1 JAN 2017
2016 - UMS 'n JIP has been
involved in ... 127 events! Probably
world record again.
Highlights have been, among others: Genealogias'
premiere at the prestigious Teatro Colon in
Buenos Aires (CETC/Centro de las
Artes UNSAM, with Marcelo Delgado and Adriana
Viñals within the Festival de Opera Nueva de
Buenos Aires), the startup of
'Integrations' together with the Moscow
Contemporary Music Ensemble (art.
dir. Victoria Korshunova) in Russia and
Switzerland, the guest appeareances in Nanning
(China-ASEAN Music Days 2016), Taipei
(Taipei Int. New Music Festival 2016),
Avignon Festival (Theatre des Vents), and
not to forget UMS' 1st Prize at the London
Ear Festival's Composition Contest in
We have been present in Russia, Austria,
Spain, France, Germany, USA, UK, China,
Taiwan, Korea, Netherlands, Greece, Argentina
and of course Switzerland, too. More than
20'000 people attended the concerts UMS 'n JIP
have been involved in (>8'000 for UMS 'n
JIP as performers and another >12'000 for
UMS 'n JIP as composers); >200'000 hits
have been registered on social media, and
>10'000 views on YouTube!
UMS 'n JIP's commissioned works have been
performed and/or released by Ensemble
Phoenix, Ensemble Inverspace, UmeDuo,
Männerstimmen Basel and Uroboros Ensemble
Educational activities have
been held in Argentina (Teatro Colon,
O.M.N.I., Argentinian National Radio), USA
(Arizona State University, University of North
Texas, New York University, Columbia
University, Georgia Tech Atlanta), Greece
(AUTH), Taiwan (Taipei National University of
the Arts, National Chiao Tung University, ISCM
Taiwan), Korea (Tongyeong Festival, ISCM WMD),
Utrecht (ICMC), Nanning (Guangxi University of
the Arts), Switzerland (HEMU, Forum Wallis).
Works by composers Deqing
Wen, Du Yun, Huang Ruo, Guo Wenjing, Phoebus
Lee, Keitaro Takahashi, Kotoka Suzuki, Luis
Codera Puzo, Germán Alonso, Thorsten Töpp,
Panayiotis Kokoras, Leontios Hadjileontiadis,
Eleni Ralli, Antonis Rouvelas, Vladimir
Gorlinsky, Elena Rykova, Anton Svetlichny,
Reuben de Lautour, Adam Roberts, Mehmet Ali
Uzunselvi, Mehmet Can Özer, Kurt Schwitters,
Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Georges Aperghis,
Mauricio Kagel, Luciano Berio, Dieter
Schnebel, Li-Wei Chao, Yen-Ning Chiu, Hannes
Dufek, Nicolas Vérin, Giorgio Tedde, Junghae
Lee, Daniel Fueter, Denis Schuler, Nadir
Vassena, Markus Hofer, Max E. Keller, Beat
Gysin, Mathias Steinauer, Maria Porten and
both UMS and JIP have been performed,
premiered and recorded.
Many thanks to our main supporters: Kulturrat
des Kantons Wallis, Pro Helvetia (Swiss Art
Council), UBS Kulturstiftung, Fondation Nestlé
pour l'Art, STV/ASM, SUISA Foundation as well
as to our hosting structures: HEMU, ISCM
Russia, MCME, ISCM Taiwan, Guangxi Arts
University, TNUA, NCTU, AUTH, i-Treasures,
Columbia University, NYU, UNT, ASU, Don't
Panic Hamburg, Theatre des Vents Avignon,
FORUM Wallis, Teatro Colon Buenos Aires, CETC,
UNSAM, ISCM, ECPNM, Druckereihalle im
Ackermannshof Basel, Kunstraum Walcheturm,
Zeughaus Kultur Brig, ONO Bern, ISCM World
Music Days Tongyeong 2016, EFA, Pantographe
20-23 JAN 2017
Remembering the 25 years since John
Cage passed away by performing 3 of his most
relevant works in Basel's stylish venue: Safe at
Unternehmen Mitte - John Cage Trilogy,
PART 1 - Lecture on Nothing, performed
daily from Jan 20-23 at 9pm, every day in
another language (E, F, It, Sp), free admission,
http://umsnjip.ch/silence.htm, http://mitte.ch
21 & 23 JAN 2017
Ensemble Inverspace performs fFuS by
UMS in Basel (Ackermannshof) and Zürich (Cabaret
Voltaire, the birth place of Dada)
3-5 FEB 2017
World Premiere of JIP's 'La Chèvre
de Monsieur Séguin' for orchestra and speaker
performed by Orchestre de l'HEMU Site de Sion,
Jan Dobrzelewski (dir) and the school children
of Monthey, Monthey, Salle de la Gare, totally 6
3-6 FEB 2017
Remembering the 25 years since John
Cage passed away by performing 3 of his most
relevant works in Basel's stylish venue: Safe at
Unternehmen Mitte - John Cage Trilogy,
PART 2 - 45' for a Speaker, performed
daily from Feb 3-6 at 9pm, every day in another
language (E, F, It, Sp), free admission,
http://umsnjip.ch/55minuten.htm, http://mitte.ch
13 & 14 FEB 2017
Ensemble Proton Bern
perfoming UMS's new work FPW for Protonwerk
Nr.6 (world premiere) in both Bern
(Dampfzentrale) and Basel (Gare du Nord)
16 FEB 2017
UMS 'n JIP is invited to perform
'Meta-Morphé' by Joan Bages i Rubi at
the famous Gran Teatro del Liceu in
JIP's native town Barcelona within Liceu
Off - Dialegs Musicals, a new concert series
dedicated to young Catalan composers. Joan's
piece is part of UMS 'n JIP's Spain Project with
numerous commissions for Spanish composers and
dozens of concerts all over the world promoting
contemporary Spanish music. In 2014, the
Spain Project was supported by Accion Cultural
Espanola AC/E with the maximal
possible amount.
18-22 FEB 2017
Ensemble Infinity à 5
perfoming UMS's new work for
Galgenlieder (world premiere) in Bern (18.2.,
Le Cap), Zürich (21.2., Helferei) and Basel
(22.2., Gare du Nord)
23-24 FEB 2017
Remembering the 25 years since John
Cage passed away by performing 3 of his most
relevant works in Basel's stylish venue: Safe at
Unternehmen Mitte - John Cage Trilogy,
PART 3 - Variations II, performed
daily from Feb 23-24 at 9pm, free admission,
27 FEB 2017
Société de Musique Contemporaine
Lausanne, Der Ruf des Windes JIP performing
works by Tedde (WP), Lee (WP), Boismortier,
Furrer, Scelsi
with Paolo Vignaroli (fl), Tamar Eskenian (fl),
Yoo Hong (fl), concert recorded by Swiss Radio
Radio Suisse Romande Espace 2.
1 MAR 2017
Placa Base Palma de
Mallorca, UMS 'n JIP is invited to
Fundacio ACA Buger, performing works by Beat
Gysin, Maria Porten, Luis Codera Puzo, Markus
5 MAR 2017
RSR Radio Suisse Romande
Espace 2, Musique d'avenir. JIP's
Lausanne concert with works by Tedde, Lee and
Furrer at Swiss Radio
3-9 MAR 2017
Tokyo (Kunitachi College
& Sonorium Contemporary Music Concert
Space), the full Japan Project is
premiered at sold out Sonorium,
new works by Shintaro Imai, Takayuki Rai
and Motoharu Kawashima and former
pieces by Chikashi Miyama and Kotoka Suzuki.
Complementary workshops at Kunitachi.
13-19 MAR 2017
Buenos Aires (Centro de
Experimentacion del Teatro Colon CETC, Centro
de las Artes UNSAM). Residence with stage
director Pablo Maritano and writer Gonzalo
Demaria for INTRA CETVM, a new
chamber opera by UMS 'n JIP commissioned by
CETC, complementary lectures at the Universidad
de San Martin Buenos Aires
23 MAR 2017
Max E. Keller, 'wider-wege':
CD-release compiling works by Swiss composer
Max E. Keller celebrating his 70th birthday,
various artists. UMS 'n JIP appears with 'Ruh'
and 'Mobile' (as a trio with Jürg
Henneberger on keys).
23 MAR - 3 APR 2017
70 Jahre Max E. Keller. UMS
'n JIP presents its new program paying tribute
to one of the pioneers of Free Jazz and
contemporary music in Switzerland: Max E.
Keller. Keller is celebrating his 70th birthday
2017, UMS 'n JIP performs recent works he has
composed for the duo as well as a blend of
political works he became famour for in the
70ies, including the impressive 'Hymnen' and
'Veränderungen' performed on original/historic
synthesizers. Concerts in Brig, Bern, Basel,
Zürich, Winterthur.
25 MAR 2017
Festival Archipel Geneva,
Fondation l'Abri. World Premiere
'WeWillNeverBeGreatAgain' by Simone Conforti
within Ateliers Cosmopolites.
23 APR 2017
UMS wins the 1st Prize at
the Weimarer Frühlingstage für Zeitgenössische
Musik Composition Competition. Her
work fWSF for mixed ensemble is performed by
Ensemble Via Nova in Weimar during the Weimarer
Frühlingstage für Zeitgenössische Musik.
26 APR-1 MAY 2017
Placa Base Palma de
Mallorca, UMS 'n JIP are invited to
perform at the prestigious COAIB
(Col.legi Oficial dels Arquitectes Illes
Balears) in Palma within Pb BITS:
they play '55minuten' (world premiere of the
Spanish version), the European premiere of
Motoharu Kawashima's 'Lachenmann IV', and they
will introduce Beat Gysin's works in a
conference entitled 'Discovering Soundscapes'.
Further, UMS 'n JIP take part in 'Espais,
dal cosmos al cervell', a multimedia piece by
Mateu Malondra performed by the Placa Base
Collectiu Instrumental (Belen
Iniesta, Beatriz Tirado, Takao Hyakutome, Pedro
Trotz, Mateu Malondra and UMS 'n JIP) at CAC Ses
30 APR 2017
UmeDuo play fCuV by UMS in
Paris, Auditorium du Collège
Franco-Britannique, Cité Universitaire
Internationale de Paris
3-4 MAY 2017
2nd Teheran Contemporary
Music Festival. UmeDuo play fCuV by
UMS in
4-7 MAY 2017
Theatre des Vents Avignon. UMS
'n JIP are in residence residence to prepare
their Avignon Festival appearance 2017. During
the Avignon Festival 2017 they
will present their internationally
acclaimed John Cage Trilogy.
