.thetanknyc.org 6.11. The Tank, New York City, The Swiss Project, contemporary Swiss music, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch, http://www.thetanknyc.org 8.11. Cornelia Street Cafe, New York City, The China Project, contemporary Chinese music, http://china.umsnjip.ch, http://www.corneliastreetcafe.com 23.11. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, The China & Swiss Project Part I, contemporary Chinese & Swiss music, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch, http://china.umsnjip.ch 24.11. Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm, The China & Swiss Project Part II, contemporary Chinese & Swiss music, http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch, http://china.umsnjip.ch 1.12. Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Amphitheatre, 4.30 pm - lecture & introduction (contemporary music in Europe) -- 5.30 pm - concert with works by Riehm (Asia premiere AP), Gysin (AP), Töpp (AP) Li Kar Yee (world premiere WP) http://www.hkapa.edu/ 2.12. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Chung Chi College -- 4.00 pm - workshop with CUHK student composers -- 8.00 pm - concert with contemporary Chinese music, works by Guo Wenjing (world premiere WP), Deqing Wen (Hong Kong premiere HKP), Huang Ruo (HKP), Du Yun (HKP), Chen Yeung Ping (Asia premiere AP), Phoebus Lee (WP), Chris Wu (WP), Tam Chin Fai (WP), Liu Jian (WP) http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/english/index.html 3.12. Culturescapes China 2010, SJ-LaC.Etf by UMS, 2. Prize Int. Composition Contest Culturescapes China 2010, Contemporary Music Ensemble of Beijing Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, Central Conservatory of Music http://www.culturescapes.ch/ 3.12. Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Amphitheatre, 2.00 pm - masterclass I -- 3.00 pm - masterclass II -- 4.00 pm - concert with contemporary Chinese music works by Guo Wenjing, Deqing Wen, Huang Ruo, Du Yun, Chen Yeung Ping, Phoebus Lee, Tam Chin Fai, http://www.hkapa.edu/ 4.12. Gallery EXIT Hong
Kong, Contemporary Music Mini Festival in
collaboration with Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
(W. Lane) 16.12. St. Gallen, Tonhalle, world premieres by Maria Porten, Werner Bärtschi, Barb Wagner, contrapunkt St. Gallen (IGNM) 17.12. Winterthur, Theater am Gleis, world premieres by Maria Porten, Werner Bärtschi, Barb Wagner, Musica aperta 26.12. Binn, Kulturtage, 20h30, TWO, electropop chamber opera by UMS 'N JIP, http://two.umsnjip.ch
2.1. Maria Porten,
lebelight 2001/2 Brig, Simplonhalle
21.2. Swiss Radio DRS 2
"CH-Musik", 4 world premieres by Swiss composers,
works by Zurbriggen, Gysin, Ums, Jip
14.7. UMS 'N JIP 1ST
CONCERT: Theaterhaus Gessnerallee Zürich, Das
Musikfest, 107. Schweizer Tonkünstlerfest, 18. IMS
Weltkongress der Musikwissenschaft, premiere riviu
99.7, works by Cage, Lehmann, Kagel, Aperghis,
Schnebel, Porten and Ums ´n Jip |