UMS ’n JIP are also composers
and have received
several awards at international composition
contests. In addition they have been commissioned
for works by world class ensembles among them Neue
Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, Ensemble Phoenix, Basler
Männerstimmen Basel, dissonArt Ensemble and the
works have
been performed in the US, Switzerland, China, Corea, Greece,
Germany, Latvia, Italy, Belgium and Israel among others.
2008 VDE Gallo/Porten 'Es war einst ein
Paradies', CD
2010 Kompositionswettbewerb Culturescapes Schweiz-China, 2.
2011 MusiquePRO Grant Kanton Wallis 2011-13, CHF 90'000
2011 Kompositionswettbewerb Musikfestival Bern, 2. Prize
2011 Composition Contest l'Arsenale/Neue Vocalsolisten
Stuttgart, Treviso/I, Commission Award
2011 Composition Contest Mount Pelion Greece/DissonArt
Ensemble/Beat Furrer, Commission Award
2012 1. Zuger Kompositionswettbewerb, Förderpreis
2012 MATA Festival Composition Contest New York City,
2012 haus konstruktiv Museum of Contemporary Art Zürich,
rolf schroeter/kontakte (score exhibition)
2012 Europ. Jugendchorfestival 2012 'Swiss Composers meet
Europe', Composer in Residence
2013 Prix Culturel de l'Etat du Valais
2013 Zytglogge/Singfrauen Winterthur, CD
2014 AC/E Acción Cultural Española, project grant for The
Spain Project
2014 col legno/Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, Codera
Puzo/mulitplicidad, CD
2014 Trabant Composition Contest Ensemble Phoenix Basel,
Special Award
2015 United Phoenix Records/Ensemble Phoenix Basel, CD
2015 Composers Competition Protonwerk Nr. 6, Ensemble Proton
Bern, Commission Award
2015 Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council, project grant for
Integrations with UMS 'n JIP & MCME
2015 Nestlé Fondation pour l'Art, project grant for
Integrations with UMS 'n JIP & MCME
2015 UBS Kulturstiftung, project grant for Integrations with
2016 London Ear Festival Int. Composers
Competition, 1st Prize
2017 Weimarer Frühlingstage für Zeitgenössische Musik
Composition Competition, 1st Prize
2017 streiffzug hommage/Max E. Keller 'wider-wege', CD
2017 Walter Ferrato Composition Competition Savona, Italy,
1st Prize
2017/18 FNOBA Festival Nueva Opera
BsAs/CETC Teatro Colon BsAs, elected to Academic Board
2021 appointed to nominate candidates for the Kyoto Prize,
Music Section
2021 Lucerne Festival Forward Call for Commissions,
2021 ISCM Virtual Collaborative Series Selection
2022 Best Contemporary Classical September (USA) for the
CD Shimmer, Tree... by Kotoka Suzuki
Gold Medal Winner Global Music Awards (USA) for
the CD Shimmer, Tree... by Kotoka Suzuki
3rd Ise-Shima
International Composition Competition, Japan, Special
Prize for fKFW
3rd Ise-Shima
International Composition Competition, Japan, Special
Prize for fTS+18
2023 6th GMCL / Jorge Peixinho Composition Competition,
Portugal, Honorable Mention for fCJP-23
2024 EHTE, Composition Contest for Txistu 2024, Special
2009 Quest' anima gentil, Markus Utz
(dir)/Vocalensemble ZHdK
2010 SJ-LaC-Etf , Tsung Yeh (dir)/Ensemble Boswil
2010 enigma, J.-F. Monot/Orchestre HEMU
2011 Art.20-FW, Mark Foster (dir)/Ensemble Vertigo
2011 fEP, Jürg Henneberger (dir)/Ensemble Phoenix
2011 fEdA, Beat Furrer (dir)/Ensemble DissonArt
2011 YWC, Philip Bride (dir)/Orchestre HEMU
2011 fL'a&NVs, F. Perocco (dir)/Neue Vocalsolisten