15 MAY 2017
Forum Wallis: UMS 'n JIP will
perform 'Integrations' bringing
together Wolfgang Mitterer, Le Pot (Manuel
Mengis, Hans-Peter Pfammatter, Martin Schütz,
Lionel Friedli), Ensemble Taller Sonoro (with,
among others, Ignacio Torner, Camilo Irizo, Jose
Baldomero Llorens Esteve) and Ensemble dissonArt
(with Jannis Anissegos, Theodoros Patsalidis,
Yannis Hatzis, Alexandros Stavridis, Vassilis
Saitis) to perfom works by Beat Furrer,
Denis Schuler, Christophe Schiess, Max E.
Keller, Daniel Fueter, Aurelio Edler, Haris
Kittos and both UMS and JIP - read
more about Forum Wallis at arttourist.com
13- 16 MAY 2017
After a successful premiere in
Tokyo, the Japan Project comes to
Switzerland (Bern, Basel, Brig, Zürich): Swiss
Premiere, works by Kawashima, Imai, Rai,
Suzuki, Miyama, Takahashi,
http://druckereihalle.ch, http://onobern.ch
http://zeughauskultur.ch, http://walcheturm.ch
26 MAY 2017
Zürich, Musikpodium der
Stadt Zürich, Haschen nach Wind - Gerhard
Meier's 100th birthday. World Premieres by
both UMS (GM-Is) and JIP (m for string quartet
and electronics) performed by Amneris
Quartet (David Sonton Caflisch), ensemble larynx
(Jakob Pilgram), concert recorded by
Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur
2-6 JUN 2017
Schloss Leuk & Kunstraum
Walcheturm Zürich, 4 concerts with 'Integrations',
Taller Sonoro (ES), Le Pot (CH) and dissonArt
Ensemble (GR), works by Fueter,
Schuler, Furrer, Schiess, Keller, Mariétan (WP),
3 JUN 2017
Schloss Leuk, Festival Forum Wallis,
55minuten, works by JIP, Kawashima
14-22 JUN 2017
Bern, Basel, Brig, Zürich.
World Premiere 'Mixed Pickles', works by Dick,
Hofer (WP), Hong (WP), de Lautour (WP),
Uzunselvi (WP), Galperin (WP) http://umsnjip.ch/mixedpickles2017.htm
http://druckereihalle.ch http://onobern.ch
http://zeughauskultur.ch http://walcheturm.ch
18 JUN 2017
Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis,
Music for Water, JIP performing World
Premieres by Maria Porten, with
Walter Giger, Maria Porten, Laura Hagen,
http://zeughauskultur.ch, http://sanakvo.org
24 JUN 2017
International Music Festival
Primavera Sacra Savona, Italy. UMS wins the
1st Prize at the Walter Ferrato Composition
Contest (Jury President: Stefano Gervasoni).
World Premiere fWFC for mixed ensemble by UMS
performed by Ensemble Nuove Musiche http://www.ensemblenuovemusiche.eu/
25 JUN 2017
New York, Jack's
(Brooklyn). UMS 'n JIP is invited by
Placa Base Collectiu Musical in collaboration
with Ramon Llull Institute and Abrons Center
New York City to perform works by Bages
(America Premiere), Rumbau (AP), Malondra
(AP), Codera Puzo, JIP (AP) http://www.jackny.org/
30 JUN 2017
Buenos Aires. JIP is elected
to the Academic Board of the Escuela de
Invierno del Festival Nueva Opera de Buenos
Aires (Contemporary Opera Academy of the
Teatro Colon Buenos Aires, Centro de
Experimentacion del Teatro Colon) alongside
Pablo Maritano, MIguel Galperin, Sebastian
Zubieta and Pablo Ortiz. Featured lecturers are
Heiner Goebbels, David Rosenboom, Fernando
Fiszbein, Pablo Maritano, Pablo Ortíz and UMS 'n
JUL 2017
Avignon, Festival d'Avignon,
Theatre des Vents, UMS 'n JIP performing its
John Cage (1912-1992) Trilogy, silence
(Lecture on Nothing), http://umsnjip.ch/silence.htm
JUL 2017
Avignon, Festival d'Avignon,
Theatre des Vents, UMS 'n JIP performing 'Discovering
Contemporary Music', a Concert-Conférence
featuring works by Luis Codera Puzo, Maria
Porten, Georges Aperghis, Luciano Berio and
Motoharu Kawashima http://avignonleoff.com
JUL 2017
Avignon, Festival d'Avignon,
Theatre des Vents, UMS 'n JIP performing its
John Cage (1912-1992) Trilogy, Variations
II, http://umsnjip.ch/variations2.htm
JUL 2017
Avignon, Festival d'Avignon,
Theatre des Vents, UMS 'n JIP performing its
John Cage (1912-1992) Trilogy, 55
minuten (45' for a Speaker) featuring
works by JIP and Motoharu Kawashima
26 JUL 2017
Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur, Neue
Musik im Konzert, Gerhard Meier zum 100.
Geburtstag featuring works by UMS (GM-Is), JIP
(m) a.o. live recording Musikpodium
der Stadt Zürich, 26.5.17, Amneris Quartet
1-10 AUG 2017
Buenos Aires, Escuela de
Invierno, Seminario Intensivo de Opera
Contemporanea initiated by Centro de
Experimentación del Teatro Colón and Fundación
Williams, in collaboration with
Goethe-Institut (Ger), CalArts (EEUU), Potenciar
Comunidades, Universidad Nacional de San Martín
y Americas Society/Council of the Americas
(EEUU). Prof.es: Heiner Goebbels, David
Rosenboom, Marc Lowenstein, Pablo Maritano,
UMS 'n JIP, Pablo Ortíz, Fernando Fiszbein
a.o. Academic Board: Miguel
Galperín, Pablo Ortíz, Sebastián Zubieta, Javier
Hagen, Pablo Maritano. https://www.goethe.de
2.8. 10am, Fundacion Williams,
Belgrano 1670, Buenos Aires Lecture: Sound
& Space, Underestimated
Potentials in Contemporary Opera: FAMA by
Beat Furrer
daily 2.-6.8., Fundacion
Williams, Belgrano 1670, Buenos Aires
Individual Coachings
10.8. 5pm, Fundacion Williams,
Belgrano 1670, Buenos Aires Masterclass:
Taylor Made Performance in Contemporary
Music, featuring works by Porten, Codera
Puzo, Kawashima, Aperghis
10.8. 8pm, Fundacion Williams,
Belgrano 1670, Buenos Aires Concert: Actual
Swiss and Japanese Avantgarde, featuring
works by Suzuki, Imai, Gysin, Steinauer, JIP
9 AUG 2017
Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur, Neue
Musik im Konzert, Protonwerk Nr.6 featuring
works by UMS (fPW), Azzan, Bird,
Clift, Frank live recording Gare du Nord Basel,
13.2.2017, Ensemble Proton Bern, Mathias Kuhn
23-27 AUG 2017
Schloss Leuk, XX. R.A.M.E.
Rencontres Architecture Musique Ecologie,
JIP as Jury member of the Prix Englert
24 AUG 2017
Recording session with
Simone Conforti at ESB Basel,
recording 'WeWillNeverBeGreatAgain' by Conforti
and 'Das Lachenmann IV' by Kawashima
28 AUG 2017
Recording session with
Simone Conforti and Keitaro Takahashi for SKJU
at Schloss Leuk, http://umsnjip.ch/program-skju.htm
29 AUG - 3 SEP 2017
10 years UMS 'n JIP. Think
Tank in Binntal/Heiligkreuz together
with Pablo Maritano, Teresa Floriach, Chaoming
Tung, Manuel Mengis and UMS 'n JIP
3 SEP 2017
Brig, Zeughaus Kultur. 10
years UMS 'n JIP 2007-2017. Birthday concert,
works by Porten, Codera Puzo, Kawashima, de
Lautour, Uzunselvi, Suzuki, Imai, Gysin
Steinauer, UMS 'n JIP, with Manuel Mengis,
Teresa Floriach, Pablo Maritano and Chao Ming
Tung as guests http://zeughauskultur.ch
6 SEP 2017
Ensemble für Neue Musik
Zürich, stones4cinema & UMS 'n JIP
performing works by Mathias Steinauer, Neubad
Luzern, http://ensemble.ch
9-11 SEP 2017
10 years UMS 'n JIP. Basel,
Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, celebrating 10
years UMS 'n JIP 2007-2017, works by
Porten, Codera Puzo, Kawashima, de Lautour,
Uzunselvi, Suzuki, Imai, Gysin, Steinauer, UMS
'n JIP http://mitte.ch
12 & 13 SEP 2017
Ensemble für Neue Musik
Zürich, stones4cinema & UMS 'n JIP
performing works by Mathias Steinauer,
Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich, http://ensemble.ch,
18 & 19 SEP 2017
BOZAR, Brussels, European Festivals
Association EFA, EFFE Award Ceremony 2017, EFFE
Hubs & CAMM Meeting 2017, JIP
(Forum Wallis/ISCM Switzerland) as board of
Swissfestivals is appointed Swiss delegate in
Brussels, Belgium, http://efa-afe.eu
24 SEP 2017
Brig, Zeughaus Kultur -
Ensemble Good Mori (Korea) & UMS 'n JIP
Traditional & Contemporary Korean Music,
works by Sungji Hong, Isang Yun a.o.
2 OCT 2017
In Memoriam Klaus Huber
- read the obituary written by JIP as Swiss
ISCM President on behalf of ISCM
(International Society for Contemporary
18 OCT 2017
Big interview with
JIP at the renommated Spanish
contemporary music review Espacio Sonoro
pointing out the aims and less known
background information about UMS 'n JIP, http://espaciosonoro.tallersonoro.com
18 OCT 2017
JIP on air. Schweizer Radio
SF2 Kultur, Neue Musik im Konzert: Der Ruf des
Windes, JIP performing works by
Tedde (WP), Lee (WP), further works by
Boismortier, Furrer, Scelsi with Paolo Vignaroli
(fl), Tamar Eskenian (fl), Yoo Hong (fl) concert
recorded by Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur
18 OCT - 8 NOV 2017
One of 2017's highlights:
JIP and Pablo Maritano (stage director) and
Teresa Floriach in collaboration with
Centro de Experimentacion del Teatro Colon de
Buenos Aires CETC, Instituto de la Vivienda de
la Ciudad de Buenos Aires IVC, Arte en Barrios
Buenos Aires, Departamento de Cultura del
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
UMS 'n JIP performs in Villa 20 during Helloween
after preparation rehearsals in Montevideo
(Uruguay) and reconnoitrings in Villa 20
(Lugano) and holds different workshops at
Jovenes por el cambio (Villa 20) and Colegio
Hermanos Latinoamericanos (Villa 20) finishing
with a performance together with the Barrio kids
named 'La Noche de las Bestias'. The
full production will be premiered during the
Festival Nueva Opera de Buenos Aires FNOBA
2018 at the Biblioteca Nacional in Buenos
Aires in August 2018.
