11.1.2025, 3pm
Zürich, Filmpodium Zürich
Zürcher Stummfilmfestival 2025
Jumping Beans by Max Fleisher
with the MKZ Adventurous Sounds Ensemble

Leuk, Schloss Leuk
Forum Wallis
Adventurous Sounds
New Music for and with Kids
in collaboration with MKZ Zürich, CPMDT Genčve, Schulen Goms
works by Dorwarth, Broekman, Genzmer, CPMDT composition
students (compostion class Arturo Corrales, WP) and UMS'nJIP (WP)
with UMS'nJIP & dissonArt


2.3.2024, 5pm
Schloss Leuk
Forum Wallis
Form & Farben
educational project in collaboration with
Musikschulen Chur und Basel, MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich,
Schulen Goms and Ensemble ö!
works by UMS'nJIP (WP), Svetlichny, Moser, Imai

15.3.2024, 7.30pm
Chur, Theater Chur
Form & Farben
educational project in collaboration with
Musikschulen Chur und Basel, MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich,
Schulen Goms and Ensemble ö!
works by UMS (2WP) and Albaladejo Díaz (WP)

16.3.2024, 7.30pm
Zürich, City Kirche Offener Jakob
Form & Farben
educational project in collaboration with
Musikschulen Chur und Basel, MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich,
Schulen Goms and Ensemble ö!
works by UMS (2WP) and Albaladejo Díaz (WP)

17.3.2024, 5pm
Basel, Ackermannshof
Form & Farben
educational project in collaboration with
Musikschulen Chur und Basel, MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich,
Schulen Goms and Ensemble ö!
works by UMS (2WP) and Albaladejo Díaz (WP)

Genčve, CPMDT
Adventurous Sounds
New Music for/with Kids
in collaboration with MKZ Zürich & CPMDT Genčve
10am-4pm workshop for performers
4pm, workshop for composers, presenting
works by Kawashima, Codera Puzo, Hofer, Porten, UMS

Genčve, CPMDT
Adventurous Sounds
New Music for/with Kids
in collaboration with MKZ Zürich & CPMDT Genčve
10am-4pm workshop for performers

24.11.2024, 11am
Genčve, CPMDT Concert Hall
Adventurous Sounds
New Music for/with Kids
in collaboration with MKZ Zürich & CPMDT Genčve
works by Pärt, Dorwarth, Playford, Genzmer,
Giener, Leenhouts, Bousted, Moser, Bäss,
CPMDT composition students (WP)
and UMS'nJIP (WP)

1.12.2024, 11am
Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm
Adventurous Sounds
New Music for/with Kids
in collaboration with MKZ Zürich & CPMDT Genčve
works by Pärt, Dorwarth, Bäss, Broekman,
CPMDT composition students (WP)
and UMS'nJIP (WP)


Schloss Leuk
Forum Wallis
Adventurous Sounds
educational project in collaboration with
MKZ Musikkonservatorium Zürich and dissonArt ensemble

MEbU Münster
workshop for schools

MEbU Münster
Ars Acusmatica
workshop for schools


MKZ Konservatorium Zürich
Adventurous Sounds
works by Cage, Kawashima and UMS ´n JIP


Muziekcentrum Track, Kortrijk, Belgium
Musica Impulse Centre for Music
UMS ´n JIP, Jasper & Jasper, Duobaan
works by UMS, Kawashima & collective creations, 3 performances

Landcommanderij Alden Biesen, Bilzen, Belgium
Musica Impulse Centre for Music
UMS ´n JIP, Jasper & Jasper, Duobaan
works by UMS, Kawashima & collective creations, totally 15 performances


2.3.2020, 3x, 9am
2.3.2020, 3x, 11am
2.3.2020, 3x, 1.30pm
3.3.2020, 3x, 9am
3.3.2020, 3x, 11am
3.3.2020, 3x, 1.30pm
4.3.2020, 3x, 9am
4.3.2020, 3x, 11am
4.3.2020, 3x, 1.30pm
5.3.2020, 3x, 9am
5.3.2020, 3x, 11am
5.3.2020, 3x, 1.30pm

Concertgebouw Brugge, Belgium
Musica Impulse Centre for Music
UMS ´n JIP, Jasper & Jasper, Duobaan
works by UMS, Kawashima & collective creations


Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Theatre CPMDT, Geneve
UMS `n JIP & SAC `n CAC, kokoa ny feo (résonances),
workshop, together with Sarah van Cornewal and Arturo Corrales


Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Theatre CPMDT, Geneve
UMS `n JIP & SAC `n CAC, kokoa ny feo (résonances),
workshop, together with Sarah van Cornewall and Arturo Corrales


17.5.2019, 7pm
Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Theatre CPMDT, Geneve
UMS `n JIP & SAC `n CAC, kokoa ny feo (résonances), Part 1
world premieres by Raphael Belfiore, Sara Flores Montes,
Varoujan Cheterian, Catherine Dreher and UMS 'n JIP

18.5.2019, 4pm
Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Theatre CPMDT, Geneve
, kokoa ny feo (résonances), Part 2
works by Uzunselvi, Ońa, Kawashima, de Lautour, Malondra
world premieres by Cyril Girard, Thomas Lavanchy,
Adrien Karlen, Mélodie Charrier, Takuma Miyai


19.5.2019, 5pm
Temple St. Jacques Lausanne, Flauto Dolce
UMS `n JIP & SAC `n CAC, kokoa ny feo (résonances), Part 3
world premieres by Raphael Belfiore, Sara Flores Montes,
Varoujan Cheterian, Catherine Dreher, UMS `'n JIP
works by Kawashima, Ońa, Uzunselvi


15.2.2018 - 8.15am, Rondo Fiesch
15.2.2018 - 10am, Rondo Fiesch
15.2.2018 - 1.15pm, Rondo Fiesch
15.2.2018 - 2.30pm, Rondo Fiesch
Kulturfunken Wallis
Primarschulen Untergoms (5H, 6H, 7H, 8H)
Neue Musik entdecken mit UMS 'n JIP
eine Einführung in die Neue Musik für Kinder
works by Kawashima, Porten, Aperghis, Lee, UMS 'n JIP

15.2.2018 - 7pm, Rondo Fiesch
Kulturfunken Wallis
Neue Musik entdecken mit UMS 'n JIP
Kurzkonzert für Familien
works by Kawashima, Porten, Aperghis, Lee, UMS 'n JIP

20.-24.4. - Villa 20, Buenos Aires
EINER EN BARRIOS INFORMALES (contemporary opera as a participative and sustainable experience)
workshops with kids
20.4. 10-13h, Escuela Hermanos Latinoamericanos
21.4. 10-13h, IVC office Villa Lugano
23.4. 14-17h, Ramon Carrillo
23.4. 18-21h, Jovenes X el Cambio
24.4. 14-17h, Ramon Carrillo
24.4. 18-21h, Jovenes X el Cambio
Einer en Barrios Informales is commissioned by Festival Nueva Opera de Buenos Aires FNOBA
in collaboration with Centro de Experimentacion del Teatro Colon Buenos Aires CETC
Instituto de la Vivienda de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Arte en Barrios (Ministerio de la Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires)
with children of Villa 20, UMS 'n JIP, Teresa Floriach, Javier Walpen (libretto) and Pablo Maritano (stage director)

17.5. - Leuk, Burgerspittel
18.5. - Leuk, Burgerspittel
SKJU for Kids

Festival Nueva Opera de Buenos Aires FNOBA 2018
Centro Cultural Teatro 25 de Mayo Buenos Aires
8.8.2018, 7pm, world premiere LA NOCHE DE LA BESTIA
contemporary opera as a participative and sustainable experience
commissioned by FNOBA in collaboration with Centro de Experimentacion del Teatro Colon Buenos Aires CETC,
Instituto de la Vivienda de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires IVC, Corporacion Buenos Aires Sur,
Arte en Barrios (Ministerio de la Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires), Jovenes X el Cambio