2012 IvS-E-12,7,22, Jürg Henneberger (dir)/Ensemble Phoenix
2012 fk-SZ, Kammersolisten Zug
2012 3xpg, Jürg Henneberger (dir)/Ensemble Phoenix
2012 cdnnns-aioo, Titus Engel (dir)/Orchestre HEMU
2012 constellationen, Paul Taylor (dir) PTO/Eliana Burki
2012 baxacpekte, Sebastian Goll (dir)/Basler
Vokalsolisten/UBS Kulturstiftung
2012 sonette, Raphael Immoos, Basler Madrigalisten
2012 3-log-Y Klangbox Ensemble
2013 constellationen II, Jan Dobrzelewski (dir)/Orchestre
2013 M, Ensemble dissonArt
2013 collapse, Ensemble dissonArt
2013 fEP-zD, Jürg Henneberger (dir)/Ensemble Phoenix
2013 fFUS, Ensemble Inverspace
2014 F/V-TzzG, Jürg Henneberger (dir)/Ensemble Phoenix
2014 ad mortem festinamus, Männerstimmen Basel/Pro Helvetia
2014 fCuV, UmeDuo
2015 Der römische Brunnen, molto cantabile
2015 fDMR-T, Ensemble SpazioMusica Cagliari
2015 eff-inE HEMU/Conservatoire Royal de Liège
2015 FPW for Ensemble Proton Bern
2015 EINER, CETC/Teatro Colon Buenos Aires
2016 Galgenlieder for Ensemble Infinity à5 Basel
2016 fLEC-UE, London Ear Festival, Uroboros Ensemble
2016 Unspunnenlied (arr.), Swiss Trachtenvereinigung
2016 Genealogias, CETC/Teatro Colon Buenos Aires
2017 GM-Is for string quartet, Musikpodium der Stadt Zürich
2017 m for string quartet and electronics, Musikpodium der
Stadt Zürich
2017 La Chèvre de Monsieur Séguin, Jan Dobrzelewski
(dir)/Orchestre HEMU
2017 fWSF for Ensemble Via Nova, Weimarer Frühlingstage für
Zeitgenössische Musik
2017 au-dnstz for violin, piano and electronics, Jan
2017 fEdA+, Ensemble dissonArt Thessaloniki
2017 fTS+, Ensemble Taller Sonoro Sevilla
2017 fCWF for Ensemble Nuove Musiche, Primavera Sacra Int.
Contemporary Music Festival Savona, Italy
2017 studie, Ensemble dissonArt /
Taller Sonoro
2017 cfhln-eä, Ensemble dissonArt / Taller Sonoro
2017 fEdA_2017, Ensemble dissonArt Thessaloniki
2017 fZE, Ensemble Zone Expérimentale
2018 fEWI, for 4 electronic wind controlers, Arte Quartett
2018 fEA, Ensemble Aventure, Freiburg i.Br.
2018 fEdA+_2018, Ensemble dissonArt Thessaloniki
2018 eeeeiio-dklmrr (Mörikelieder), Ensemble dissonArt
2018 aeeio-cdllrr (Lorcalieder), Ensemble dissonArt
2018 fTS+_2018, Ensemble Taller Sonoro Sevilla
2018 eeeeii-dhlnr (Heinelieder), Ensemble Taller Sonoro
2018 Einer en Barrios Informales, participative opera,
FNOBA/Centro de Experimentacion del Teatro Colon
2018 SKJU, installation, Forum Wallis
2019 SJU, installation, Forum Wallis
2019 les cloches, for mixed ensemble and electronics, CPMDT
2019 HH-4L, Musikpodium der Stadt Zürich
2019 peregrina, for duo and electronics, Musikpodium der
Stadt Zürich
2019 a-nsw, for mixed ensemble, zafraan ensemble Berlin
2020 eeiiuü-bccghhkknrrtz
(ich bin zurückgekehrt), for
mixed ensemble, Klangforum Wien
2020 fKFW, for mixed ensemble, Klangforum Wien
2020 aeiiiou-cjlmprrrssstv, for mixed ensemble, Madona
Int. Contemporary Music Festival
2020 felP, for mixed ensemble, Ensemble le Pli
2021 ämicha und ämüsa, participative project,
Zermatt Festival & Academy
2022 fER, for mixed ensemble, Ensemble Resonez
2023 4 Kafka-Erzählungen, dissonArt Ensemble
2023 im
störgarten, Etat du Valais, Forum Wallis, Rolf Hermann
2024 neophyten, Etat du Valais, Forum Wallis, Rolf
2024 fI, for ukulele, tape and
improvising musicians ad lib, Etat du Valais,
Forum Wallis
2024 fÖ, for mixed ensemble, Ensemble ö!