20-22 OCT 2017
California, USA: Shrader
San Francisco, Saint Mary’s College Chapel,
Moraga, Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist
Church, world premiere 'au-dnstz' by JIP
for violin, piano and tape comissioned by Jan
Dobrzelewski, violin and Lino Rivera, piano
30 OCT - 5 NOV 2017
Buenos Aires Centro de
Experimentacion del Teatro Colon de Buenos
Aires CETC, BARSTOW by Harry Partch with
Lolo y Lauti (mise en scène), Sebastian Zubieta
(musical director) and UMS 'n JIP as audio
design consultants http://teatrocolon.org.ar
1 NOV 2017
UMS 'n JIP on air at Swiss
Radio SF2 Kultur, Musik unserer Zeit - 70
Jahre Max E. Keller - a portrait about
'wider-wege', a newly released
2CD-Box featuring different musicians performing
Keller's works, among them UMS 'n JIP ('Ruh' for
voice and recorders & 'mobile' for any
musicians, together with Jürg Henneberger).
2.-8 NOV 2017
Vancouver, ISCM World Music Days
ISCM General Assembly, bringing up the vote for
additional communication languages (Sp/Chin) in
ISCM (International Society for Contemporary
Music), http://iscm2017.ca, http://iscm.org
4 NOV 2017
Thessaloniki, Museum of
Byzantine Culture, world premiere fEdA_2017 by
UMS commissioned by
dissonArt ensemble, further works by
Amann, Nachtmann, Toufektsis, Sciarrino, Xenakis
12 NOV 2017
UMS 'n JIP on air at Argentinian
National Radio. Buenos Aires, Radio
Nacional Clasica, O.M.N.I. (Objetos Musicales
No Identificados), Marcelo Delgado (dir)
featuring 'Das Lachenmann IV' by Motoharu
Kawashima performed by UMS 'n JIP http://www.radionacional.com.ar/omni/
19-22 NOV 2017
Brig (Zeughaus Kultur), Bern (ONO),
Zürich (Walcheturm), Basel (Ackermannshof),
the USA Project, world premieres by Lucie
Vitková, Chaz Underriner, Paul Clift, Bihe
Wen, Ermir Bejo, Zach Thomas, Jaime Oliver,
William Dougherty, Cameron Robello, Gil Dori,
and an 'Dark Matter' by Adam Roberts,
25 NOV 2017
UMS 'n JIP performs at FAT,
Festival Audio Tangente Burgos,
International Contemporary and Experimental
Music Festival at Espacio Tangente Burgos,
Spain, works by Kawashima, Codera Puzo,
de Lautour, Uzunselvi as well as the
internationally acclaimed program 'silence'
with works by Cage, Kagel, Berio, Schnebel,
25 NOV 2017
'In Limbo' by Bihe Wen
premiered by UMS 'n JIP within their USA Project
Nov 19th in Brig-Glis wins the 1st Prize
at the 14th Musicacoustica Composition
Competition in Beijing
27 NOV 2017
KomponistInnen in Basel, Vortragssaal
Musikwissenschaft. Talk about the compositions
of UMS (Ulrike Mayer-Spohn), invited composers:
Paul Clift, Lukas Huber, Thomas Kessler, Ulrike
Mayer-Spohn, Michel Roth, Marianne Schuppe,
Jakob Ullmann, Helena Winkelman
18 DEC 2017
World premiere fZE by UMS
for ensemble performed by Ensemble Zone
Experimentale Basel (Jürg Henneberger, dir). The
concert is part of a lecture and concert series
named 'Zeitgenössische KomponistInnen
in Basel' chaired by Universität
Basel, Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar, further
works by Marianne Schuppe, Paul Clift, Michel
Roth, Helena Winkelman, Jakob Ullmann a.o.
1 JAN 2016
2015 has been an intense and
successful year full of highlights
totalling 102 events, among others
Stockhausen's Helikopterstreichquartett
(Helicopter String Quartet) with Arditti, André
Richard and Air Glaciers during Forum Wallis and
'Einer's' premiere at the prestigious Teatro Colon
in Buenos Aires (CETC, with Pablo
Maritano and Eugenio Szwarcer).
We have been present in 18 countries,
and for the first time in Argentina, Korea,
Georgia, Egypt, Philippines, Hungary and
Slovenia. More than 20'000 people
attended 2015 the concerts UMS 'n JIP have
been involved in (>8'000 for UMS
'n JIP as performers and another >12'000 for
UMS 'n JIP as composers); >150'000 hits on
social media, and >6000 views/year on YouTube
only for UMS 'n JIP/Aperghis' récitations.
UMS 'n JIP's commissioned works have been
performed and/or released by Ensemble Phoenix, Jugendchor Zürich,
UmeDuo, HEMU, Molto Cantabile and Männerstimmen
Basel (who actually won the most important
European male choir competition with JIP's 'Ad
mortem festinamus' in their repertoire!).
Educational activities have been held in Japan
(Kunitachi), Cairo (American University), Korea
(Hanyang/CREAMA), Latvia (JVLMA, Arena Festival,
Rezekne), Greece (IEMA), Georgia (National
Conservatoire), Bohol International Choir
Festival and Competition, Ostrava (EFA), as well
as for Kulturfunken Wallis.
Works by composers Wen Deqing, Du Yun, Guo
Wenjing, Phoebus Lee, Chikashi Miyama, Keitaro
Takahashi, Kotoka Suzuki, Shintaro Imai, Shugo
Tanaka, Kanokpak Changwitchukarn, Luis Codera
Puzo, Germán Alonso, Thorsten Töpp, Panayiotis
Kokoras, Michalis Lapidakis, Antonis Rouvelas,
Dimitri Papageorgiou, Gundega Šmite, Jachin
Pousson, Anton Svetlichny, Kyungmee Rhee, Isang
Yun, Dongsun Han, Hyuna Kim, Reuben de Lautour,
Idil Ataç, Erçin Kaya, Adam Roberts, Zeynep
Gedizlioglu, Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Murat Yakin,
Mehmet Can Özer, John Cage, Georges Aperghis,
Mauricio Kagel, Luciano Berio, Dieter Schnebel,
Morton Feldman, Markus Hofer, Max E. Keller,
Beat Gysin, Mathias Steinauer, Maria Porten and
both UMS and JIP have been performed, premiered
and recorded.
Many thanks to our main supporters: Kulturrat
des Kantons Wallis, Pro Helvetia (Swiss Art
Council), Ernst Göhner Stiftung, UBS
Kulturstiftung, Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art,
STV/ASM, SUISA Foundation as well as to our
hosting structures: HEMU, Jazeps Vitols Latvian
Music Academy, Music Village, Onassis Cultural
Centre, European Egyptian Contemporary Music
Society, FORUM Wallis, IEMA Athens, ISCM, ECPNM,
Kunitachi College of Music, Musikhochschule
Basel, Druckereihalle im Ackermannshof Basel,
Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zeughaus Kultur Brig, New
Music Festival ARENA, ISCM World Music Days
Ljubljana 2015, EFA, BICFC, Pantographe Moutier.
5 JAN 2016
New commission: Both
UMS and JIP are confirmed a commission for
string quartet by the Musikpodium der Stadt
Zürich for the 100th birthday
celebrations of Swiss poet Gerhard
Meier in Zürich (1917-2017).
10-13 JAN
Peter and the Wolf by Prokofieff
with JIP as speaker in Fiesch/Leukerbad,
Switzerland. >>>
14-18 JAN
UMS 'n JIP return to
THESSALONIKI for recording sessions
with Leontios Hadjileontiadis for the
international research project i-Treasures
(Common Brain/Geografia Celeste, both pieces
working with real time brainwave analysis via
Emotiv) as well as for reading sessions
with the dissonArt ensemble for the INTEGRATIONS
16 JAN 2016
Award winning male choir Männerstimmen
Basel (at both the European and
World Championships) successfully perform 'Ad
mortem festinamus' by JIP at Basler
Münster (Basle Cathedral)
19-20 JAN 2016
UMS 'n JIP in BASEL. Wonderful
brainstorm for a new piece for UMS 'n JIP
with Irish composer Jennifer Walshe!
22-26 JAN
Reading sessions & informal concerts with
Taller Sonoro Ensemble and various
composers for the 'Integrations' project,
please check: http://www.tallersonoro.com/ &
27-29 JAN 2016
Recording sessions with Wolfgang
Mitterer, further sessions for
Hannes Dufek's new work for UMS
'n JIP and a concert Jan 27th at 'Noble
Cost' in Vienna featuring works by
Luis Codera Puzo, Maria Porten, UMS, Aperghis,
Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Markus Hofer and Thorsten
1-12 FEB
Contemporary Music Ensemble MCME & UMS 'n
JIP, concerts in Russia (Moscow National
Centre for Contemporary Arts, New Stage of
Alexandrinsky Theatre St Petersburg)
and Switzerland, works by Schuler, Fueter,
Rykova (WPs) and Gorlinsky, Sysoev, Steinauer
and Vassena. http://integrations.umsnjip.ch
14 FEB 2016
UMS ranks among the
finalists of the London Ear Composers
Competition 2016: The performers
will be: Platypus Ensemble (Vienna), Uroboros
Ensemble (London), Carin Levine: flute / alto
flute, Rohan de Saram: ‘cello, Mary Dullea:
piano. UMS's piece will be performed by the
Uroboros Ensemble Mar 13th
17-19 FEB
performing works by Suzuki, Svetlichny and JIP
at the White Cube Hamburg Bergedorf.
22 FEB 2016
UMS 'n JIP recieve a CHF
5000 grant by the prestigious UBS
Kulturstiftung (Cultural Foundation
of the United Bank of Switzerland) for their
project 'Integrations',
23 FEB 2016
JIP is elected to the Swiss
Music Edition's Board. The Swiss
Music Edition SME/EMS is the Swiss Composer's
Society Edition and is running the most relevant
site for Contemporary Music in Switzerland, Musinfo.