LEA, tatuadora: Natalia Mega, JULIÁN, bailarín: Luis Rivero, DIEGO, bailarín: Ariel Morales, ALEX, representante: Iván Silvero, SOFÍA, cantante: Selena Jaime, HYUNA, cantante: Naiara Rodríguez, BRISA, cantante: Norma Dávalos, JACK, espía: Juan Gabriel Flores, CISCO, abogado: Sergio Tejerina, MISHKO, asesino: Farid Estigarribia, DANSÉS, asesino: Matías Sánchez, DEMENTE: Catriel Rorca - Lloronas: Micaela Nuńez, Maite Juárez, Uma Juárez - Muńecas Annabelle: Natalia Alegre, Morena Aguilar, Luana Ibańez, Nicole Ibańez, Ingrid Ibańez - Payasos It: Lautaro Aguille, Lucas González, Javier Hagen (UMS 'N JIP) - Estudiantes: Tobías Sánchez, Antonella Alegre, Santino Barbosa, Miguel Lescano, Mateo Aguirre, Evelin Neris - Flautas: Ulrike Mayer-Spohn (UMS 'N JIP), Elisabeth Santa Cruz, Ariana Magalí Montańo, Antonella Melani Montańo, Luna Candela Mareco, Gabriela Luciana Choque, Vanesa Huallata, Francisco Hernán Choquetilla Zurita, Rodrigo Gonzalo Mendoza Peńafiel, Mauricio José Veizaga, Celeste Quispe Llave, Ayelén Nicole Camacho Vargas, Noemí Jaldin Vicente, Álvaro Franz Catacora Quispe, Sara Antonella Vargas, Sara Jaldin Vicente, Erica Aquino - Dirección y puesta en escena: Pablo Maritano - Entrenamiento y dirección actoral: Teresa Floriach - Dramaturgia: Javier Walpen - Direccion musical y composición: Ulrike Mayer-Spohn y Javier Hagen (UMS N JIP)- Preparador musical: Elpidio Ceballos - Proyecciones: Agustín Colli, Giselle Denise Hauscarriaga - Diseńo de vestuario y maquillaje: Endi Ruiz - Taller de vestuario: Luciana Gutman - Entrenamiento vocal: Montserrat Madariaga - Productora ejecutiva por parte de IVC: Mixtli Cano Moreno - Coproducción con IVC, Corporación Buenos Aires Sur y artistas involucrados

Festival Nueva Opera de Buenos Aires FNOBA 2018 / Fundacion Williams
Escuela de Invierno (seminario sobre creación en nueva ópera)
Prof.es: Bernard Cavanna (F), Oscar Strasnoy (Arg/D), Antoine Gyndt (F), Sebastián Rivas (Arg/F), Pablo Maritano (Arg), Javier Hagen (CH), Victor Torres (Arg), Sebastián Zubieta (Arg/EEUU)
Comité Académico de la Escuela: Miguel Galperín, Javier Hagen, Pablo Ortiz, Sebastián Zubieta.
10 AUG 2018, 4pm, Fundacion Williams Buenos Aires, Lecture - Vocal Techniques in Contemporary Music and Opera (Part I), featuring works by Georges Aperghis and Luis Codera Puzo
10 AUG, 13 AUG, 14 AUG 2018, 2-4pm, Fundacion Williams Buenos Aires, Entrevistas/Interviews with the Becarios of the Escuela de Invierno del Festival Nueva Opera de Buenos Aires FNOBA 2018 (FNOBA Contemporary Opera Academy)
13 AUG 2018, 4pm, Fundacion Williams Buenos Aires, Lecture - Vocal Techniques in Contemporary Music and Opera (Part II), featuring works by Motoharu Kawashima and Vladimir Gorlinsky

20.9., 6pm
Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Theatre CPMDT, Geneve
presentation concert featuring works by Porten, Codera Puzo, Gysin, Dougherty


18.10.-8.11. Buenos Aires EINER EN BARRIOS INFORMALES by UMS 'n JIP and Pablo Maritano (stage director) and Teresa Floriach in collaboration with Centro de Experimentacion del Teatro Colon de Buenos Aires CETC Instituto de la Vivienda de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires IVC Arte en Barrios Buenos Aires Departamento de Cultura del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
19.10. reconnoitring Rodrigo Bueno and Villa 20 (Lugano) with Arte en Barrios BsAs http://umsnjip.ch/program-einer-en-las-villas.htm
http://teatrocolon.org.ar http://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/institutodevivienda
20.-28.10. preparation rehearsals in Montevideo
30.10. reconnoitring Villa 20 (Lugano)
31.10. 16h-20h30, Villa 20, intervention (Halloween)
1.11. 18h30-20, Villa 20, workshop (La Noche de las Bestias)
2.11. 13-16h, Colegio Hermanos Latinoamericanos, workshop
2.11. 18h30-20, Villa 20, workshop (La Noche de las Bestias)
3.11. 18h30-20, Villa 20, intervention (La Noche de las Bestias)
6.11. 13-16h, Colegio Hermanos Latinoamericanos, workshop
6.11. 18h, evaluation meeting with IVC, CETC, Arte en Barrios
7.11. reconnoitring Biblioteca Nacional for Intra Cetvm & EINER EN BARRIOS INFORMALES


21.-25.5. Leuk, Schloss Leuk Festival Forum Wallis
19. & 20.5. FIVE 4 Kids


8.10. 14h00 Brig, Zeughaus, FIVE RELOADED (Open Form), interactive electropop chamber opera based on Grimm's fairy tales, children's version (world premiere), http://five.umsnjip.ch/, http://www.zeughauskultur.ch/