2024 Atmosphère, for mixed ensemble, Ensemble ö!
UMS / SJ-LaC-Etf (2010)
for flute, clarinet, trumpet,
violon, viola and violoncello
2. Preis beim Kompositionswettbewerb Culturescapes 2010
UA 15.Oktober 2010, Boswil,
Ensemble Boswil, Tsung Yeh (dir)
JIP / Prix Culturel de l'Etat du
Valais 2013
JIP is awarded the Prix Culturel de l'Etat du Valais 2013,
Esther Waeber-Kalbermatten (Staatsrätin)
Zeughaus Brig-Glis 12/2013, performing with UMS 'n JIP,
Keitaro Takahashi,
Kirchenchor Fiesch-Fieschertal and Oberwalliser
Official Communiqué
Press reviews
UMS / fEdA (2011)
für Flöte, Klarinette, Violine, Violoncello und Klavier
Auftrag des MusicVillage AGIOS LAVRENDIOS und Ensemble
UA 23. 8. 2011, Ensemble dissonArt unter der Leitung von
Beat Furrer
JIP / constellationen II (2013)
for string orchestra and solo accordion
WP Sion/Ernen, 10/2013, Orchestre HEMU, Jan Dobrzelewski
(dir), Grayson Masefield (acc)
UMS / Art.20-FW (2011)
für 2 Sänger, Blockflöte, Violoncello, Klavier und
Percussion, Auftrag des Musikfestival Bern
WP 10. 9. 2011, Bern, Ensemble Vertigo, Mark Foster (dir)
JIP / Ad mortem festinamus (2014)
for male choir a cappella
commissioned by Männerstimmen Basel, Oliver Rudin (dir)
WP Basel 21 APR 2015
APR/MAY 2015 UK tour
London/Cambridge/Oxford/Cornwall Festival
SEP/OCT/DEC 2015, JAN 2016
Switzerland/Germany tour
St. Imier, Appenzell, Andelfingen, Lörrach, Basel, Laufen
pics by courtesy of Männerstimmen Basel
UMS / fL’a&NVs (2011)
for Tenor, Bariton, violin, violoncello, piano and
percussion, commissioned by Ensemble l’Arsenale
WP 11. 11. 2011, Treviso, Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart and
Ensemble l'Arsenale, P. Perroco (dir)
JIP / enigma (2010)
for string orchestra and solo violin
WP Lausanne/Sion/Brig, 10/2010, Orchestre HEMU,
Jean-François Monot (dir)
UMS / fDMR-T (2014)
for mixed ensemble
performed by Ensemble Spazio Musica Cagliari,
rehearsals attended by André Richard, Schloss Leuk 5/2015
JIP / gebet XXI (2003)
for female choir
performed by Jugendchor Zürich, Michael Gohl (dir)
Schweizer Gesangsfest, Meiringen, 20. JUN 2015
with E. Widmer-Schlumpf, Federal Councillor
pics by courtesy of Schweizer Gesangsfest
JIP / gebet XXI (2003)
for female choir
CD release with Swiss label Zytglogge, Singfrauen
Winterthur, Franziska Welti (dir)
UMS / F/V-TzzG (2014)
for mixed ensemble, awarded at 'Trabant' Composition Contest
2014 Basel
CD released at United Phoenix Records 2015
Ensemble Phoenix, Jürg Henneberger (dir)
JIP / Gebet XXI (2003) for
female choir, CD release with Swiss label Zytglogge,
Singfrauen Winterthur, Franziska Welti (dir)
JIP / baxacpekte (2012) for vocal ensemble
and live tape, commissioned by Basler Vokalsolisten,
Sebastian Goll (dir)
JIP / S'sch mr alles 1 Ding (ver-rückte Volkslieder)
(2002/3) for mixed choir, Kammerchor Winterthur,
Europäisches Jugenchorfestival Basel 2012, recorded for
Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur
JIP / Quest' anima gentil (2009) for mixed
choir, Kammerchor Winterthur, Europäisches Jugenchorfestival
Basel 2012, recorded for Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur
JIP / Vergine Madre (2007) for mixed
choir, Kammerchor Winterthur, Europäisches Jugenchorfestival
Basel 2012, recorded for Swiss Radio SF2 Kultur
JIP / Schweizer
Volksliederarrangements (2002/3) for
mixed choir
Europäisches Jugenchorfestival Basel 2014,
Stadtcasino Basel
UMS / JIP / collaborative miniature
project Dimitria Festival Thessaloniki (2013)
for mixed ensemble, commissioned by dissonArt ensemble
dissonArt ensemble Thessaloniki
JIP / constellationen (2012)
for string orchestra, solo voice, solo alphorn and
percussion, commissioned by PTO
WP Tonhalle Zürich, 9/2012, Paul Taylor Orchestra, Paul