SME is also one of the few editions worldwide
offering full rights to the edited composers.
24 FEB-14
MAR 2016
UMS 'N JIP in the USA, 3 week tour
through Arizona, Texas and New York City hosted
by Arizona State University ASU
(Herberger Institute, Tempe/Phoenix AZ),
University of North Texas UNT (Composition
Dpt., Denton TX), New York University NYU
(Composition Dpt.) Columbia University in the
City of New York, Columbia Computer Music
Center, Spectrum NYC, Firehouse NYC, Zinc Bar
NYC and the Segue Foundation. Concerts
with works by Porten, Gysin, Hofer, UMS, JIP,
Codera Puzo, Yakin, Suzuki, Du Yun, Huang Ruo,
Roberts, Cage, Kagel, Berio, Aperghis, Schnebel,
Kokoras. Meeting and working with composers,
composition students, artists, poets and
researchers Rae Armantrout, Marie N.
Guex, Kotoka Suzuki, Jon Christopher Nelson,
Joseph Kline, Panayiotis Kokoras, Sungji Hong,
Louis Karchin, Adam Roberts, Jaime Oliver,
Bradford Garton, Georg Friedrich Haas, James
Sherry, Viola Yip, Yair Klartag, William
Dougherty, Paul Clift, Lucie Vítková, Fede
Camara Halac, Ioannis Angelakis, Bernardo
Barros, Bihe Wen, Chaz Underriner, Zach
Thomas, Ermir Bejo, Hua Xin.
13 MAR 2016
1st Prize at the London Ear
Festival Int. Composers Competition for UMS'
work fLE-EU. fLE-EU has been
premiered/performed by Ensemble Uroboros March
13 in London. Jury members were Sam
Hayden, Gwyn Pritchard, Andrea Cavallari,
Christoph Taggatz, Andrew Kurowski, Platypus
Ensemble (Vienna), Uroboros Ensemble (London),
Carin Levine, Rohan de Saram, Mary Dullea
27 MAR-3 APR
Tongyeong, Korea; World New
Music Days 2016, JIP as Swiss
deputee at the ISCM general assemblies, http://iscm.org
1 APR 2016
UMS 'n JIP are confirmed to be
invited as Ensemble in Residence at the
Contemporary Opera Festival of the Teatro
Colon in Buenos Aires/Argentina in
August 2016
2-4 APR 2016
UMS invited to
present Recorderology & WP at the
Web Audio Conference WAC 2016 in
Atlanta/Georgia/USA together with
Keitaro Takahashi
16-24 APR 2016
UMS 'n JIP premiering their new
program Contemporaryologies II in
Zürich, Bern, Basel and Brig
featuring pure acoustic pieces by Rouvelas,
Hofer, Codera Puzo, Töpp, Roberts,
Changwitchukarn, Uzunselvi and Alonso
18-19 APR 2016
UMS 'n JIP working with
Argentinian composer Miguel Galperin on his
chamber opera 'El Entenado' in
23-26 APR 2016
JIP working on Ushba et
Tetnuld (Multimedia Music Theatre by
Nicolas Vérin)
rehearsals in Evry/France
27 APR 2016
World premiere -
UMS premiering Eleni Ralli's new work
'Miniature' at AKUT Basel
1 MAY 2016
JIP/RTS, Radio Suisse
Romande Espace 2, 10pm, a 2hr tribute
to Festival Forum Wallis 2006-2016 at 'Musique
d'avenir' with Anne Gillot featuring
UMS 'n JIP, Manuel Mengis, Hans-Peter
Pfammatter, Yannick Barman, Alain Michon,
Nicholas Chase, El Cimarrón Ensemble, Dissonart
Ensemble, Taller Sonoro, Wael Sami Elkholy, ds
Persona, Le Nec, Wen Deqing, Arditti String
Quartet, André Richard, Air Glaciers, TPC,
sCHpillit, Franziskus Abgottspon, Pierre
Mariétan and many more...
14 MAY 2016
Forum Wallis Schloss Leuk,
-SKOP (Exploring the Composition Process) with
Keitaro Takahashi
14 MAY 2016
Forum Wallis Schloss Leuk, John
Cage, Variations II
21 MAY 2016
UMS is commissioned a new
work by Swiss Ensemble Infinity à5 (Anne-May
Krüger, Anja Brezavšcek, Olivia Steimel,
Aleksander Gabrys, Joao Carlos Pacheco) based on
the Galgenlieder by Morgenstern - the work
appears within a program with Sofia
Gubaidulina's famous 14 'Galgenlieder'.
26 MAY 2016
Recording session UMS 'n
JIP/Jürg Henneberger with Max E. Keller's
'mobile' (trio version for voice(s),
recorder(s), toy piano & objects)
1-8 JUN 2016
UMS 'n JIP premiering their new
program klonkk II in Zürich, Bern and
Brig featuring electropop works by
JIP (spatialized remixes)
9-14 JUN 2016
UMS 'n JIP are the first
Swiss ensemble to be invited to the China
ASEAN Music Week, the 3rd most important
Chinese music festival after Beijing and
Shanghai. JIP is invited as composer in
residence: local musicians will
perform eff-InE and YWC for string orchestra,
lectures and workshops will be given at the
Guangxi Arts University, UMS 'n JIP's concert
will feature works by JIP, Wen Deqing
and Guo Wenjing, two of the most prolific
Chinese composers of our days.
15-17 JUN 2016
UMS 'n JIP are invited by the Taipei
International Contemporary Music Festival
hosted by ISCM Taiwan to perform and
lecture in Taipei. It is the startup for their
newly launched Taiwan Project.
Their concert will feature works by themselves,
Kokoras, Codera Puzo and Wen Deqing. Further
activities include reading sessions, lectures
and workshops.
18 JUN 2016
Meeting Japanese composer Kotoka
Suzuki in Lugano to work on
'Reservoir' (Remix) and her new commission
21-26 JUN 2016
UMS 'n JIP in Galicia/Spain to
evaluate future collaborations with Vertixe
Sonora Ensemble (workshops, reading
sessions, composer meetings) within the
Integrations Project
(http://integrations.umsnjip.ch). UMS 'n JIP
will perform Jun 22nd in Vigo (Do
Audible) presenting works by Steinauer, Codera
Puzo and UMS 'n JIP.
30 JUN - 30 JUL 2016
UMS 'n JIP return to Avignon. At the
famous Avignon Festival they
perform 24 concerts in the
renommated Theatre des Vents featuring works by
Kokoras, Suzuki, Hadjileontiadis, Imai,
UMS, JIP, Porten, Codera Puzo, Steinauer, Du
Yun, Cage, Kagel, Berio, Aperghis, Schnebel, http://avignon.umsnjip.ch,
9 JUL 2016
JIP performs Ushba et
Tetnuld, a multimedia chamber opera
based on Georgian tales by Nicolas Vérin
(concert version) in Jaugette/France.
1-15 AUG 2016
Teatro Colon Buenos Aires Argentina,
Centro de las Artes UNSAM. UMS 'n JIP is the Ensemble
in Residence of the Festival de Opera Nueva de
Buenos Aires chaired by Teatro Colon/CETC
Buenos Aires Argentina. WP
Genealogias featuring works by Schwitters,
Duchamp, Schnebel, Aperghis, Svetlichny, Kagel,
Cage, Berio, staged by Marcelo Delgado, further
concerts at Salon Blanco Teatro Colon, Hasta
Trilce and CETC featuring works by Codera Puzo,
Porten, UMS, JIP. Round tables, keynotes and
radio broadcasts at Argentinian National Radio
24-28 AUG 2016
UMS 'n JIP at Schloss Leuk, Valais,
Switzerland, JIP is member of the Jury of the
6. Prix Giuseppe Englert 2016,
concert during 19. Rencontres
Architecture Musique Ecologie R.A.M.E. 2016
with works by Porten, Codera Puzo, UMS
11-13 SEP 2016
UMS @ ICMC 2016 Utrecht presenting
the Recorderology research project
(www.recorderology.com) together with Keitaro
28-29 SEP 2016
UMS 'n JIP performing klonkk
at the Druckereihalle im Ackermannshof Basel
1-3 OCT 2016
UMS 'n JIP takes part in
'Wege und Warten' featuring world
premieres by Maria Porten and Werner
Bärtschi, concerts in Rapperswil,
Schaffhausen and Zürich, Switzerland
5 OCT 2016
Schweizerische Trachtenvereinigung
commissions JIP an arrangement for mixed choir
of the Unspunnenfest's 2017 official song
25 OCT 2016
Basel, CD release concert &
party: 'pilagrimr' by internationally awarded
Männerstimmen Basel including 'Ad mortem
festinamus' by JIP commissioned by Männerstimmen
19-27 OCT 2016
Bern, Basel, Zürich, Brig: world
premiere of '55 minuten' featuring
works by Cage (45' for a Speaker), JIP and Rolf
7-17 NOV 2016
Bern, Basel, Zürich: world premiere
of 'Moerike goes Electronic'
featuring works by JIP
1-3 DEC 2016
HEMU Site de Sion, workshop
conference about Swiss contemporary music
with UMS 'n JIP, concert 3.12. 17h, HEMU Site de
Sion with works by Max E. Keller
(mobile), Christophe Schiess (11 estaciones
for trio), UMS (string quartet)
4-12 DEC 2016
Taiwan, Taipei International
Contemporary Music Days 2016 chaired by ISCM
Taiwan. UMS 'n JIP is invited to
perform 'silence' and the world premiere of the
English version of '55 minuten' as well as 2
world premieres by Taiwanese composers Chao
Li-Wei and Chiu Yen-Ning. Further workshops and
masterclasses at several universities.
17 DEC 2016
UMS 'n JIP at musikalischer
Adventskalender in Brig, Valais,
Switzerland, works by Beat Gysin and Mathias
26 DEC 2016
UMS 'n JIP at Binner
Kulturtage in Binn, Valais,
Switzerland, with 'silence' featuring works by
Cage, Kagel, Berio, Aperghis, Schnebel.
