Integrations is a long
term artistic research project by UMS'nJIP in collaboration
with international partner ensembles, musicians, groups and
composers who have been associated with the duo for several
years and work closely with them. Integrations
provides an opportunity to present, integrate and deploy the
results of many years musical practice and research in a new
and larger instrumental, esthetic and cultural connexion.
From the standpoint of UMS'nJIP, Integrations offers
an alternative way of thinking of the contemporary music
ensemble, as their characteristic musical and compositional
approach is integrated into the contemporary ensemble's
format. In this respect, it also operates in parallel with
UMS' research project Recorder
Map / Recorderology,
which charts the playing techniques of recorders in a
practical form for composers and music interpreters.
In close collaboration with composers Integrations leads progressively to new pieces that extend the range of the UMS'nJIP repertoire (recorder, voice and electronics) through new instrumental combinations. In its first stage it has produced works for a trio (with violin), and from 2015 for the duo supplemented by the Pierrot Quintet (flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano) - that is with 5 basic instruments - two string instruments, two wind instruments and a keyboard. Future projects include extensions with brass instruments and percussion, traditional instruments and open formations.
The international partner ensembles that work with UMS'nJIP are among the most accomplished groups in contemporary new music and are distinguished by their varied cultural and esthetic backgrounds as well as their experience in interpretation, compositional and musical traditions. Thus, in addition to the sound and formal issues tackled, a central theme of the project is intercultural dialog.
The works that result from the involvement of
the various ensembles lead not only to a larger number of
performances. The pieces also receive differing
interpretations thanks to the diverse cultural contexts in
which they are presented. As a result they offer material for
discussion and reflection throughout the network over several
years for all involved.
Musicians and ensembles
that have participated in Integrations
Klangforum Wien (vln,
vc, fl, cl)
vc, fl, cl, pno, perc)
Moscow Contemporary Music
Ensemble MCME (vln, vc, fl, cl, pno)
dissonArt ensemble
Thessaloniki (vln, vc, db, fl, cl, pno)
Taller Sonoro Sevilla
(vln, vc, fl, cl, pno, perc)
Zafraan Ensemble
Berlin (vln, vc, fl, cl, pno, perc)
ö! (vln, vla, vc, db, fl, cl, bcl, trb, perc)
UMS `n JIP (voc, rec, el)
Chaoming Tung
(erhu, zheng)
Takao Hyakutome (vln)
Manuel Mengis (trp, el)
Pfammatter (key, el)
Julian Sartorius
Papaux (perc)
Tabuenca (perc)
Wolfgang Mitterer (org, key, el)
Yannick Barman
(trp, el)
Egidius Streiff (vln)
Max E.
Keller (pno)
Henneberger (pno, key, toys)
Sergeis Jegers (voc)
Lampasiak (vln)
Julia Reidy (guit, el
Fabián Panisello
Jose Luis Castillo
Miguel Perez Iñesta