Wegman Taylor (dir), Eilana Burki (alphorn)
JIP / baxacpekte (2012)
for mixed choir and live tape, commissioned by Basler
commission supported by UBS Kulturstiftung
WP 5/2012 Aarau/Zürich/Basel, Basler Vokalsolisten,
Sebastian Goll (dir)
JIP / sonette (2012)
for mixed choir and clarinet solo (opt), commissioned by
Basler Madrigalisten
WP Basel Stadtcasino, 2/2013, Basler Madrigalisten, Raphael
Immoos (dir)
UMS / F/V-TzzG (2014)
for mixed ensemble, awarded at 'Trabant' Composition Contest
2014 Basel
WP 31.3.2014, Basel Musikakademie, Grosser Saal
Ensemble Phoenix, Jürg Henneberger (dir)
JIP / String Quartet III (2008)
Amar Quartet, Visp, 01/2009
JIP / cdnnns-aioo (2011)
canon in dos for string orchestra and violin solo
WP Sion/Ernen, 10/2011, Orchestre HEMU, Titus Engel (dir)
JIP / Pater Noster (2007)
for 12-part mixed choir, commissioned by Basler
WP 10/2007 Basel/Brugg, Basler Vokalsolisten, Sebastian Goll
UMS / IvS-E-12,7,22 (2011)
for flute, Marimba and piano, commissioned by forum
: : wallis
WP 4. 2. 2012, Visp, Ensemble Phoenix Basel
JIP / 3xpg (2011)
for 3 performers and live mixed tape, commissioned
by forum : : wallis
WP 4. 2. 2012, Visp, Ensemble Phoenix Basel
UMS / fK-SZ (2011)
for clarinet, horn, bassoon, marimba, violin, viola,
violoncello and contrabass, Auftrag der Kammersolisten Zug
WP 1. 4. 2012, Stadtcasino Zug, Kammersolisten Zug
JIP / Quest' anima gentil (2009)
for mixed choir, commissioned by ZHdK
WP 6/2009 Zürich/Israel, Vocalensemble ZHdK, Markus Utz
UMS / fCuV (2014)
for violoncello and vibraphone
commissioned by UmeDuo
WP 11/2014 Sound of Stockholm Festival (Sweden)
by UmeDuo (Karolina and Erika Öhman)
JIP / Der römische Brunnen (2015)
for mixed choir a cappella
commissioned by Molto Cantabile, Andreas Felber (dir)
WP 7/2015 Luzern, East Europe tour (Praha/Ostrava CZ,
Cieszyn PL, Budapest HU)
UMS / fFuS (2013)
commissioned by Ensemble Inverspace
World Premiere: 13/DEC/2013, Moscow, Composer's Union
Concert Hall
JIP / constellationen II (2013)
for string orchestra and solo clarinet
Oh! Festival, Leuk, 1/2015, Orchestre HEMU, Jan Dobrzelewski
(dir), Atanas Marinov (cl)
Accion Cultural Espanola AC/E - The
Spain Project (2014)
UMS 'n JIP's Spain Project supported by AC/E
JIP / YWC (2012)
for string orchestra and tape
WP Sion/Brig, 10/2012, Orchestre HEMU, Philip Bride (dir)
multiplicidad (2014)
Förderpreis Komposition Ernst von Siemens
Musikstiftung München
CD release with Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Recherche
CrossingLines Ensemble and UMS 'n JIP
col legno/Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, 5 & 10/2014
UMS 'n JIP / CD - Luis Codera Puzo,
multiplicidad (2014)
Förderpreis Komposition Ernst von Siemens
Musikstiftung München
CD release with Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Recherche
CrossingLines Ensemble and UMS 'n JIP
col legno/Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung
Kompositionsauftrag UMS / UmeDuo
Kompositionsauftrag Männerstimmen Basel / JIP
JIP in der Jury des ISCM World Music Days Young Composers
Award 2014
JIP / ISCM Switzerland (2013)
JIP elected ISCM Switzerland's president 12/2013
JIP / ISCM Wold Music Days (2014)
JIP elected jury member of
ISCM World Music Days 2014 Young Composers Award

JIP / Global Music Award & Best
Contemporary Classic (2022/23)
UMS / 2 Special Prizes at the 3rd Int. Ise-Shima
Composition Competition (2023)

6th GMCL / Jorge Peixinho Composition
Competition, Portugal
Honorable Mention for fCJP-23 by UMS (2023)

JIP appointed to nominate candidates for
the Kyoto Music Prize (2021)
JIP / kreise (2003)
for voice, commissioned by rolf schroeter
haus konstruktiv zürich, kontakt, solo exhibition by rolf
schroeter including kreise's score, 2012