1 JAN 2015
JIP is commissioned
new works by Männerstimmen Basel, vocal
ensemble molto cantabile and by HEMU
to be performed at renommated choir festivals in
London, Cambridge and various chamber
music festivals Belgium
8-11 JAN 2015
UMS 'n JIP premiering its new
program Contemporaryologies I featuring
works by Takahashi, Miyama, Gysin, Kokoras as
well as own works in Basel, Zürich and
15 JAN 2015
UMS 'n JIP remains
most active contemporary
music ensemble worldwide.
reviews 2015,
reviews 2014,
reviews 2013
21-23 JAN
in Athens. Presentation concert at
the Greek Music Information Centre IEMA,
concert at the Swiss Embassy in Athens
and a third concert as part of 'Music
Village at OCC', Onassis Cultural Centre
featuring works by Hofer, Porten, Aperghis,
Codera Puzo, Kokoras, Papageorgiou, Rouvelas,
Miyama and own works.
21-25 JAN
II' for string ensemble and solo
clarinet by JIP performed by Orchestre
de l'HEMU (dir: Jan Dobrzelewski) in
Saas Grund, Sion and Leuk (Switzerland)
24 JAN
UMS 'n JIP @
Oh! Festival, Schloss Leuk,
31 JAN -
12 FEB 2015
UmeDuo on Sweden Tour
performing the commissioned work 'fCuV' by UMS
premiered in Nov 2014 during Sound of
Stockholm in further 7 different Swedish cities.
2-7 FEB
UMS 'n JIP returns
to Riga, Latvia at contemporary music
festival deciBels: EINER (electropop
opera by UMS 'n JIP); world premieres
by Gundega Smite and Jachin Pousson, further
Latvian premieres by Uzunselvi and Rouvelas.
10-20 MAR
Startup Korea
Project in collaboration with Hanyang
University Seoul, workshops,
presentation concerts with both Swiss and Korean
7-10 APR
'Le fil de
la vie' with works by Maria Porten,
concerts in Brig, Zürich, Wädenswil
18-22 APR
The Turkey
Project in Switzerland (Brig, Basel,
Zürich) featuring works by Zeynep
Gedizlioglu, Idil Ataç (WP), Mehmet Ali
Uzunselvi, Mehmet Can Özer, Reuben de Lautour,
Murat Yakin, Turgut Erçetin (WP), Erçin Kaya
(WP), Adam Roberts (WP)
21 APR
premiere 'Ad mortem festinamus' by
JIP commissioned by Männerstimmen Basel, Basel
26 APR - 5
MAY 2015
England tour
with 'Ad mortem festinamus'
by JIP commissioned by Männerstimmen Basel,
concerts in London, Oxford, Cambridge
and at the Int. Cornwall Male Choir Festival,
Männerstimmen Basel win the European
Championship at the Cornwall Festival
28 APR - 1
MAY 2015
Contemporary Music Days 2015. Startup
Egypt Project in collaboration
with European Egyptian Society for
Contemporary Music, workshops,
presentation concerts with both Swiss and
Egyptian composers
21-25 MAY
Swiss Contemporary
Music Festival Forum Wallis 2015.
UMS 'n JIP presenting 'silence', FIVE for
kids and assisting in Stockhausen's
famous Helikopter-Streichquartett
with Arditti Quartet, André Richard,
Air-Glaciers and TPC
1 JUN 2015
CD release: F/V-TzzG
by Ulrike Mayer-Spohn (UMS) on
Trabant 2014 with Ensemble Phoenix Basel (J.
Henneberger, dir) at United Phoenix
4-7 JUN 2015
General Assembly of
the European Festivals Association EFA
in Ostrava (CZ). JIP as
Swissfestivals' deputee
14-22 JUN
in Bohol / Philippines performing at the Grand
Opening Concert broadcasted live to
several South Asian countries, a second concert
during the 2nd Int. Bohol Choir Festival &
Competition and Jury Member of the BCFC
1-11 JUL
römische Brunnen' by JIP commissioned
by internationally acclaimed mixed choir
Molto Cantabile premiered in Lucerne,
further performances in Czech Republic
(Ostrava, Praha), Poland and Hungary
30 AUG-6 SEP
Ensemble in Residence at
Pantographe Moutier, Austrian
composer Hannes Dufek confirms
10-12 SEP
Tonkünstlerfest at ZeitRäume Basel, meeting
Austrian composer Wolfgang Mitterer,
first tryouts for his new work for UMS 'n
16 SEP 2015
fFuS (2013) for
fl/sax by UMS performed by Zafraan
Ensemble Berlin during Kontraklang at
Heimathafen Neukölln Berlin
19 SEP 2015
Internationally awarded Swiss male
choir Männerstimmen Basel performs 'Ad
mortem festinamus' by JIP in St. Imier
19-20 SEP
JIP at Rezekne
Baroque Music Days 2015 in Latvia performing the
opera 'Assassino per Vendetta' by J.J. Rösler in
Rezekne (GORS) and Riga (Dailes), opera
recorded by Latvian National Radio
21-26 SEP
performing 'Three Voices' by Morton
Feldman in Brig, Basel, Zürich
27 SEP-2 OCT
Ljubljana, Slovenia; World
New Music Days 2015, JIP as Swiss
deputee at the ISCM general assemblies, http://iscm.org
4-9 OCT 2015
at Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo, Japan.
Concerts, lectures, workshops, working
sessions with composers Imai, Kawashima, Rai and
composition students
13-19 OCT
JIP at Arena
Contemporary Music Festival 2015 Riga
in Latvia performing the electroacoustic chamber
opera 'Marienglas' by Beat Gysin, opera
recorded by Latvian National Radio
24/25 OCT
Internationally awarded Swiss male
choir Männerstimmen Basel performs 'Ad
mortem festinamus' by JIP in Appenzell and
Andelfingen, Switzerland
28-31 OCT
UMS 'n JIP at Contemporary
Music Evenings Tbilissi 2015 (Georgia) . Concerts,
lectures, workshops in collaboration with the
State Conservatoire
4-26 NOV
Buenos Aires, Argentina - 25
years CETC Teatro Colon, premiere 'einer' by
UMS 'n JIP staged by staged by Pablo
Maritano, Eugenio Szwarcer, Betina Robles and
Maria Emilia Tambutti
4 DEC 2015
works by Maria Porten, Luis
Codera Puzo, Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi and Phoebus
Lee at Kultureller Kulturkalender in
5-14 DEC
Brig/Basel/Zürich -
Variations II by John Cage
13-14 DEC
meeting Hannes Dufek in
Zürich to work on his new work for UMS 'n JIP
13 DEC 2015
Internationally awarded Swiss male
choir Männerstimmen Basel performs 'Ad
mortem festinamus' by JIP in Lörrach, Germany
22 DEC 2015
works by Maria Porten, Luis
Codera Puzo, Reuben de Lautour, Mehmet Ali
Uzunselvi and Panayiotis Kokoras at
one of the most charming festivals in the Alps:
Binn Kultur, Valais, Switzerland
7 JAN 2014
48: presentation lecture and concert
'The Recorder Map', research project
funded by
Maja Sacher Stiftung
and related to Musikakademie Basel/
Musikforschung Basel
14 JAN
UMS 'n JIP remains the
most active contemporary
music ensemble worldwide.
reviews 2014,
reviews 2013
17 JAN 2014
session with Ensemble Inverspace for
DUO by UMS, Basel.
17 JAN 2014
Basel, voice
control by Swiss composer Thomas
Kessler, concert recorded by Swiss Radio
SRF2 Kultur.
18 JAN
symposion about the influence of
Contemporary European Music in the composition
of Contemporary Music in Actual China, Prof.
Wen Deqing (China), art. dir. of New
Music Week, Representative for Shanghai Spring
International Music Festival, dir. of
Documentation Center for Contemporary Music,
Deputy Dean of Composition Department of
Shanghai Conservatory of Music. UMS 'n JIP
performing 'A New legend of Yang Zongbao and Mu
Guiying' http://china.umsnjip.ch/
19 JAN
UMS 'n JIP is
to take part in a CD release
compiling works of Chinese
composer Guo Wenjing edited in China with
'Peach Blossom', recording session JAN 19th 2014
in Basel. http://china.umsnjip.ch/
20-25 JAN
UMS 'n
JIP artists in residence
at Pantographe Moutier, working
on the commissions by Swiss composers Keller,
Schiess, Dick, Steinauer, concert featuring
works by Porten, de Lautour, Uzunselvi, JIP.
30 JAN -
18 FEB 2014
Latvia tour.
6 new Latvian composers join the Latvia Project.
Further 3 concerts, 2 lectures, workshops, 3
radio features
at Latvijas Radio 3 Klasika Riga,
and two chamber opera world premieres in Riga
and Liepaja: Lysistrate I & II by Jekabs
Niemanis and Kaspar Ewald
featuring UMS as viola player.
13 FEB 2014
AC/E Accion
Espanola confirms supporting
UMS 'n JIP's Spain Project

15 MAR
California State University
world premiere 'Nothing and more' with
JIP, chamber opera by Jack Fortner,
Cimarron Ensemble, J. Fortner (dir), M. Kerstan
(stage dir)
23/24 MAR
Zürich, Kunstraum
world premieres by Mathias Steinauer and
Leo Dick, works by Beat Gysin.
Further concerts in Brig/VS and Basel /
Ackermannshof in April.
28-31 MAR
Mulhouse, France, La
Swiss and France premiere by Thomas
Kessler (*1937)
- Utopia II (2010-2011) with JIP.
Basel Sinfonietta, Jonathan Stockhammer (dir).
Further concerts at Stadtcasino Basel
and Dampfzentrale Bern. Concert
recorded by Swiss Radio SRF2 Kultur.
31 MAR
Basel, Gare du Nord,
world premiere FV-TZG (2014) for
ensemble by UMS,
Ensemble Phoenix Basel,
Jürg Henneberger (dir)
1-5 APR
Sweden tour
in collaboration
with ISCM Sweden providing
world premieres by Christophe Schiess,
Max E. Keller and works by
Swiss composers Wyttenbach, Gysin, JIP. Concerts
in Norrköpping, Göteborg, Härnösand.
Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung confirms UMS
'n JIP taking part in Luis Codera Puzo's new
portrait CD together with Ensemble
Ensemble Recherche and Crossing Lines Ensemble
edited by label col legno

UMS 'n JIP at
Theater am Gleis
Winterthur (Musica Aperta)
world premieres by Mathias Steinauer
and Leo Dick, further works by Beat Gysin, UMS
'n JIP and Codera Puzo.
