Does the UMS'nJIP Performing Arts
Association accept charitable donations?
As a non-profit charitable
organization, UMS'nJIP's association relies on financial
contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations
and government agencies. Click here to contact UMS'nJIP
to find out how you can donate.
Do you accept unsolicited
UMS'nJIP do accept unsolicited compositions, but
note that any material submitted will not be returned.
Although scores are acceptable, recordings are much
preferred. Please send your package to our office address.
Please include your contact information, so that we can
reach you if there is interest in adding your work to the
Can you send me sheet music for a
piece in the UMS'nJIP repertoire?
We are not music publishers, and are therefore not
allowed to send out copies of music in our library for other
groups' use. Please contact the publisher or the composer of
the piece you're interested in for scores and parts.
When will UMS'nJIP be performing in my
here for the current performance schedule.
How do I get information about booking
Please e-mail details to UMS 'n JIP's
Production Office.
The UMS'nJIP Association is a
non-profit organization based in Münster, Valais,
Switzerland. The mission of UMS'nJIP is to continually
re-imagine the contemporary music experience. UMS'nJIP
fulfil their mission by composing, commissioning,
performing, recording and presenting contemporary music
internationally, and by collaborating with, mentoring and
encouraging other artists. UMS'nJIP commission new works
each season and usually perform more than 100 concerts a
year, touring for several months annually. Performances
often include educational activities in conjunction with
various structures and touring engagements in both rural
communities as well as large urban centers. UMS'nJIP
continually strive to reach, challenge, and expand audiences
that rarely have the opportunity to attend performances of
contemporary music. The duo also maintains a commitment to
education by participating in concert discussions, benefit
performances, classroom visits, open rehearsals, master
classes, coaching sessions, and performances in schools to
reach a diverse range of groups including elementary,
secondary, and university age students. UMS'nJIP are
self-managed and have an office in Münster, Valais,
Switzerland, handling all of UMS'nJIP's business, such as
booking, travel, promotion, production, and fundraising. The
organization is funded by individuals, foundations, and
government sources, including: Etat du Valais, Pro Helvetia,
Acción Cultural Española, Loterie Romande, Stanley Thomas
Johnson Stiftung, Artephila Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung,
Migros Kulturprozent, among others.