UMS'nJIP is signatory of The Jena Declaration (TJD). TJD includes many UNESCO Chairs, relevant international organizations and academies of sciences, arts organizations and networks, business companies, civil societies movements as well as individuals and follows the following principles: Mean­ing­ful, sus­tain­able change can only be achieved if every per­son on the plan­et changes their every­day routines, prac­tices, and mind­set. This must be true in busi­ness, gov­ernment, school, and at home. Indi­vid­u­al­ly and col­lective­ly, we must decide to live our lives in a deeply sus­tain­able way. Solu­tions must grow strong from the bot­tom up – creat­ed and act­ed upon by indi­vid­u­als and com­mu­ni­ties. The col­lec­tive pow­er of many local solu­tions brings a pos­i­tive glob­al change. To change ways of life for sus­tain­able futures requires cre­ative solu­tions. It calls for inno­va­tion from the arts, the human­i­ties and the minds of civ­il society. The future requires learn­ing from one anoth­er. We all require infor­ma­tion and train­ing in order to learn, and to define their own indi­vid­ual roles in design­ing the future. Young peo­ple must get a strong voice — adults can­not envi­sion a dif­fer­ent future near­ly as skill­ful­ly as chil­dren and teenagers. TJD is an invi­ta­tion to make sus­tain­able change hap­pen at your own doorstep, to mobi­lize peo­ple around the plan­et and to enable fruit­ful out­comes of their engagement! More about TJD