11/12 APR
world premieres
by Mathias Steinauer and Leo Dick, further
works by Beat Gysin, UMS 'n JIP and Codera
22/23 APR
Radio France,
working session (JIP) on Nicolas Vérins new
chamber opera
10 MAY
works by Guo, Wen,
Porten, Hofer
12-19 MAY
concert tour in collaboration with
Kunitachi University Tokio,
world premieres by Suzuki, Onishi, Japan premieres by Miyama a.o. http://japan.umsnjip.ch/
20-24 MAY
Festival Palma
de Mallorca (Spain), sneak preview
5-9 JUN
Wallis, ,
Schloss Leuk, works by
Steinauer, Dick, Schiess, Keller, de Lautour,
Svetlichny, Gorlinksy, Fuchsmann, http://forumwallis.ch
17 JUN 2014
Europe premiere 'Nothing and more' with JIP, chamber opera by Jack
Fortner, Cimarron Ensemble, J. Fortner (dir)
20-29 JUN 2014
Festival ME_MMIX #2
Palma de Mallorca/Spain
Mallorca Summer Academy
Ensemble in Residence: UMS 'n JIP,
http://umsnjip.ch/, works a.o. by Svetlichny, de
Lautour, Codera Puzo and Stockhausen, WP
by Pala, Lluch and Taylor, foundation of ZENET
Contemporary Music Festival Network
4-27 JUL
UMS 'n
JIP at Avignon Festival, 23 concerts with works by
Stockhausen, Feldman, Gysin, Cage, Kagel,
Aperghis and many other composers from Japan,
China, Spain, Greece, Turkey and Switzerland.
14 JUL
AC/E Accion
Cultural Espanola publishes
interview with JIP in Madrid concerning The
Spain Project: https://www.youtube.com/
19 & 20 JUL 2014
UMS 'n JIP @ SIRGA Festival
in Flix/Spain, Castell de Flix,
Cinema Obra Social Flix presenting works by Du
Yun, Michael Fuchsmann, Anton Svetlichny, Joan
Bages, Chikashi Miyama, Luis Codera Puzo and UMS
'n JIP - http://sirgafestival.blogspot.fr/
18-24 AUG 2014
UMS 'n JIP Ensemble in
Residence at Music Village in Agios
Lavrendios, Pelion/Greece, works by Cage,
Keller, Schiess, Codera Puzo, Lapidakis, Du Yun
Gysin, Bages, Miyama, Suzuki, Svetlichny,
Khrust, Fuchsmann, UMS 'n JIP; meetings with
dissonArt ensemble to collaborate within
'Recorder Map'
29 AUG - 12 SEP 2014
Leuk, Schloss Leuk
strand-gut memento mori, exhibition
by rolf schroeter including 'kreise' by JIP, (4
graphic scores in collaboration with schroeter)
14/15 SEP 2014
Athens, International
Computer Music Conference ICMC-SMC 2014,
works by Maronidis and Takahashi, meetings at
the Swiss Embassy in Athens
17-19 SEP 2014
Tokyo, Japan, Kunitachi
College of Music, works by
Takahashi, Alonso, Svetlichny, Porten, UMS 'n
JIP, and composition students Tanaka, Kenshiro
and Changwitchukarn;
working with Japanese composers Rai, Kawashima
and Imai
21 SEP 2014
Ritterhaus Bubikon,
Switzerland, Treffpunkt der Kulturen,
works by Porten, Uzunselvi, Codera Puzo
22-28 SEP 2014
Paris, Radio France; JIP
recording 'Ushba et Tetnuld' by Nicolas Vérin
for France Culture
3-12 OCT 2014
Wroclaw, Poland; World New
Music Days 2014, JIP as Swiss
deputee at the ISCM general assemblies as well
as jury member of the ISCM Young Composers Award
2014, http://iscm.org
23-27 OCT 2014
Basel, Gare du Nord,
Swiss premiere 'Lysistrata' - 2 chamber operas
by Kaspar Ewald and Jekabs Nimanis featuring UMS
as viola player, http://garedunord.ch
27 OCT - 2 NOV 2014
At 11h55, 15h55, 23h55 and 02.11. at
23h30 - Radio France, excerpts of 'Ushba
et Tetnuld' by Nicolas Vérin, JIP
together with Roula Safar, Nicholas Isherwood
28 OCT - 2 NOV 2014
Arena Contemporary Music
Festival / Riga (Latvia) - JVLMA
Jazeps Vitols Music Academy Riga: round table
with Gundega Smite (pres. ISCM Latvia) -
Anglican Church Riga, Baroks un Avangards with
works by Keller, Svetlichny, Gubaidulina,
Stradella, Purcell, UMS 'n JIP
with Sergejs Jegers (countertenor), Ilze Reine
(org) and UMS 'n JIP - JVLMA Riga, recording
session / rehearsals with Latvian composers and
compositions students, http://arenafest.lv,
8 NOV 2014
Sweden, Sound of Stockholm
Festival, Karolina and Erika Öhmann
(Vc & perc, UmeDuo) premiering new
work by UMS followed by almost 20
reprises (!) during their Sweden tour
14-16 NOV 2014
Projecte Rafel Festival,
Rafelbunyol/Valencia, Spain, with
round tables and concerts featuring works by
Steinauer, Gysin, Suzuki, Svetlichny, Miyama, de
Lautour and 'einer', electropop opera by UMS 'n
26-29 NOV 2014
World premiere Naurutopia
by Leo Dick at Festival Performing
Voice in Bern (Dampfzentrale) and Basel (Gare du
30 NOV - 6 DEC 2014
World premiere 'Ushba et
Tetnuld', chamber opera by Nicolas Vérin at
Opéra de Reims, France, JIP together
with Roula Safar, Nicholas Isherwood
15-20 JAN 2013
working session with composers Haris
Kittos (GR/London), Luis Codera Puzo (ESP), Leo
Dick (CH/Berlin) in Basel |
15-25 JAN 2013
FIVE - chamber opera by
UMS ´n JIP, Swiss Tour. UMS 'n JIP's
5th chamber opera mixes Grimm's tale 'Die
Sterntaler' with microtonality, classical
avantgarde music, live electronics and
experimental electropop. Co-produced with Zeughaus
Brig-Glis. Text: Gisela-Ethaner Schelble. Oeil
extérieur: Wolfgang Beuschel. Stage: Simon
Wunderlich. Performances in Basel, Bern, Zürich. http://five.umsnjip.ch/ |
7 FEB 2013
world premiere
'sonette' for choir and solo
clarinet by JIP commissioned and performed by Basler
Madrigalisten in Basel, Hans Huber Saal
(Stadtcasino Basel), Raphael Immoos
(dir,) http://www.basler-madrigalisten.ch/ |
8 FEB 2013
working session with
Japanese composer Kotoka Suzuki
in Basel |
15-25 FEB 2013
world premiere The
Greece Project in Thessaloniki. New
works by contemporary Greek composers Antonis
Rouvelas, Zesses Seglias, Leontios
Hadjileontiadis, Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris
Maronidis, Haris Kittos, Michalis Lapidakis,
Dimitris Papageorgiou at Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki collaborating with the
Dpt. of Electrical and Computer Eng., workshops
& masterclasses, additional concerts, http://greece.umsnjip.ch/
28 FEB - 1 MAR 2013
world premiere 'Der
Heimatlose' by Florian Schwamborn 1.3.
Electropop Opera 'TWO' by UMS 'n JIP, both at Theatre
de la Reine Blanche, Paris. Meeting
French and Spanish composers Nicolas Verin, Octavi
Rumbau, Daniel Figols, German Alonso, Joan Bages
in Paris/IRCAM 2.3. http://www.reine-blanche.com/ |
14 MAR 2013
Nachtstrom, Gare du Nord
Basel, works by Anastasija Kadisa,
Leontios Hadjileontiadis
Swiss CD Label
'Zytglogge' will publish a CD including 'Gebet
XXI' by JIP performed by Singfrauen
Winterthur, Franziska Welti (dir) |
15 MAR
working session with Japanese
composer Kotoka Suzuki at ZKM
20-24 MAR 2013
Swiss premiere The
Greece Project. New works by
contemporary Greek composers Antonis
Rouvelas, Zesses Seglias, Leontios
Hadjileontiadis, Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris
Maronidis, Haris Kittos, Michalis Lapidakis,
Dimitris Papageorgiou in Basel, Zürich,
Brig, http://greece.umsnjip.ch/
22 MAR 2013
guest lecture at ESB
(Electronisches Studio Basel) presenting
The Greece Project by invitation of
Prof. Erik Ona
11-15 APR 2013
Istanbul, Turkey, startup The Turkey
Project in collaboration with MIAM
Istanbul/Stefan Pohlit, ITÜ MIAM
Centre of Advanced Studies in Music, concerts and
master classes |
19-29 APR 2013
world premiere The Spain
Project in Barcelona/Spain during Contemporary
music festival Mixtur 2013. New works
by contemporary Spanish composers Joan
Bages i Rubi, Luis Codera Puzo, Daniel Figols
Cuevas, German Alonso, Octavi Rumbau Masgrau,
workshops & masterclasses, additional
concerts, http://spain.umsnjip.ch/ |
3-5 MAY 2013
Swiss contemporary
music festival forum wallis, The
Latvia Project together with Putni vocal ensemble
and Oberwalliser Volksliederchor http://www.forumwallis.ch/ |
12 MAY - 1 JUN 2013
world premiere
'Mondnacht' for choir by UMS
performed by Basler Madrigalisten / Cappella Nova
in Zürich, Basel and Hergiswald, Raphael Immoos
(dir,) http://www.basler-madrigalisten.ch/ |
17/18 MAY 2013
Swiss contemporary
music festival forum wallis VII 2013,
world premieres by Pierre-Henri
Wicomb, Chikashi Miyama and Keitaro Takahashi
as well as first Swiss performances of Greek and
Spanish composers Antonis Rouvelas,
Zesses Seglias, Leontios Hadjileontiadis,
Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris Maronidis, Haris
Kittos, Michalis Lapidakis, Dimitris
Papageorgiou, Joan Bages i
Rubi, Luis Codera Puzo, Daniel Figols Cuevas,
German Alonso, Octavi Rumbau Masgrau,
composer's talks. http://www.forumwallis.ch/ |
3-7 JUN 2013
Swiss tour with The
Spain Project. New works by
contemporary Spanish composers Joan Bages
i Rubi, Luis Codera Puzo, Daniel Figols Cuevas,
German Alonso, Octavi Rumbau Masgrau, http://spain.umsnjip.ch/
15 JUN 2013
world premiere 'surge
II' by Keitaro Takahashi,
Musik-Akademie Basel, Grosser Saal |
22 JUN 2013
world premiere 'feP-zd'
for large ensemble by UMS with Ensemble Phoenix,
Jürg Henneberger (dir), Musik-Akademie Basel,
Grosser Saal, http://ensemble-phoenix.ch/ |
28-30 JUN 2013
'enigma' by JIP performed by
Paul Taylor Orchestra in Baden,
Zürich (Kunsthaus) and Küsnacht/ZH
(C.G. Jung Institut) http://www.pto.ch/
5-6 JUL 2013
UMS 'n JIP at contemporary music
festival Randspiele Berlin, world
premieres by Helmut Zapf, Stefan Streich, UMS
and Wolfgang Heiniger, by invitation of the
Embassy of Switzerland Berlin, additional
works by Keller, Zurbriggen, Dahinden, Porten, JIP |
7-31 JUL 2013
UMS 'n JIP returns
to Avignon Festival with 3
programs featuring works by Cage, Kagel, Berio,
Aperghis, new works by Greek and Spanish composers
as well as UMS 'n JIP's acclaimed electropop
chamber opera 'einer'. 25 concerts in
one of Avignon's most famous venues:
Theatre Notre Dame, Salle noire. http://theatre-notredame.com/;
view gallery
9-11 AUG 2013
UMS 'n JIP at Contemporary Music
Festival ME_MMIX2013 Palma de Mallorca,
Spain, works by Papageorgiou, Kokoras,
Miyama, Codera Puzo, Rumbau, Bages and UMS 'n
JIP's chamber opera einer. http://memmix.es/;
view gallery
16/20/22 AUG 2013
UMS 'n JIP's
Esperanto electropop opera THREE
at French Esperanto Center
Chateau de Grésillon (France) as
well as at the European
Esperanto Meetings in Plouézec (Bretagne). http://three.umsnjip.ch/;
25 AUG 2013
Schloss Solitude
Solitude Soiree,
works by Porten, Wen Deqing, Gysin, UMS 'n JIP. view
gallery |
18/19 SEP 2013
The Greece Project at
Ackermannshof Basel incl. world
premiere of 'Skizzipichkeit' by Russian
composer Michael Fuchsmann http://greece.umsnjip.ch/;
gallery |
20 SEP - 12 OCT 2013
FIVE (reloaded) -
chamber opera by UMS ´n JIP. UMS 'n
JIP's 5th chamber opera mixes Grimm's tales with
microtonality, classical avantgarde music, live
electronics and experimental electropop.
Co-produced with Zeughaus Brig-Glis. Oeil
extérieur: Wolfgang Beuschel. Stage: Simon
Wunderlich. Performances in Basel, Brig, Zürich. http://five.umsnjip.ch/;
view gallery |
27 SEP - 1 OCT 2013
Concert at Avgo Music Village
Thessaloniki Sep 28th & working on
European research program iTreasures featuring
'Common Brain' by Leontios Hadjileontiadis at
Aristotle University Thessaloniki
8 OCT 2013
world premiere FIVE
(reloaded) for children, interactive version of
UMS 'n JIP's chamber opera experimenting with
open forms. UMS 'n JIP's 5th chamber
opera mixes Grimm's tales with microtonality,
classical avantgarde music, live electronics and
experimental electropop. Co-produced with Zeughaus
Brig-Glis. Oeil extérieur: Wolfgang Beuschel.
Stage: Simon Wunderlich. http://five.umsnjip.ch/;
view gallery |
14 OCT 2013
World premiere 'M' and
'collapse' by both UMS and JIP during Dimitria
Festival Thessaloniki with Greek
Contemporary Music Ensemble dissonArt |
18 - 20 OCT 2013
World premiere
'constellationen II'/JIP for 17part string
orchestra and solo instrument (commissioned
by HEMU) in Saas Grund, Ernen and Savièse
(Valais/Switzerland), HEMU chamber orchestra, Jan
Dobrzelewski (dir), C. Masefield (acc) |
19 OCT 2013
World premiere 'surge III' by
Keitaro Takahashi (version for subbass
recorder in F, live electronics and live video)
at Haus der Elektronischen Künste Basel |
28 OCT - 1 NOV 2013
'Common Brain' by
Leontios Hadjileontiadis presented
as part of the European research program
iTreasures during Archeovirtual @
Digitalheritage 2013 Marseille (France) |
6-8 NOV 2013
'Common Brain' by
Leontios Hadjileontiadis presented
as part of the European research program
iTreasures during ICT 2013 Vilnius |
11-14 NOV
delegate during ISCM World
New Music Days in Vienna. http://www.iscm.org/ |
17-26 NOV
world premiere The
Turkey Project. Concerts at
ITU MIAM, Babylon, Büyükada Hagios Dimitrios a.o.
28 NOV
world premiere new
piece by UMS with Ensemble
Inverspace in Moscow/Russia |
28 NOV-7 DEC
world premiere 'How
to do Things with Words' (JIP/Dick/Tesche/Lim)
at ZHdK and LaborARTorium
Ludwig Maximilian University München
30 NOV
world premiere new
piece ('Höllenhemd') dedicated
to UMS 'n JIP by Swiss composer
Maria Porten
5 DEC 2013
JIP is awarded the
Prix Culturel de l'Etat du Valais 2013
at Zeughaus Brig-Glis
15 DEC 2013
JIP elected ISCM
Switzerland's new president (Schweizerische
Gesellschaft für Neue Musik SGNM) |
JAN 2012
The China Project II
with Europe premieres by
Guo Wenjing, Phoebus Lee, Samuel Tam, Karry
Lee as well as works by Huang Ruo and
Wen Deqing at ONO Bern, Zeughaus Brig,
Walcheturm Zürich and Imprimerie Basel
(Schleifferei). http://china.umsnjip.ch/
18 JAN
Contemporary Swiss
music by Max E. Keller, Markus Hofer,
Pierre-André Bovey, Beat Gysin, Maria Porten as
well as two new works by UMS & JIP at Théâtre
de Valère Sion.
20 JAN
Dampfzentrale Bern -
Shit & Schein Festival. UMS 'n
JIP is selected among 40 ensembles to present
excerpts of TWO (electropop
opera based on text of Swiss newspaper
'20minuten', http://two.umsnjip.ch/).
03 FEB
Theater La Poste, Visp, Contemporary
Music Festival Forum Wallis, FOUR, UMS
'n JIP's 4th chamber opera: A 7-part reflection
on the creation and the creative process. http://four.umsnjip.ch/
04 FEB
Theater La Poste, Visp,
Contemporary Music Festival Forum Wallis, world
premiere 'IvS-E-12,7,22' for ensemble
by UMS, world premiere '3xPG'
for ensemble by JIP, Ensemble Phoenix
Basel, Jürg Henneberger (dir), http://forumwallis.ch/
FEB 2012
UMS 'n JIP starts its Arabia
Project with 'The Religion of Love' by
Stefan Pohlit, world premiere 11-13
Feb 2012 in VS/Switzerland. http://arabia.umsnjip.ch/,
22 FEB
- 6 MAY 2012
JIP's 'kreise' at haus
konstruktiv. 'kreise', a graphic
score realized in 2003/7 together with Swiss
artist Rolf Schroeter is part of Schroeter's big
retro-spective exhibition entitled 'Contact' at
world famous museum haus konstruktiv zürich http://www.haus-konstruktiv.ch/,
28 FEB
- 10 MAR 2012
UMS 'n JIP invited to present
The China Project at Adelaide Festival
Australia (Garage International), additional
presenting concert and Masterclass at the
Adelaide University (Electronic Music Studio).
MAR 2012
UMS 'n JIP becomes
ensemble in residence at Imprimerie
Basel 2012/13 |
JIP is commissioned new
pieces by Paul Taylor Orchestra with
Eliana Burki and Sanna
Kurki-Suonio, by Basler
Vokalsolisten (Sebastian Goll) and
by Capella Nova (Raphaël Immoos).
11 MAR 2012
UMS 'n JIP invited at Musikpodium
der Stadt Zürich (Theater Rigiblick)
to perform Cage (lecture on nothing) & Kagel
(Atem) |
MAR 2012
UMS 'n JIP 1st foreigner
contemporary music ensemble ever invited to Latvian
New Music Days. Concerts &
masterclasses in Riga and Ventspils, world
premieres by contemporary Latvian
composers Abols, Rise, Gustovska,
Klingenberga, Gribinchika, Herlins.
1 APR 2012
UMS is awarded
'Förderpreis für Komposition' for her
piece 'fk-SZ' for small ensemble, world premiere
performed by Kammer-Solisten Zug during 1.
Zuger Kompositionspreis (1st Zug
Composition Contest) at Theater Casino Zug
Kompositionspreis |
1 APR - 1 JUL 2012
participates with a sound collage
in the MRAC Avignon (France) opening
exhibition (Musée Rigolo d'Art Contemporain,
Avignon. France), vernissage Apr 1st, http://mrac.com/
APR 2012
Switzerland Tour with
'silence', a concert program
featuring some of the most distinguished and
influent contemporary classic works by Schnebel,
Aperghis, Berio, Kagel and Cage, including his
famous 'lecture on nothing'. Concerts
in Zürich, Basel, Bern, Brig. http://riviu.umsnjip.ch/
23-29 APR 2012
South Russia tour (Rostov,
Taganrog, Bataysk) with workshops
and concerts featuring 'silence', Swiss and
Russian composers http://russia.umsnjip.ch/
UMS selected as a
finalist for the 2013 MATA Festival NYC.
MATA received more than 620 applications from
around the world, a record number in its 14 year
history. http://matafestival.org/
18 MAY 2012
world premiere
'baxacpekte' for 12part choir and tape by JIP, commissioned
by Basler Vokalsolisten, Sebastian Goll (dir),
Aarau (CH), Stadtkirche. http://basler-vokalsolisten.ch/ |
16-20 MAY 2012
'Swiss Composers meet
Europe' / EJCF (European Youth Choir Festival
2012 Basel). Kammerchor Winterthur
directed by Christoph Bachmann performs 'Vergine
Madre', 'Sonett XII' and folksong arrangements
by JIP, live recording by Swiss Radio
DRS, composer's talk. http://ejcf.ch/
30 MAY / 1 & 3 JUN 2012
Sang et lueurs, featuring
new works by Swiss composer Maria Porten and both
UMS and JIP, with Gian Manuel Rau (stage
director). Zürich, Theater STOK: http://www.musikzeitung.ch/ |
31 MAY - 07 JUN 2012
The Russia Project
featuring world and Swiss premieres
by young Russian composers Bochikhina,
Gorlinsky, Khrust, Nadzharov, Svetlichny,
Fuchsmann and others. Concerts in
Basel, Zürich, Bern, Brig. http://russia.umsnjip.ch/
17 JUN - 1 JUL 2012
Roaring Hooves Mongolia
2012, Int. New Music Festival and Gobi Summer
Academy, Ulaanbaatar and Gobi desert,
one of the most important and fascinating
contemporary music events in Central Asia, rated
one of the 50 most beautiful cultural events
6-28 JUL 2012
UMS 'n JIP returns
to Avignon Festival with 3
programs featuring works by Gorlinsky,
Svetlichny, Huang Ruo, Guo Wenjing, Du Yun, Wen
Deqing, Cage, Kagel, Berio, Aperghis and many
others performing 23 concerts in
one of Avignon's most famous venues:
Theatre Notre Dame, Salle noire. http://avignon.umsnjip.ch/
30 AUG - 12 SEP 2012
reprise & Swiss tour
'sang et lueurs', featuring new works
by Swiss composer Maria Porten and both UMS and
JIP, with Gian Manuel Rau (stage
director), Zürich, Bern, Basel, Brig. http://www.musikzeitung.ch/ |
30 AUG - 7 SEP 2012
world premiere
'constellationen' by JIP for string
orchestra, solo alphorn, solo mezzosoprano, solo
percussion and live tape performed by paul taylor
orCHestra (PTO), Eliana Burki, Sanna Kurki-Suonio,
Florian Reichle and Paul Taylor (dir). Concerts in
Solothurn (Konzerthaus), Aarau (Kongresszentrum),
Zürich (Tonhalle). |
10-17 OCT 2012
world premiere FIVE -
chamber opera by UMS ´n JIP. UMS 'n
JIP's 5th chamber opera mixes Grimm's tale 'Die
Sterntaler' with microtonality, classical
avantgarde music, live electronics and
experimental electropop. Co-produced with Zeughaus
Brig-Glis. Text: Gisela-Ethaner Schelble. Oeil
extérieur: Wolfgang Beuschel. Stage: Simon
Wunderlich. http://five.umsnjip.ch/ |
16 OCT 2012
Swiss Radio DRS2 22h30
'Im Konzertsaal'. Kammerchor Winterthur
directed by Christoph Bachmann performs 'Vergine
Madre', 'Sonett XII' and folksong arrangements by
JIP, live recording at 'Swiss Composers meet
Europe' / EJCF (European Youth Choir Festival 2012
http://www.drs2.ch/ |
20/21 OCT 2012
world premiere YWC
(affirmation) by JIP for live tape and
string orchestra performed by Orchestre HEMU and
Philip Bride (dir). Concerts in Sion (Eglise des
Jesuites) and Brig (Zeughaus). http://forumwallis.ch/ |
6 - 14
NOV 2012
The Swiss Project, new
world premieres by Beat Gysin, Mathias
Steinauer, Xavier Dayer, Roland Dahinden.
Zürich, Bern, Basel, Brig. http://switzerland.umsnjip.ch/
23 - 30 NOV 2012
5 years UMS 'n JIP at
Imprimerie Basel, permanent concerts
and exhibitions with lots of the artists and
composers related to UMS 'n JIP's work. http://www.imprimerie-basel.ch/
- download
Flyer |
1/2 DEC 2012
5 years UMS 'n JIP at
Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Glis, permanent
concerts and exhibitions with lots of the artists
and composers related to UMS 'n JIP's work. http://www.zeughaus-kultur.ch/
- download
Flyer |
DEC 2013
The Greece Project.
UMS 'n JIP will meet Greek composers Antonis
Rouvelas, Zesses Seglias, Leontios
Hadjileontiadis, Panagiotis Kokoras, Dimitris
Maronidis, Haris Kittos, Michalis Lapidakis,
Dimitris Papageorgiou in Thessaloniki for first
rehearsals. http://greece.umsnjip.ch/
21 JAN 2011
Theater La Poste, The China Project,
concert featuring the European
Premieres of the pieces commissioned
and premiered by UMS 'n JIP during their Hong
Kong stay in December 2010 (works by Lee
Phoebus, Tam Samuel, Guo Wenjing, Li Karry, Wu
Chris) - http://china.umsnjip.ch |
11/12/13 FEB 2011
UMS 'n JIP featuring mini-opera
world premiere Painted Skin
together with Chinese composer Huang Ruo
reflecting traditional Chinese & Valais songs
at Swiss Contemporary Music Festival forum : :
wallis <<>> forum : : valais - http://forumvalais.ch |
15 FEB
UMS 'n JIP's first chamber
opera ONE invited at
Forum Neue Musik Luzern - http://www.fnmluzern.ch/
16/17 FEB 2011
THREE (esperanto
electropop opera) by UMS 'n JIP at Imprimerie
Basel (Schleifferei). THREE is about
Esperanto (European), if used as the common
European language, being the very efficiant way
for a global European economic impact. Mise en
scène by Wolfgang Beuschel, installations by Simon
Wunderlich - photos by Swiss photographer
Marie N. Guex - http://www.stage-in-focus.com,
video recordings by Franz Bannwart |
FEB 2011
THREE (esperanto
electropop opera) by UMS 'n JIP at
Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich -
- photos by renommated Keystone Agency
photographer Niklaus Stauss -
23 MAR
UMS 'n JIP will premiere new
works by Maria Porten collaborating
with world fame musicians such as Carmina
Quartett and stage director Gian
Manuel Rau at Theater Rigiblick
Zürich - http://www.theater-rigiblick.ch/
MAR 2011
Guest ensemble at Gare
du Nord Basel, UMS 'n JIP will
present their chamber operas TWO & THREE,
performing together with Ensemble
Phoenix Basel and internationally
renommated Jazz musicians such as Manuel
Mengis and Christophe Fellay
- http://www.garedunord.ch
APR 2011
Invited by Contemporary
Music Festival L'art pour l'Aar, UMS
'n JIP will premiere in Berne and Biel new works
by Swiss composers Max E. Keller,
Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey as
well as two new works by UMS & JIP
themselves. Reprises in Zürich, Perrefitte,
Basel and Winterthur (musica aperta) in Sep
2011. http://www.artpourlaar.ch/
01 JUN
UMS 'n JIP receives the
prestigious pluriannual grant
MusiquePro by Canton du Valais
08 JUN
JIP co-founder and
president of IGNM-VS, the Valais
section of the International Society for
Contemporary Music
16 JUN
Irvine Arditti
(Arditti Quartet, London) becomes UMS 'n JIP's
musical coach. http://arditti.com/
08-31 JUL 2011
After a successful Avignon
Festival in 2010, UMS 'n JIP will
return at the Palais Royal, one
of the most elegant Avignon venues next to the
famous Pope's Palace for 24 performances
featuring their chamber operas TWO and THREE as
well as contemporary music classics by
Kagel, Aperghis and many others
during Avignon Festival 2011 - http://avignon.umsnjip.ch/
AUG 2011
Music Village Agios
Lavrendios Mount Pelion Greece Scholarship
Award for UMS. UMS is commissioned a
new ensemble piece (fEdA) which will be
premiered by dissonArt ensemble and
Beat Furrer (dir). http://www.music-village.gr/
02-08 SEP 2011
Contemporary Swiss music
by Max E. Keller, Markus Hofer, Pierre-André Bovey
as well as two new works by UMS & JIP.
Concerts in Zürich, Perrefitte, Basel and Winterthur
(musica aperta), where the concert will
be recorded by Swiss Radio DRS 2 (Andreas
Werner, sound engineer). |
11 SEP 2011
'Art.20-FW' by
UMS is awarded 3rd prize ex aequo at the
Musikfestival Bern Int. Composition Contest.
'Art.20-FW' for small ensemble is premiered by Ensemble
Vertigo and Mark Foster
(dir). http://www.musik-festivalbern.ch/
28 SEP - 12 OCT 2011
FOUR will be
UMS 'n JIP's 4th chamber opera: A 7-part
reflection on the creation and the creative
process. Its world premiere is
scheduled at Zeughaus Brig-Glis in
Valais/Switzerland in Sep 28 2011. The Swiss tour
(08-12 Oct) includes Imprimerie Basel, Walcheturm
Zürich, ONO Bern. http://four.umsnjip.ch/ |
03-07 OCT 2011
collaborating with French
composer, dancer and sound artist/engineer Alain
Michon, UMS 'n JIP will stay in French
Provence (Toulon) for a short residence
to work on Michon's new installative piece Le
Bel Insensé as well to give a concert
with its own work on Oct 6th. |
13 OCT 2011
UMS 'n JIP's second chamber
opera TWO (electropop opera)
invited at Contemporary Music Festival
Oggi Musica Lugano - http://www.oggi-musica.ch/ |
OCT 2011
world premiere
'cdnnns-aioo' for string orchestra by
JIP in Brig, Sion, Ernen performed by
HEMU orchestra and Titus
Engel (dir) http://www.forumwallis.ch/
05 NOV 2011
UMS 'n JIP invited at Schloss
Leuk (Valais/CH), world premiere of
123.08/epilog (concert version) by JIP,
vernissage with works by world fame photographers
Rolf Schroeter, Balthasar Burkhard |
09-11 NOV 2011
UMS selected composer - Call for
scores 2011 Ensemble L'Arsenale and Neue
Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, Treviso/Italy.
http://www.larsenale.com/ |
08-18 NOV 2011
The Africa Project will take its
1st step by collaborating with South
African composer Pierre-Henri Wicomb
who will be resident composer in Switzerland in
November 2011. UMS 'n JIP will work on open
notation forms. http://africa.umsnjip.ch/ |
12 NOV 2011
UMS 'n JIP invited at Global
Forum Wallis 2011 Schloss Leuk |
- 18 DEC 2011
Scheduled in autumn/winter
2011, The Russia Project will be presented in Moscow,
St. Petersburg, Rostov-na-Donu
featuring world premieres by
young Russian composers Bochikhina,
Gorlinsky, Khrust, Nadzharov and Rannev.
The Swiss tour will start in January 2012. http://russia.umsnjip.ch/
26 DEC
The China Project II
with Europe premieres by
Guo Wenjing, Phoebus Lee, Samuel Tam, Karry
Lee as well as works by Huang Ruo and
Wen Deqing at Kulturtage Binn, http://china.umsnjip.ch/